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Gotta love the BONE

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ahhhhhh the last of the 184th before they went staightKC-135 tanker :drag:

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Gotta love...if you don't work on it. That jet's more high maintnence than Lindsay Lohan two weeks before rehab man.

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Gotta love...if you don't work on it. That jet's more high maintnence than Lindsay Lohan two weeks before rehab man.


I don't know...Bones have nothing on C-5s in terms of MX needs.


You know what they say if you see 4 C-5s on the ramp with 3 of them on jacks...it means they ran out of jacks!


Also, I only ever lost one sortie due to MX. We seemed to find the more you flew it, the better the MX rate.



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My neighbor is a C-5 pilot. He is always getting stuck halfway around the world. Guam, Spain, Italy, hawaii, anywhere in the states. Funny thing is he never gets stuck when they land Bahrain, Qatar, Baghdad, Kuwait. Coincidence?

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Maybe it's just Ellsworth jets suck. I've been told the Bone loves long sorties, but around we only fly for two or three hours at a time and they always come back broke. Also, I work on DAS, so having a system that was designed sperate, then just shoved into any nook and cranny on the jet they had left doesn't help much either.

Edited by CowboyTodd41

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I think you would be surprised how mission capable they are when the pilots are deployed and they don't have to do yard work the next day.

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The thing is AFAIK the C-5 can fly with only 3 engines, right? Granted not full loaded, but it can. Yet if one engine is out it will sit there until the engine is fixed. If the zone is "dangerous" perhaps they're more willing to bend that rule.

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