About This File
MiG-19S/F-6 "Farmer-D" Iraqi Air Force skin and decal set; for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and probably SF2
This is a new skin for the stock 3rd Wire Mig-19S. I assume it's "representative" of Farmer-D as used during the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. Filling a request for one of the CombatAce members.
This skin was created using my home-grown 1024x1024 templates, where were based off the original 3W skin maps, resized and with redrawn panel and rivet lines. The camo pattern depicted here is also loosly based off the Syrian AF as seen in WoI. The colors are as close a match as I could make, given the lack of visual information available on the web. Basically, it's a "sand and spinich" as seen in a profile on ACIG.
A VERY simple, easy to follow readme is enclosed with REEEEAALLLLYYY easy instructions.
Kevin Stein