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Israel 2 terrain

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Israel 2 terrain

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ISRAEL 2 Terrain version 2.0 23.Dezember 2006



Israel Terrain INSTALLATION instruction:


1.) unzip all files into your Strike Fighters folder


2.) If you use WOV open WOV folder and copy file Israel2.ini into Israel2 folder


3.) If you use WOE open WOE folder and copy file Israel2.ini into Israel2 folder


For WOE and WOE you must download a desert terrain tileset seperatly!




The first versions of Israel terrain for SFP1 were very successfull. They were downloaded in high numbers from C6, Combatace, Avsim and other sources, but i was never really satisfied with it. The reason was, that the size of Israel terrain was only 60% of reality.

With the new terrain editor tool TK offered to the community i was able to make a terrain that is nearly correct scaled. But i had to rebuild the terrain completly from the scratch.


As promised i release the new terrain now short before Christmas.


What is new?


*Completly new terrain with enlarged size. It covers now also Cyprus and Lebanon

*additional terraintiles (Canal, Mountainwoood)

*airfields with multiple runways

*new designed SAM fence along the Suez Canal

the SAM Complex west of the Bitter Lake (Osiris) i designed using a report about the big air to SAM battle in 1970 between the Israelis and the Egytians. So Osiris should be more or less historical correct. The positions of the other networkes (Ra, Isis, Sala Uhudin) are more or less fiction. I also reduced the number of SAM sites, as requested by some players.

*number of target areas is now 292 (212 in the preview, 128 in Israel v1.5)

* I include a smoothed terrain height data file in folder Israel2/Smooth. Personaly i prefer the more rough standard terrain, but if you like a smooth terrain copy file Israel2.hfd from folder Israel2/Smooth into Israel2 folder

* I included also updated Panzer files. The T-34,T-54,T-55,T-62 have now coaxial machineguns and their performance is now a little bit more real.

*The SAM Fence along the Suez Canal now consits only between 1970 - 1976. In 1977 the Egyptians changed their AD startegy from area defence to point defence.



I want to say thank you to all guys who supported Israel2 terrain with ideas, hints, files and good wishes. Thanks to Polak for the Pontons and the Pyramids, Gecko6 for the Coolingtowers, thanks to the guy who made the factory complex some years ago (I forgot his name) and of course TK for the terrain editor and the great SFP1 flight sim.

And finaly a big thank you to all unnamed and forgotten object and file makers.





If you find bugs, please post it at www.combatace.com forum of Strike Fighters section of www.SIMHQ.com forum




This terrain is FREEWARE and is NOT intended for commercial use.


I hope you enjoy it.


Michael (Gepard)


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Thanks Gepard, I bets its going to be great, will be downloading it when i get released from this temple to capitalism. Don't get me wrong i love Christmas, but the people shopping today are Nucking Futs!!!!

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Almost complete?...........hu hu.............maybe some "young lion" is coming ?

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I added the terrain to a merged WoV/WoE install and wonder what the objectlist.ini is specifying? Is it necessary to play scenarios on the terrain?


Thanks a lot for that terrain! I've gotten more and more involved with this theater of operation and there is an emerging number of games on the near east conflicts. I'll use some screenshots of your terrain for my Elusive Victory blog :)

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The objectlist.ini i have changed a little bit. I increased the number of groundobjects, to avoid, that targets, like SAM, Flak, Buildings disappear on the map.



And the young lion rumours. One is certain. The Kfir is coming. The development is on a good way.

Edited by Gepard

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I have a problem with this terrain, all the aircraft seem to be piled up in the center of the runway and pointing at diffrent directions, instead of me being on the runway and my wingman waiting to taxi on the runway.

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I have a problem with this terrain, all the aircraft seem to be piled up in the center of the runway and pointing at diffrent directions, instead of me being on the runway and my wingman waiting to taxi on the runway.


Open israel.ini and look at see what "CatFile" it's pointing to. I bet it's not finding the one listed in the file.

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I have WOE, by the way.


Is your WOE updated to the latest patch? I'm going from memory, but I believe all of Gepard's terrains use the desert_airfieldX.ini's. These use to only be in SF's desert.cat, but TK added them to all of the game's terrain .cat files in the last patch or two.


You can look in israel_targets.ini, in each airfield's section, you'll see what airfield file is called out. This file positions aircraft in the proper taxi position. If the game can't find the file, it puts all aircraft at 0,0 of the target area.


The runways are appearing, correct? You're just not starting in the proper location?

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No it isn't patched.


The runways are appearing, correct? You're just not starting in the proper location?

Yeah that's right the runways are there, but i'm not in the right place.

Edited by Wolf65

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No it isn't patched.


That's why it's not working. The desert_airfieldX.ini's are not in the unpatched GermancyCE.cat.

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