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I have a Saitek X-52, but I have 2 questions

1.) When i throttle up, it seems that it is hitting max power (AB) a little early (around 70-80%). I want to make the AB kick in at 100%, is there a way to make that happen? Because i notice there's no calibration in the options menu for WOV. And yes my X52 is calibrated correctly, all my other games work fine like Lock On, Falcon, Il2...etc.

2.) Is this normal?- When i roll or bank my plane, the plane slowly returns back to wing level when the joystick is centered again. In most flight sims, once you roll a certain angel, the plane will stay in that position unless another signal is added. Hope this makes sense.

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ignore my 2nd question, it seems that i was just getting that with the MiG-21 but i got a improved FM so it doesn't happen anymore, but i really want my throttle to work properly.

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It's not likely that its the joystick. Its most likely the aircraft and the data. If you try keyboard throttle you will see that it kicks in at 65% to up to 100%. Wouldn't know how to setup the X-52 becuase I don't have one.

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You have to take into account that there is a certain percentage of AB thrust that you can apply. It's not like in an arcade game where it just kicks in at 100% of full power. Each aircraft has a unique military power limit, ranging from 70% to 80% of total thrust. After that, you enter the AB stage of thrust, where you can apply anywhere from 1% of AB power to 100% of AB power ontop of your full military power (full throttle without burners). However, you're not going to see 1% AB thrust on your screen. Basically, there is no way to calibrate your joystick the way you want, because it's a game issue. You can however mess around with the .ini files of the aircraft and tweak stuff that way to have it work the way you want - but it won't be realistic. Believe it or not, this is how it's done in the real world with burners. You can only go up so far on the throttle before those babys kick in. Hope this makes sense.

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but im trying to make it realistic because the throttle doesn't start at 0% of my X-52 throttle. Instead, it starts around 15% and end around 80%. I just don't get why it doesn't use my full range of throttle.

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It sounds like the X52 isn't calibrated properly but you say that it's fine in other games?

My X36 works fine in SF/WoV/WoE from 0% with AB kicking in ~69% & continuing upto 100%.

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It sounds like the X52 isn't calibrated properly but you say that it's fine in other games?

My X36 works fine in SF/WoV/WoE from 0% with AB kicking in ~69% & continuing upto 100%.

Try putting your X52 down to 0% and then use your keyboard to go down to 0%. Throttle up after that and you should be back to normal; if not its probably a issue with your X52.

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It must be your stick, i have the same one as you and i have no problems with it!

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70% is the normal max for Dry thrust after that AB engages and increases as you advance

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Did you realize this thread is over a year old?

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