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Dimari Skin Stuff Question

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:ph34r: Hey Gruppe, I downloaded some really handsome skins for f-84s and f-86s. They have a splendid desert camo skin and Dimari fin flash. I would like to put that "country's" roundels on the plane or establish it as a national marking. I know there is a national marking group download out there / here but I don't need the other dozens of other ones that can mess with my world. CL

Edited by charlielima

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Try editing the country name in the aircraft Data Ini. Example:





This works OK for me. Those are nice looking skins. :yes:

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Great skins.

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Oops! Wrong lingo. I "downloaded" them FROM another site. Not TO here, our favorite fast mover site. The author of those handsome skins is Matt Oullette. I don't remember what the site I got them from. I was chasing links to links and I think they where labeled as a desert pak. My sincere apologys to Matt and this Gruppe for my hieneous foul. V/R,CL

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I almost forgot I did these,lol.I'm glad somone is enjoying them.As soon as I get my PC troubles fixed I would like to update these and maybe add more detail and weathering to them.These were some of the first skins I did.

Edited by whiteknight06604

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I hope "some of the first skins" I do come out half, ah, 3/4 this good. when you redo the Sled, camo droptanks to match is on my wish list.:ph34r: V/R, CL



Edited by charlielima

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They been up there forver!!

Glad someone found them again.



Kevin Stein

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Do you have a hanger screen for the Sled? Prop or helicopter pilot skin? Thanks! :ph34r: CL

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Do I have a hangar screen for Sled???

Of course!!!


You can find it, and a loading screen on this page:

Post WW2: Korean War & 1950s Era


Unfortunately, I don't have any "unmasked" pilot figures. But there's a boat load of others to choose from, some by me and many by pappychksix (Pete), and a few others thrown in just to confuse things



kevin stein

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