Cyclonus8300 0 Posted November 2, 2006 Hi all, just wanted to let you know over the past week I have just registered with the combat ace forum and the Flying Legends website and I have been surfing on the Netwings and Since then I have been hammered with spam emails and it just seems coincidental that after registering with these sites I have started getting emails claiming to sell viagra, now in the 2 years I've used this email addy with my internet account and I've never had any such emails other than the one's I expect to recieve I just hope none of these sites have been attacked and our details have fallen foul of the spammers out there! Just when I was getting into IL-2 and finding all these quality community sites that host quality skins and other downloads, I thought these few seeing how popular they were that they would be safe and that they we're the place to come if you are into IL-2. Hope anyone can offer me any reasurance that its safe on these sites? Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Fates 65 Posted November 2, 2006 Cyclonus, I've been with this site for over 3 years now and not once received spam aimed at the emails accounts that I have registered here. I do not have accounts on the sites that you mentioned so I can't vouch for the software that they use to protect their users. I can assure you that our technical guru Erik is always on top of the latest versions of software used on this site to prevent these things from happening. Fates Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cyclonus8300 0 Posted November 2, 2006 Thanks for the reassurance, I didn't think it was from when I registered here at CombatAce, this site feels quite safe, and the more I think about it I did register here first and its been over a week, but I've just started getting them since I registered at Flying, thats where I feel if my email has been leaked, it's come from, until they reply to my email I've sent them. Regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted November 3, 2006 It would be almost impossible to harvest email accounts from our site. The only way I could think of would be for our database to be compromised, but that hasn't happened. Now that I think about it, not only would the harvester have to have control of our database but they'd have to have control of the only valid access point which would be the server and I know that hasn't happened. I'd say things here are as safe as they get on the internet and you can guarantee our goal is to continue to provide with a safe pleasant atmosphere at CombatACE. Take care; Erik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Revvin 1 Posted November 4, 2006 What ISP do you use? I'm with BT and while I have been tempted to go elsewhere because of the price I stay because they have an excellent spam filter that cuts out 99% of the spam mail out there but I can log in to the mail server online and check the spam filter incase a legit mail is held there. I did'nt check it for a few weeks and logged in a few days ago to find 127 spam mail's and yet I did not get a single piece of spam end up in my computers mail box thanks to their filter. Contrast that to NTL where I used to get 120+ A DAY! and there were nasty rumours (though I should say unsunbstantiated) circling around the net that they actually sold customers email details on to companies as NTL was strapped for cash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUFF 8 Posted November 4, 2006 Contrast that to NTL where I used to get 120+ A DAY! and there were nasty rumours (though I should say unsunbstantiated) circling around the net that they actually sold customers email details on to companies as NTL was strapped for cash. I'm with NTL (& have been for years) & I only get 1 or 2 a day & 90% of those get automatically directed straight into the spam folder. It's rare for 1 to actually appear in my Inbox proper. I've been very happy with NTL - I can't knock £12.49 a month for an unlimited 4MB connection too hard ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Revvin 1 Posted November 5, 2006 Well at least it seems they have finally installed a spam filter on their mail server, one they told me two years ago they could not do. I wish it was just a case of too much spam mail as I could live with that by providing my own spam filter (which I did - Norton's Anti Spam) but the poor service quality - frequent loss of connection and the way they screwed up my account and left me without email for a week when they mistakenly tied my account to another when they found no details for me on their systems despite the fact I had been a customer for seveal years and actually beta tested the service in the Cardiff area. The final straw was when I gave them notice in October a few years ago only for them to charge me for November, December, January and February. Luckily I refused to go on direct debit because of the poor service so they took no money from me though we ended up splitting the difference on the charges just to stop the madness of letters threatening bailiff's despite the fact I was in frequent contact trying to resolve the dispute, it was a case of one hand not knowing what the other was doing - there seemed to be little communication between departments at their end. Glad to hear you're getting good service from them but I hope you understand why I would be extremely reluctant to be a customer of theirs again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUFF 8 Posted November 5, 2006 Now that you have explained, yes. I must admit that I've been happy with the quality of service as well. Sure it's not been 100% over the many years that I've been with them but nor has any other ISP - I certainly haven't had any connection problems other than when they've been doing maintenance/upgrades etc. & nothing more than a few hours. Judging by a few other forums that I'm on they actually seem to be 1 of the better ones these days (we won't speculate on whether they have improved or the others have got worse ...) although again there are sometimes regional variations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Revvin 1 Posted November 5, 2006 It seems that there are huge differences in quality at a regional level. Early on when South Wales was running pretty good there were lots of complaints from people in the North - Newcastle etc. I got fed up of loss of conenction sometimes happening for a few days at a time and their only reply was "its not us, try turning your modem on and off..blah blah" the same canned response. Fortunately now in the UK we've got a good choice of providers. Sorry for drifting OT a little, but to get back on to the subject of spam, as I said above I've used Norton's Anti Spam software and found it to be pretty good at blocking out mail though its worth complaining to your ISP and finding out what steps they take to combat spam as most reputable ISP's now filter customers mail. Other than that there are some free alternatives (though I've not tried these): Mailwasher Spamihilator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SayethWhaaaa 252 Posted November 9, 2006 (edited) Wish I could get my employer on to this, I regularly get roughly 200+ spam emails every week and that's with their lame spam filter that clogs up my inbox with notifications of spam ON TOP of the junk I get. I need to get the Dominik Hasek of spam flters... It really does suck when you have to spend at least 30mins cleaning your junk out! Is NTL solely a UK service? Edited November 9, 2006 by SayWhat?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Jimbib 780 Posted November 9, 2006 Blimey BUFF, £12.49 for 4MB unlimited! Thats dam good man for over here in the UK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUFF 8 Posted November 9, 2006 Is NTL solely a UK service? 'fraid so. Blimey BUFF, £12.49 for 4MB unlimited! Thats dam good man for over here in the UK Sometimes if you don't ask you don't get ... ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites