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MiG-17PFU Fresco-E Upgrade Ver. 2.5ish

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MiG-17PFU Fresco-E upgrade Ver.2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2/SF2-V


Version 2.5ish Upgrade 4/20/09


This is a simple upgrade that will bring this aircraft to the latest patch standards (08 Level)

This is ALL the other mods complied into a complete package, all inclusive, and is designed to TOTALLY replace any earlier upgrades..


The changes implimented herein are mostly in the switching of the Izumrud nose bubble to a 'pilot seat', ala FastCargo's trick. This will allow it to show on aircraft parked on the line. Included is Mago/Paladrain's cockpit from the PFM. While not a perfect match, it's the 'bestest closest fit', and works REALLY nicely!!


The avionics ini has been updated to include an audio-only RWR; not sure of what type, probably some kind of a Serina, but it does work. The cockpit ini has also been modified to use the original style radar and radar display that Pasko created. No other changes have been made to it. So the instructions given in the original 'readme' still apply for target aquisition, tracking and firing. The is the 'Interception Procedures.txt' included in the main folder.


You'll also find an updated data ini to 08 standards The data ini also has had the gun aim angles adjusted to fire almost perfectly through the center of the sight. Given the lack of ammo in Red Air, this ought to be a big help. You'll also find working landing lights for those pesky night intercepts....you never know when the Political Officer will wander across the runway, drunk as a skunk. This'll allow you to see him and swerve to miss (or not)


It is designed for use with any/all weapons paks, or none. I've incuded the Alkali A & B missiles from the 06 Bunyap Pak; still in their RS-2US and RS-2U naming conventions, in the 'seperate folder' format now usable in all post patch games. For those with SF2 and SF2:V, the weapons data ini for each missile is included in each of the folders. As I don't have these games, you all'll have to figure out the numbering on your own. But, with TKs release of the SF2 weapons editor, this should pose no major problem


As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions.


Good Hunting!


kevin stein

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