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Just wondering if anyone here has a 'flight night' where everyone can just join and dogfight or arrange co-ops seeing as there's no squadrons around?


Anything like this happen? If not should we try and arrange something?



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I'd be up for it. what game, what site? It seems the only people online are playing FE. any chance of playing someting with jets?

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Used to play IL2 on-line every week....really cool...


I am a bit confused if WOE/WOV can be played online in a multi-coop missions or not ! Or if it is just a Dogfight only game..


Would love to play it on-line !

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You can certainly play it online or over LAN for co-op missions or dogfights; you choose. The only problem is that compatibility relies a lot on the number of mods you have. I have multiple installs of WoE (also SFP1 and WOV), one for single player, one for multi; the multiplayer set is a merged WOV/WOE install, with minimal mods; only the patches and weapons packs were installed, along with the F-14. My friend and I play with that set up. If any other mods are done or added, we modify the same data before playing or install extra a/c, etc. to be sure the games are identical. This gaurntees the game will work. When we tried with our other installs we ran into massive problems; even if the games saw each other, they'd CTD while loading the mission, for example. So, for online play, you might need some pre-planning to ensure there's not too much variance between the installs you're playing on.

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I have.....


IL2 (no expansion just original)


Falcon 4.0




I was aiming this topic more towards WOE as I've played multiplayer to death on the other games.


If we all use hamachi, just setup a channel and all join so we can see each other and just hop into the host.


I have'nt figured how to do multiple installs on WOE but I'm running, the NATO1,2 and environment + the "woe_airfield_1,2,_3_&_4_lighting_mod".


I setup a HAMACHI Channel:


Network name - Flightnight

Password - flightnight


Both the name and password is case sensitive, and using hamachi everything is much easier, we have to need to mess about with gamespy or hyperlobby or anything else, just join the channel, and click on LAN game and hey presto..... done and dusted.


Can we get abit more interested or will there only be the 4 of us lol


Throw some thoughts and feelings people, the more the merrier... after we get abit of interest, maybe work on which mods for all to get etc?



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littlesmoke you fancy a game of WOE now? I tried to send you a PM but messed it up so... let me know


any of you got XFIRE? my id is Ryan856


If anyone wants a game of WOE tonight let me know on xfire.





/ok back on topic

Edited by Preacher

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sorry i was at work. I'm liking the idea, though... tonight i'm gonna do a fresh install of WoE, with bunyaps weapon pack and the NATO addons. btw what time zone are you in?

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Any more interested people, there must be more than 4 people who's up for a blast on WOE?




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I'm in. Only problem is I make a good target :blush:


Organise a time and PM me. Just one thing. Make sure if everyone has the same version. If someone wants non vanilla aircraft, we all have to have it for it to work. least, that's how SFG is... Personally, default is probably the easiest way to go.



The version vibe I'm getting is WOE + NATO Fighters 1&2...?



Use this thread to make a list of aircraft to add in the future.

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so what files need to be the same? Just the objects folder? What about changes I've made to Huddata.ini in the flight folder? btw i'm in WoE, NATO 1+2, with environment pack - but what about bunyaps weapon pack?


edit: my vote is for co-op

Edited by littlesmoke

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so what files need to be the same? Just the objects folder? What about changes I've made to Huddata.ini in the flight folder? btw i'm in WoE, NATO 1+2, with environment pack - but what about bunyaps weapon pack?


edit: my vote is for co-op


Thia is a great idea. I have yet to play any of these on-line. I agree with Saywhat? NATO 1&2 would be cool, because it has a majority of cool jets, and is easy to install. Would we have to have the same weapons pack installed?


Scrapper :good:

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Would we have to have the same weapons pack installed?


I think yes, although I think the full weapons pack causes problems due to the number of files. I think there was a thread about it over at SimHq. It'd be best to have a clean install with just the NATO Fighters add-on. That limits the number of problems you can have.

My vote would be for WoE with NATO 1&2 and that's all.

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The weapons pack didn't cause a problem for me when I MP'd it over LAN, but if it's modified on one install and not another, there was a problem. For example, my friend and I tacked on some modified missiles so that the countermeasures wouldn't work as well when we took eachother on in dogfight mode. If there was a variance, it'd CTD; or at least when we used the same A/C with dissimilar loadout.ini's and weapondata, so I'm pretty sure you all should be safe with the latest WP; at least that's from my own experience.

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ok ok......


NATO 1, 2 + NATO ENVIRONMENT I think we can all agree on these...


Oh... figured multiple installs.... just copy your whole WOE folder and paste it somewhere and rename it. Works the same. Now I have WOE stock, WOE NATO and WOE <looking for mod>.


I'm in the timezone GMT anyone else......? Have you all got XFIRE - add me - ryan856


HAMACHI go forth and download (www.hamachi.cc) this Godsend..... then join


Network name - Flightnight

Password - flightnight




How are you lads (and ladies?) fixed for sometime this Saturday..... seeing as im off work and the woman is going away I have the whole day nag free :fans:


BTW if anyone reads this tonight 24/01/07 - I'll be on hamachi for the next 3 hours or so, give me a shout if you fancy a flight.




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Top fun last night, shame I had to go to bed!

Definitely up for some fun on Saturday, PM GMT is best for me, I could also be tempted tomorrow night.

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Tonight I'll be online from 2230 onwards if anyones online for a flight.


hamachi details are above.


see you there

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