About This File
F4D-1 Skyray V1.0 for SF2
Model/Cockpit/Textures/Weapons: Julhelm
Flight Model: Column5
Hangar Painting: Julhelm
SF2 updates by NeverEnough
* Virtual cockpit
* Extensive exterior detail
* Accurate markings for VF-102 and VF(AW)-3
* Fueltanks with unit-specific markings
* Custom FFAR Rocketpods with radar targeting and which can be used by the AI when attacking aircraft!
Installation notes:
Simply extract the contents of the F4D-1 folder into your ModsStrikeFighters2 folder, and then add the info contained in the GunData text file to the GunData.ini file and run the StrikeFighter2 GunsEditor to compile the file.