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Pulling all the skins I have up here

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Ok since there is SOOO many people freakin out about skins and not giving credit and nasty emails and etc.


I know I am not that amazing on the skins but I am pulling all the skins I made off the site. Too many nasty things going on and now everytime I post a skin I get an email about not giving credit to someone somewhere so I think its just best to stop doing skins till people settle down and quit having a problem with a community that is just trying to enjoy the game.


It's just become too much like a job and I feel I have to exit the skin game or hire an HR/PR depatment just to pass a few skins around. I will keep working on the terrains tiles for the winter and summer sets if anyone still wants those they will be here.


This is not pointed at anyone persay just doing this before I get in the middle of some dis war somewhere.


This has zero to do with CA sites they have been nothing but great and have helped in every way they could on anything I needed.


Great game TK. :clapping:

Edited by Firecage

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Has the nasty e-mails been coming from here?if so let me know who it is and I'll put a stop to that.we don't tolerate that kind of behavior here...period.

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Ok since there is SOOO many people freakin out about skins and not giving credit and nasty emails and etc.


I know I am not that amazing on the skins but I am pulling all the skins I made off the site. Too many nasty things going on and now everytime I post a skin I get an email about not giving credit to someone somewhere so I think its just best to stop doing skins till people settle down and quit having a problem with a community that is just trying to enjoy the game.


It's just become too much like a job and I feel I have to exit the skin game or hire an HR/PR depatment just to pass a few skins around. I will keep working on the terrains tiles for the winter and summer sets if anyone still wants those they will be here.


This is not pointed at anyone persay just doing this before I get in the middle of some dis war somewhere.


This has zero to do with CA sites they have been nothing but great and have helped in every way they could on anything I needed.


Great game TK. :clapping:


Sorry to hear you've had a bad experience. It's a shame.


One of the great things about the 3rd wire series is that they are available for a couple bucks and then you can go online and have access to all of these FREE mods. I don't think people should be dissing what someone is willing to provide to the community without any strings attached. I hope that a few bad apples aren't going to ruin this for the many appreciative and thankful (i.e. respectful) users.


Personally, I don't have a whole lot of free cash but I got WOV ($8.99) and SFP1 ($4.99) and a cheap Saitek stick ($19.99) and hundreds of add-on planes, objects, effects, and terrains (FREE!!!!!!!!!). For 34 bucks I have literally countless hours of dynamic entertainment and I'm a little pissed (make that A LOT pissed) that some handful of disrespectful users could compromise what has been a wonderful community to be a part of.


Again, I'm very sorry that your experience hasn't been rewarding. I don't have FE and I've not made use of your work, but I am truly appreciative and thankful for the time and effort you put into it.

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I'm disappointed that Firecage is pulling all his skins, but not surprised given the changes in attitude by a vocal minority over the last several months. I don't know if FE has attracted the attention of unsettled souls from other sims, but the whole environment in the Thirdwire community has taken a serious nosedive.


Hopefully these nattering nabobs of negativity will lose interest, and go on to muck up some other solar system far, far away.....


Thanks Firecage for all your efforts and contributions!

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I have unfortunately never had the pleasure to use your skins.

But when people email you about credits (Depends whose plane you are skinning, and since I never have had the enjoyment of your skins, I haven`t checked out which planes as well.) (neither am I not sure whether or not you checked who made the planes so I will not comment too much on that side of the case either.)

But I do think I speak to everyone here when I say I hope there will be a solution to this matter. And that the people sending you these emails will stop so that a solution may be reached.

This war must end! How? By rather be discussed in an appropriate manner and under controlled conditions where no bashing is allowed ,nor to be taken up personal in such a way that great skinners and moder`s like you suffer like this!


You have my sincere sympathies and I hope you will continue skinning the fantastic planes of First Eagles.


Sincerely Yours


Red Von Hammer

Edited by Red Von Hammer

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I sure wish you would reconsider your decision. I think your skins are great! Just consider the source and tell them there is a nice place in H*** they can go to. Again please reconsider. There are far too many people out who like your work than those diing bats!

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Firecage, no need to pull skins or leave, we modders get this crap every now and then. Most of these nasty emails are probably from people who dont have a clue. If youve credited the maker of the plane and/or template youve used if not your own, then youve done all you need to do.


As for the people mailing these nastygrams, if you have an issue, try a mature approach; try TALKING to the person first. If that dont work, who gave you the authority to be the forum/skin/mod police? Write to the owner of the plane/mod/etc. and let them know you may have found someone ill-using their project. Its then up to them to do something about it. Bottom line, if your feeling the need to bash someone, maybe you need to lighten up... :nono:

Edited by pcpilot

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Ok food for thought people..I DON"T care who it is,IF you have a problem and resort to negitive e-mails or resort to name calling or flaming ANYONE I will personally ban you on the spot,no questions,no begging,NO excuses..you'll be gone period end of story.The BS end here and now as far as I'm concerned.

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Hey Firecage:

Are you sure the Nastigrams are coming from someone who matters?

One sight I used to frequent had a similiar problem. They found out that the trouble was being caused by someone using someone elses callsign or callsigns.

Private Message the Admin at Combatace and have them check with the real user of the callsign and see if it is really them.

If it is them then the situation can be rectified.

If it is not then ignore the SOB's.

There are some ignorant people out there that just love to cause trouble for everyone else.

It gives them great pleasure to see people doing just what you are doing.

It's real cowardly to flame someone from a keyboard and monitor.

You're a great addition to this sim. STICK AROUND!!

You're skins are topshelf. :clapping:

Edited by ezlead

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Hey again Firecage:

I was just over at Thirdwire and they have someone flaming people using someone elses callsign or E-Mail address.

PLEASE,check with Admin and they can find out what is going on.



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dont pull your work because of some a###hole,if you have capuns ok who gives a crap?i personally want to start modding, but maybe might change my mind.keep on keepen on.

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Guest IndioBlack
One of the great things about the 3rd wire series is that they are available for a couple bucks and then you can go online and have access to all of these FREE mods. I don't think people should be dissing what someone is willing to provide to the community without any strings attached.


Amen to that.


When I used to make stuff for CFS and CFS2, all my readmes contained the note that if anyone wanted to steal any of my work and make something better out of it, then they were free to do so. All I ever asked in return was a thank you.


I hope Firecage will continue with his FE terrains: They are really good, and they are free, "without any strings attached"

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this community has been working on models since Sf and the way they work is you MUST ask before re releasing them in any form.Most modellers want to fix their own work and ask that if you find a problem let THEM know and they'll fix it.Why do people get so upset??It's because they aren't used to people taking their work and trying to use it without asking them first,and then wanting to re release it without them being involved.The A-team is good but they aren't the only ones making models..plus theres alot of different things people can work on,so get over the A-Team.

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Ok just so I am a bit more clear ... No one has made any rude comments or any nasty problems at all. I just have a lot of messages about who to watch for and who to not make mad and its just ... well I have crap at work and I get paid there at least. hahaha


Im not mad at anyone just feel its too hot of an issue on alot of things right now and its best for me to not be anywhere near the explosion that I see happening lately. I understand we all have opinions I just dont want in on some of it 8)


For me its 3 things the game has : 1 fun to play 2: somewhat easy to mod and screw up 3: great escape from everyday life where I can fly in behind the guy who just cut me off and fill him full of lead ... hahahahah


Just enjoy the game and have some fun.

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Yeah, the FE area and forums are becoming very unpleasant.


There are a couple of posters who have real mischief in their heart, and with heaps of time. They are posting here as well as on SimHQ and the Thirdwire forum. They have caused similar ill will on the Sim Outhouse OFF forum, though this was stopped pretty quick. Usually going on about the same things, but causing whatever trouble they can.


I'm a long time Il2 forum frequenter (both Ubi and SimHQ), and although the Ubi forum especially can be quite intimidating, thank christ neither the moderators nor the community will tolerate this behavior. They are put in their place pretty quick smart.


A difficulty here with FE is the community isn't as large, and you will notice that these people hog the topics, constantly replying (no matter how moronic), and just wear everybody out. I think the moderators need to weed them out.

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you don't have to worry about the trouble makers here..I have issued a final warning,and I meant it.I have no problems banning people and if they want to complain and cause trouble theres other places that they can go..but not here.So to you and everyone don't worry as there will be no more warnings..just an instant ban.

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Dagger you are cleared hot!

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I thought this thread was going to be about something else entirely...



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