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You Have Got To Be Kidding Me.....

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the british ain't kidding... hehe

pricey!!! :\

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the british ain't kidding... hehe

pricey!!! :\


The property market has gone way out of control over 90% of the country - It just started going up and up about 7 years ago - to the point now where first time buyers are being priced right out of the market - You could blame the lack of space to build property - though I'm blaming an inept Labour government for making it so only the super rich can afford a mortgage (thanks guys).


Forget buying in London - you could buy a Castle or 2 in France for the same price as a rabbit hutch in London - and if the housing market crashes like in the 80's so many people r gonna be truly ******

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and if the housing market crashes like in the 80's so many people r gonna be truly ******


The question is can I wait until then to buy a house. Well yes 'cos I sure can't afford one now!

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The question is can I wait until then to buy a house. Well yes 'cos I sure can't afford one now!

Holy crap!!! I thought Japanese prices were bad!! This is nothing short of highway robbery! My house here in Georgia has 5200 sq ft and I bought it for 250,000 grand!! I guess the govt feels that as long as they have a home who cares about anybody else!! Don't get me started on our govts though.

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My house here in Georgia has 5200 sq ft and I bought it for 250,000 grand


Hell at that price I'll commute!

Edited by SkippyBing

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Well, it is Knightsbridge, so I'm hardly surprised, although why anyone would want to live in such a tourist trap is beyond me.

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The property market has gone way out of control over 90% of the country - It just started going up and up about 7 years ago - to the point now where first time buyers are being priced right out of the market - You could blame the lack of space to build property - though I'm blaming an inept Labour government for making it so only the super rich can afford a mortgage (thanks guys).


Forget buying in London - you could buy a Castle or 2 in France for the same price as a rabbit hutch in London - and if the housing market crashes like in the 80's so many people r gonna be truly ******



Sounds like Florida's East Coast, California, and other select regions of the US. The $40,000 home with 3/4 acre I owned in Indiana sells comparibly for $120,000 to $150,000 here in the Fort Lauderdale area and with NO land.


I can think of many words to describe how I feel seeing this and none are complimentary to those alowing/driving such pricing.

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I could only wish of seeing a house for that money - i'm about 30 miles out of London and currently renting a 2 bed house - which although is about 4 years old people from the US would no doubt laugh at the size of the rooms - anyway this place is worth >£170,000 (~$333,052 USD).


be thankfull you live in the US :)

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