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Guest zerocinco

Campaign, missions or shut up

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Guest zerocinco

I need some input before I waste a LOT of time.


I have enough missions in various stages of completion to

make a campaign in WOV. They are real battles. The skill

of the player in flying, fighting and thinking how to survive

must be higher. The outcome depends on you. They are

more fun to observe during the battle (with Control-f12)...for me anyway.


I don't want to tell War Stories. I want to share some visual fun...

that puts the player in a real situation. But since they take so much time,

I would like to know if anyone plays these things or they are like

self-published books.


New targets. Problem solving. It all takes a lot of time as you know and

I'm only using creative people's creations to recreate.

(...an hour to line the Thai Nguyen railway station up

with the Thai Nguyen bridge!...to be posted soonish.)


War Story Missions would include:

1-Bat Lake: Break the Bombing Halt. Attack a petrol depo

in RP1. New target. Real mission. Really smokes!

2-Tet Offensive at Hue: Blow the hell out of the city to save

it...like Team America.

3-Scramble: Weather is bad. Ceiling is low. NVA thinks their

tanks are safe. Catch them in the open at Phu Bai.

4-Khe Sahn: Get the guns before they get the Marines. Making

artillery for it.

5-Hamburger Hill: So far, just a slaughter on a mountain but...

6-Ia Drang: First battle of war. AI buffs, huns and helos but

neat to watch from the cockpit of your Spad. Got to upgrade it.

7-Ban Laboy: Interdiction mission against trucks on Ho Chi

Minh Trail at dusk. Tanker intercept.

8-Ban Phanop: Same as above but worse AAA. Tanker intercept.

9-Tchepone: For a change, attack gun positions with daisy cutters.

10-Stung Treng: Attack an airport, town, and sampans in Cambodia.

11-Ranchhand Escort: Try to stop the VC from shooting down the

Agent Orange planes.

12-A Shau Valley: Be Bernie Fisher. Shoot a touch-and-go at a

runway under fire to rescue a fellow Spad pilot.

13-Recon Escort: Follow a recce bird (F4E without the funny face).

Kill any guns or SAM's that have the temerity to shoot at him.

14-Napalm: Grunts being shot at. Thatched roofs. Guys in pajamas..you know.

15-Wingman missions (like Pancho's) Fly wing on the way

Downtown. 500 knots @ 500 feet pulling 5G's. Staying in jamming

formation under fire. THEN hitting the target and get home.

A lot more challenging than locking onto a Suhkoi in a

Tomcat or high altitude Baghdad Smart Bombing...real or sim. Only WOV.

16-FAC: Mark targets with WP rockets then watch fighters drop snake and nape on it. Then land, taxi up to the dead guys and say Chu Hoi.

17-Shoot down of Jolly 71: Turnabout is fair play.

18-Pardo's Push: Can't figure out how to do that one.

19-Search & Rescue in Mu Gia Pass: Haven't figured this one

either but it would be the best. Need an HH-3...and someone

with the balls to fly it.

20-Goodbye Saigon. Fly a VNAF L-19 from Saigon to aircraft carrier.

Move to Orange County. Open a pizzeria. Send your kids to Stanford.


not historical but hysterical:


-Charlie Don't Surf: Hueys and OV6's destroy a quiet village

by the sea while you bring in your flight of silver F-5's to

drop napalm on the treeline. "Bring my Yater Spoon and find something for Lance!"

-Yu Mek Mi So Hony: Land your Thud in Bangkok. Lock brakes.

Open canopy. Alt-Tab. Go to porn site. Back to WOV. Fly to Korat. Think up story to

tell Ops Officer. Play this one at work!


not included but historical:


Runaway Gunship: AC119 gunship flies off without a crew towards

China full of secret gear. You have to find it and shoot it down and have the

gas to get home.

Chu Lai Airshow: Marines launch an F4B to kill sniper beside their

runway. Every shot is a short round.


Everyone wants to chase a MiG but when there are a thousand

of you up there and only two or three MiG's, it's kind of

like Lotto. Zen is learning to love the mud.


Worth the trouble? Make a Campaign? Just submit missions? Go away and play by myself?

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I need some input before I waste a LOT of time.


I have enough missions in various stages of completion to

make a campaign in WOV. They are real battles. The skill

of the player in flying, fighting and thinking how to survive

must be higher. The outcome depends on you. They are

more fun to observe during the battle (with Control-f12)...for me anyway.


I don't want to tell War Stories. I want to share some visual fun...

that puts the player in a real situation. But since they take so much time,

I would like to know if anyone plays these things or they are like

self-published books.


New targets. Problem solving. It all takes a lot of time as you know and

I'm only using creative people's creations to recreate.

(...an hour to line the Thai Nguyen railway station up

with the Thai Nguyen bridge!...to be posted soonish.)


War Story Missions would include:

1-Bat Lake: Break the Bombing Halt. Attack a petrol depo

in RP1. New target. Real mission. Really smokes!

2-Tet Offensive at Hue: Blow the hell out of the city to save

it...like Team America.

3-Scramble: Weather is bad. Ceiling is low. NVA thinks their

tanks are safe. Catch them in the open at Phu Bai.

4-Khe Sahn: Get the guns before they get the Marines. Making

artillery for it.

5-Hamburger Hill: So far, just a slaughter on a mountain but...

6-Ia Drang: First battle of war. AI buffs, huns and helos but

neat to watch from the cockpit of your Spad. Got to upgrade it.

7-Ban Laboy: Interdiction mission against trucks on Ho Chi

Minh Trail at dusk. Tanker intercept.

8-Ban Phanop: Same as above but worse AAA. Tanker intercept.

9-Tchepone: For a change, attack gun positions with daisy cutters.

10-Stung Treng: Attack an airport, town, and sampans in Cambodia.

11-Ranchhand Escort: Try to stop the VC from shooting down the

Agent Orange planes.

12-A Shau Valley: Be Bernie Fisher. Shoot a touch-and-go at a

runway under fire to rescue a fellow Spad pilot.

13-Recon Escort: Follow a recce bird (F4E without the funny face).

Kill any guns or SAM's that have the temerity to shoot at him.

14-Napalm: Grunts being shot at. Thatched roofs. Guys in pajamas..you know.

15-Wingman missions (like Pancho's) Fly wing on the way

Downtown. 500 knots @ 500 feet pulling 5G's. Staying in jamming

formation under fire. THEN hitting the target and get home.

A lot more challenging than locking onto a Suhkoi in a

Tomcat or high altitude Baghdad Smart Bombing...real or sim. Only WOV.

16-FAC: Mark targets with WP rockets then watch fighters drop snake and nape on it. Then land, taxi up to the dead guys and say Chu Hoi.

17-Shoot down of Jolly 71: Turnabout is fair play.

18-Pardo's Push: Can't figure out how to do that one.

19-Search & Rescue in Mu Gia Pass: Haven't figured this one

either but it would be the best. Need an HH-3...and someone

with the balls to fly it.

20-Goodbye Saigon. Fly a VNAF L-19 from Saigon to aircraft carrier.

Move to Orange County. Open a pizzeria. Send your kids to Stanford.


not historical but hysterical:


-Charlie Don't Surf: Hueys and OV6's destroy a quiet village

by the sea while you bring in your flight of silver F-5's to

drop napalm on the treeline. "Bring my Yater Spoon and find something for Lance!"

-Yu Mek Mi So Hony: Land your Thud in Bangkok. Lock brakes.

Open canopy. Alt-Tab. Go to porn site. Back to WOV. Fly to Korat. Think up story to

tell Ops Officer. Play this one at work!


not included but historical:


Runaway Gunship: AC119 gunship flies off without a crew towards

China full of secret gear. You have to find it and shoot it down and have the

gas to get home.

Chu Lai Airshow: Marines launch an F4B to kill sniper beside their

runway. Every shot is a short round.


Everyone wants to chase a MiG but when there are a thousand

of you up there and only two or three MiG's, it's kind of

like Lotto. Zen is learning to love the mud.


Worth the trouble? Make a Campaign? Just submit missions? Go away and play by myself?


You probably know what i'm going to say, but here goes:

Missions/Camp are add-ons just like everything else. The easier it is to add, the better. That being said,

WOV/SFP1 provides alot (maybe too much) flexibility. If I have to add 5 objects, and 3 a/c just to fly a mission, I might not download. But, if the mission/camp is SO tempting, then what the hell! Problem is

everyone out there is playing with a different deck......hard to get a game going with 1000 decks!

But!!!! Half the fun is creating the damn things......the other half is someone saying its cool....so do the first half, and hope for the second!!!!!

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Guest Saganuay82

Missions are a problem when you start modifying them with non standard items. If you are going to do it, I would make a lot of missions using the same materials spread over them.


That way the guys if they are going to fly your missions, load up the objects and then they can fly those missions.

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Hats off to you guys thank make these good Sims Brilliant!!!!!!


What you are saying sounds a brilliant Idea,

All of the suggestions are excellant and I myself would love to have more varied accurate missions to fly.


As the previous person stated would it be easy too ad, i struggle adding weapons let alone changing varous ini's etc.

I would like too see the refueling part of the missions with the F-105, f-4 etc where if you dont refuel, there and back you flameout! even if you could Alt-T to the KC-135.


The SAR mission sounds great! in the Jolly, maybe straife some ships, full of Sams in Haiphong harbour ?


Definatly blast trucks on mountain passes.


What ever you talented guys do, it can only get better!

Many thanks

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..to paraphrase another ACE modder, not that I am one......"flavor of the week"...we have twisted, tweaked and beat the hell out of SF's. Like a pack of wolves we cant wait for WOE. Lets see whats left. WOV is the sim

bracketed in time. If one or some of "US" can put some "real life" missions out there, then go to it. I felt thats what WOV was suppose to be.....VIETNAM. Not get bored with it this week cuz I cant nuke Hanoi...and what?? I cant put aim7's on my Spad??......or......and the worst omission no Helos??? But, after realizing that there are very dedicated modders here and I got educated, I knew eventually Huey's would arrive. You CANNOT have WOV without choppers.!!! This is suppose to be enjoyment, but its begining to have an "aire" of being a bit too serious. So, gentleman fliers, lets all regroup, take a whiff of O2, reconnoiter to the OC and slam down some cold ones. Zero......post the missions, and if you dont get your RIO when you get to your ship, gimme a call, I'll fly with ya.

Edited by eightlein

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Guest zerocinco

If I were to standardize the mods and make it into a Campaign, would that make more sense?


Infantry, AAA, objects, new target areas, new target types, mods used only once. Editing the missions themselves are easy in comparison. Pain in the butt to install mods but if a Campaign had Gundata, GroundObjectData, etc in it then would it be more acceptable to players?


Aces of Vietnam by MK2 is a case in point. Wonderful game from a perspective that makes you think. (Oh @#$%! A Navy F4! I wanted to stop a bombing raid, not tangle with one of those old smoky armed-to-the-teeth rhinos.)


At least, I should do the mission I described where you land your Thud on the street in Bangkok.


See Ban Laboy and Ban Phanop in the download. KC135 is an A310. Drogues instead of a boom and you are flying a Phantom. Can't get gas anyway but you have to fly in position and that's the hard part. I put the targets about where they lie geographically. Loads are correct. So are the guns. Don't get lazy.

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Guest zerocinco

I feel the need. The need for feed.

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Ban Phanop....and we wanted A-A refueling??? Not as easy as it sounds kiddies.

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Sh&t Hot! I think most of us bought WOV because missions like these turned our screws. I don't know about aim-7s on a SPAD but give the F3D a shot. It's the slowest thing out downloaded that shoots them here. How about ANG F84Fs in SEA? A very "Zoomy" airplane. needs more hardpoints, TERS, and ESM tho. :ph34r: CL



Edited by charlielima

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where did you get that refueling plane

check library at avsim..if u cant find it, PM me or Zerocinco.

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Hi "zerocinco" you Speak like a Wargamer.


To realize your "11-Ranchhand Escort: Try to stop the VC from shooting down the Agent Orange planes"


scenario you need some "Bookie Bird", you know what i mean.


Are you working on it?


I suggested to realize some pre AWACS EC-121 too.

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Guest Saganuay82

The fueler is a A310 MRTT available at AVSIM.


Yeah, people are always saying how they want A2A fueling. Just try to get in behind that basket and stay there for 3 mins.


Maybe won't hear, " Why would you make a mission for refueling if we can't take on gas?" anymore.

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You can have WOV without helos. WOV is about the Air War in NORTH VIETNAM. You didnt see helos going north to bomb Hanoi or Haiphong. That is the whole point of WOV. The runs up north. You are getting confused thinking it was supposed be about the whole Vietnam War. WRONG.

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Guest zerocinco

I did not know that. Now I do. Nothing pre-purchase mentioned.


The opportunity exist for expansion well beyond current limits with existing tools. I think an Air War covering all of SEAsia was an option that was abandoned. Evidence? South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos exist with the same degree of accuracy as NVN on a huge map. Someone went to a lot of trouble creating Siem Riap, the Mekong River, and a mountain chain where no missions are flown. Lots of trouble for nothing. If we weren't going to go over there, then there would be that "wall" like in SF, huh?


I am not acquainted with sales figures or future plans for WOV itself. It may just be a step along the way to market SFP1 engine. Maybe it's played out and further tweaking is less than peripheral.


On the other hand, it's just sitting there. The missions are possible. They are fun to fly and much harder to complete. Anyway, we don't need a Huey. We already have one. I don't want to fly one. I just think they add to the missions just like those little stucco houses that don't blow up.


My terrain has a little more diversity...

Edited by zerocinco

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Guest zerocinco

Yep. I'll send it to you if you want. 2 F4C's from Cam Rahn escort high. 4 A1H's low. Guns timed to appear when inconvient.


Have to use C-130a. "Spray" comes from modified exhaust which I cannot turn off in the turns. Formation turns should not be looked at closely...if you know what I mean.


50-cal is too deadly and I cannot get VC_Squad to shoot even after changing elevation of guns.


Aside from that, it is a lot of fun to play. If you want it, send email.


Love to have a critique.

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Guest zerocinco

Created a new squad called SmallArms AAA. They shoot down people flying too low over the battle field...about 1800 feet like for real. Now I pretty much have all I need. Think I will just make a campaign and put things in packets so players don't have to screw up their mods. Spend the next week or so building towns in Cambodia, South Vietnam and setting the stage for missions unlike any I have seen yet...except for real. Hope people like them but I will enjoy making them.


I would like some more buildings or houses and a flat spot in A Shau to put a strip but I can't ask for everything.

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Guest capun

Make a fake afterburner and set the AB exhaust emitter to the smoke

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Guest zerocinco

See? I knew someone would come up with a way.

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