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ive been looking around at downloads and i see that a lot of them are planes that came around after vietnam, id love to get some of them but theres just something that bugs me about flying out of era, like shooting down an f-8 in a fulcrum just doesnt seem right and so im wondering if its possible to make it so that if i were to fly a post-vietnam plane i would end up fighting other planes of the same era

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This is built into the engine. Every object has a start and end date (in the data.ini I believe). The game engine should pick only those objects that were available in the selected year when you set up single mission or campaign.

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This is built into the engine. Every object has a start and end date (in the data.ini I believe). The game engine should pick only those objects that were available in the selected year when you set up single mission or campaign.


Don't forget export start and end years, if applicable.

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Aircraft overlap by many years, so you will get older a/c flying with the new.


You can do a seperate install and delete all older a/c and just have newer a/c. Probably only suitable for single missions - maybe also deleted ALL campaigns from this install.




You can create/edit a campaign to only have the a/c you want. With editing you may need to do new loadouts and weapon supply.




Edit availability years so less/no overlap.

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but when i download an aircraft that is past 1973, i cant select a year for it so i end up flying against any random planes, any way to add years or something?

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eh? that's unusual.. the 15I/K package has both eagles starting past the year 2000. with the I going from (if im correct) from 2002 to 2007, while the K goes from 2002 to 2010.


So any downloaded plain that has a start date after 1973 should work fine with date selection, even in WoV.

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Also, I think only SF is open ended in terms of dates. Aren't WOV and WOE limited to the date range you can fly?

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Maybe you misunderstood the article, it is saying how to make wov/woe open ended.


You may need to extract the options.ini from the cat file - Gen Knowledge (or do a search)for how.

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