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F/A-18A / CF-188 Hornet Hud problem and solution.

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I've recently acquired a new ATI Radeon X1650 Video Card to replace and old Radeon 9250 and have been able to enjoy Wings Over Europe at 1024x768 32bit resolution, with all the details set on high. So... Pretty... However, I finally got around to piloting the F/A-18A and the CF-188 available at "Check Six's" website, and once in the cockpit, the HUD's pitch ladder is just the solid white mass in the centre of the HUD, and it seems to chew up memory resources, so whenever I'm facing forward, the frame rate really chugs. If I slew the view else where, it's fine.


So, upon exiting the game I looked into the cockpit directories of these planes, trying to identify the problem by looking into ini files and so on. Ultimately, I identified the F-18_pitch.tga file and noted it was set at a staggering 400x3805 pixel resolution. I resized the image to 213x2024, and the problem was resolved, the pitch ladder appears to work normally in both aircraft, now.


I realized, 2048 is the double of 1024... the 2024 solution was a typo when I renamed the files. However, knowing the problem is solved, I'm not about to go in and change it again, to be picky. Yet, I did set the resolution to 1024, at one point and it didn't solve the problem, I still had a white mass in the centre of the HUD, yet it didn't chug, so much. So, the way I see it... "3805 too big... 1024 too small... 2024 just right"


Anyway, hope this is useful to those who may encounter this issue. It worked for me. :biggrin:

The F-18s are the only aircraft I've noted this issue thus far, and I have over 175 aircraft installed.

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Guest Saganuay82





EDIT: Oh sorry you'll have to excuse the HUD lines due to its a jpg. The BMP is clear.

Edited by Saganuay82

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EDIT: Oh sorry you'll have to excuse the HUD lines due to its a jpg. The BMP is clear.


This problem only happens to ATI users. If you have Nvidia you wont get that issue.

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I've recently acquired a new ATI Radeon X1650 Video Card to replace and old Radeon 9250 and have been able to enjoy Wings Over Europe at 1024x768 32bit resolution, with all the details set on high. So... Pretty... However, I finally got around to piloting the F/A-18A and the CF-188 available at "Check Six's" website, and once in the cockpit, the HUD's pitch ladder is just the solid white mass in the centre of the HUD, and it seems to chew up memory resources, so whenever I'm facing forward, the frame rate really chugs. If I slew the view else where, it's fine.


So, upon exiting the game I looked into the cockpit directories of these planes, trying to identify the problem by looking into ini files and so on. Ultimately, I identified the F-18_pitch.tga file and noted it was set at a staggering 400x3805 pixel resolution. I resized the image to 213x2024, and the problem was resolved, the pitch ladder appears to work normally in both aircraft, now.


I realized, 2048 is the double of 1024... the 2024 solution was a typo when I renamed the files. However, knowing the problem is solved, I'm not about to go in and change it again, to be picky. Yet, I did set the resolution to 1024, at one point and it didn't solve the problem, I still had a white mass in the centre of the HUD, yet it didn't chug, so much. So, the way I see it... "3805 too big... 1024 too small... 2024 just right"


Anyway, hope this is useful to those who may encounter this issue. It worked for me. :biggrin:

The F-18s are the only aircraft I've noted this issue thus far, and I have over 175 aircraft installed.



Ιs this pit available in the Hornet downoads here and in Column5?

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I too am wondering where you go this specific pit or rather the hud. The HUD in the F/A-18A and CF188 pits that I have been able to get is a blurry "Fake HUD." Where do I get a hold of this one?

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Guest Saganuay82

Download the 350-some Mb Mega pack from Check6. In there is the Blue Angels F-18. Add skins to it and change the name to be a CF188.

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As you can see the only way to fix it is to turn your cockpit resolution down.



No, I wasn't willing to drop the resolution of the entire cockpit in the game to compensate for an anomaly for one aircraft. I found, the trick was to resize a single file, the "F-18_pitch.tga" file to something a little more manageable.

Edited by MigHound

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I tried resizing the file, and now both the CF-18 and F/A-18 have a green block instead of a white one! (I am using the ATI RADEON X1600 PRO)

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I tried resizing the file, and now both the CF-18 and F/A-18 have a green block instead of a white one! (I am using the ATI RADEON X1600 PRO)


Odd. However, everyones' system is different, there's no telling how software will react in any given environment. Keep trying different file sizes. One of them is bound to work. Try going smaller. It's just trial and error... worst case, you'll just have to download the aircraft again and replace your edited files. The other option is to do what USAFMTL suggested and reduce the cockpit textures to medium.


...best of luck.

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Mighound you are a genius I resized that very file by half and it worked! Thank you.

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Download the 350-some Mb Mega pack from Check6. In there is the Blue Angels F-18. Add skins to it and change the name to be a CF188.


I dont know french :blush: is there a link maybe? :sorry:

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Mighound you are a genius I resized that very file by half and it worked! Thank you.


Glad to be of service... Glad it worked for somebody. :biggrin:


I'm going on the assumption this method can be applied to other aircraft, should this anomaly be encountered again.

Hey, it worked once, why not.

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Ah, Enjoying my Hornet HUD. I wonder why they did not apply the same changes to the regular A hornet in the same (large) file

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Glad to be of service... Glad it worked for somebody. :biggrin:


I'm going on the assumption this method can be applied to other aircraft, should this anomaly be encountered again.

Hey, it worked once, why not.


You have no idea how badly this has been bugging him... lol!

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Thanks guys :smile:


(btw, Its been so long C6 is up, would be nice if they make an english version of their site :smile:)

Edited by squid

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Well, remember most of their members are either French or Belgium (Sony I think is Belgium, I apologize if I am wrong Sony!). Think of C6 as the 'French Language' companion to this site. We english speakers use this site for the majority of our SF needs, the French speaking community uses C6. There is a lot of cross-over but still often times C6 and CombatAces actually host a lot of the same files so there really isn't much use for them to spend the extra time to do a duplicate site in English for those of us that took another language in high school. :)

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I took Spanish...gets a LOT more mileage down here. :wink:

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BTW who are the creators of the original Hornet and of the more accurate Cockpit found in the Blue Angels pack?


- is there something bugy with the moving map navigation aid in this improved cockpit ?

- is there in general the capability of Waypoints indicator in the HUD? or is it there and i havent seen it?

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- ok i found who made the original F18 (great job Toaster, is he a member of Mirage Factory? who are the MF?).

- But , who made the improved Cockpit and Avionics ?

- Do i have to use the weapons pack to get aim120 and fuel tanks for the F/A-18?

- can the shadow get optimized so its not affecting FPS , like the way it works with stock planes?


General questions:

- can the canopy reflection get increased by some ini tweaking?

- is it on my pc only that the canopy glass becomes invisible when seen against clouds?

Edited by squid

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Guest Saganuay82

The MF are a group of Europeans mostly. You would have to add the Weapons pack to get the AIM120 because of the age of the weapon. WOE won't come with it. The fuel tanks should have either come with the plane or they will be in the weapons pack.


Canopy can't help ya. But as for becoming invisible, I would say from what I have seen with the 3D clouds and props is that there is a problem when one tga is displayed in front of another tga. Props become invisible in front of clouds but I haven't noticed it with canopies.

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