About This File
Thanks to Bigstone for drawing my attention to a bug which affected units based on USS Yorktown. I had mistakenly included an experimental build of the campaign_data.ini file.
This hotfix includes the updated Midway_data.ini file which corrects this bug, together with an updated readme which provides download links for the required files.
Just unzip the .rar and drop the new Midway_data.ini file into your Campaigns/Midway folder, over-writing the old one. This will likely break any campaigns you have started, so be warned.
Thanks for the feedback, and my apologies for any worry/sleepless nights/hair-pulling this bug has caused.
I have edited the main campaign download pack to include the version 1.1 campaign files. So you only need this update if you have downloaded the original v 1.0 of the campaign pack.