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Aircraft Service years

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When I enter the single mission planning area aircraft like F-23 for example is only available years 1990-94, even though in its data file it has a service date of 1990 to 2040. If someone can help me with this it would be great.

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ah but see I did the same as well, like he said, I would like to see the Pre-Loadout Drop Arrow for "Date" to list from 1990-2020(etc.)


While it only lists from 1990 to 94 or 2004? can't remember.


The end year for some reason is not the same as the flyable dates you can choose in-game.


Ex. I have the end date of the F-5E II set to 2020, yet the drop down arrow only allows me to choose a flyable date up to 1985. Now I can SEE the plane sometimes when I fly as another a/c in the year 2006 for example, I myself just cannot pilot it during that year.

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If you make that adjustment like I stated and you wont have that problem.

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Thank you for your time USAFTML. Ive already tried your suggested advice and it worked in WOV but not WOE and I use WOE/Wov version.

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Thank you for your time USAFTML. Ive already tried your suggested advice and it worked in WOV but not WOE and I use WOE/Wov version.


It should work and it does work as i have working in SF/WOV/WOE and even a merged install of WOV/WOE. Are you sure you are editing the correct file?

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The file I manipulated is in the main WOE directory is called Options,


This is what its saying right now.















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The file I manipulated is in the main WOE directory is called Options,


This is what its saying right now.

















You should be set.

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Yeah but its not working though. I guess I'll just reinstall then change it before I start any thing substantial that could somehow effect this.

Thanks for the Help USAFTML

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Any luck? Also a thought, maybe your export years are affecting it?

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You know I thought of something, I was actually looking in the aircraft data.ini file, and that's why it wasn't working. I did not realize you also had to go into the options.ini to edit the end year for a/c. That would have helped ages ago.


I guess herman you should go into the specific aircraft data.. or F-15A_DATA.ini (or w/e the F-15a's data ini file is)..


I will give you an example using the F-15A 'Baz' by Mirage factory if I am correct.





ServiceEndYear=1996<---- Change this year to your desired end year.















As long as you have what USAFMTL said to have changed to 2020 or so.


When you go in and edit this aircraft to the ServiceEndYear=2020, then the entire drop down dates should show up. As now I am set. Of course I had to work in reverse of what you will need to do.

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Maybe I am confused here but what is it you all are trying to do? If you make the edit in the options.ini like I stated then you will get your plane to be flown in those years. Changing the aircrafts data.ini will do nothing if the options.ini is not edited. Its simple.

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I know, and I have already fixed it, my problem is solved.


Even if you change the end year to 2020, if that individual aircraft's data has it's service year set to 1985 for example, then the drop down list will only go to 1985 and not 2020.


I'm just saying if he wants his F-23 to be able to fly up to 2040, he needs to make sure both the EndYear in options.ini and the "ServiceEndYear" as I indicated are set to 2040. Otherwise he won't get the date he desires.


At least that's what I had to do to get the planes to work to work towards the later years..

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I checked the Aircrat Data.ini to see that was the problem but it doesent seem to be there either.


for example




















The F/A-18 is still only avialble the years 83-88 for me.

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I've got the same issue in a merged WOV/E.


It doesn't matter what I do with the ini files for the dates, I only get 4 or 5 years for the aircraft in the create mission function.

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Try adding "ExportEndYear=2020" below the ExportStartYear.

(although I don't think export really matters in that situation, but it wouldn't hurt to try).


If that still does not work, then you will most likely have to reinstall. At fist I only had a few drop down years, but after adjusting the options.ini and the specific aircraft data ini. (F-15A_Data.ini, etc etc.) it fixed the problem for me. I cna't think of any other files that might affect the selectable,flyable dates for the plane you wish to choose other than those 2 ini files.


I also have a merged WoV/WoE updated to the current possible update and the issue has been resolved based on what I described above. Are you sure the options.ini is not changing back to the original end year after each time you start the game?

Edited by raidenandsolid

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Im not sure whether or not My WOE program is using the options.ini because if I remove and then start the game everything seems to work fine and the same service year condtions still exist. I was wondering it could be dealing with the startup.ini. Maybe its not loading the correct ini at startup.

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I reinstalled WOE and without any good luck the problem still persist so I gues I will have to just use WOV. Probably Vista screwing this up some how.

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I guess Ill just have to use WOV by itself.


Will all the add ons work as well WOV as WOE?


Will any effects be missing in WOV?

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Did you change ALL the years in ALL the sections??? (not just the single mission - coop, dogfight, whatever)


I've got mine set (for jet WoE from 1945 to 2050, with no problems.




Probably Vista screwing this up some how.


I didn't catch this first time around.

Didn't TK say there were issues with running in Vista???

Bet that's the kicker!




Kevin Stein

Edited by Wrench

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I don't know if people are still having problems with this, but to give you the solution real sweet and short there are some things you need to check if you want your aircraft to operate in a certain years that "aren't available'. One, check the end year in the aircraft's data.ini first. If it's not where you want it, then change it. Next, check the end year for single player in the options.ini file in the main WOE folder. If the end year for the single player mission in the options.ini file comes before the end year of your aircraft, then you need to change the single players end year to that of your aircraft's end year. This should solve any problems with operating aircrafts in the years you want. If you still have a problem with it, double check your stuff and make sure you changed the right info. I've never had a problem with this on my PC and my laptop.

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Done all of all that already and have checked and rechecked to make sure.(look at the above post) Still doesn't work. So I just gave up. Oh well, in month Armed Assualt will be release in U.S. and I'll be good then.

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I don't know if people are still having problems with this, but to give you the solution real sweet and short there are some things you need to check if you want your aircraft to operate in a certain years that "aren't available'. One, check the end year in the aircraft's data.ini first. If it's not where you want it, then change it. Next, check the end year for single player in the options.ini file in the main WOE folder. If the end year for the single player mission in the options.ini file comes before the end year of your aircraft, then you need to change the single players end year to that of your aircraft's end year. This should solve any problems with operating aircrafts in the years you want. If you still have a problem with it, double check your stuff and make sure you changed the right info. I've never had a problem with this on my PC and my laptop.



I'll check that, thanks for the tip.

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Done all of all that already and have checked and rechecked to make sure.(look at the above post) Still doesn't work. So I just gave up. Oh well, in month Armed Assualt will be release in U.S. and I'll be good then.



Here, I got my Options.ini file here for you. Just put it in the WOE folder and it should over-write the one that you currently have. My single player end year is set to 2020. If it still doesn't work, and you have already changed the end year to you aircraft (which one is it btw?) let me know, and I'll see if I have that aircraft for me to give to you with the correct end year.



Options.rar <<<<<<<< That's the file to download

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