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I´m having a serious issue with the Yak-141.

Doesn´t having any cockpit isn´t the worst,the problem is that the plane start spinning like a mad drill sometimes.

Is that because the VTOL ability that isn´t at WoV?

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It doesn't have a cockpit because it requires cockpit files only found in WOE (from what I can gather by looking at the files in the Yak)

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Ah,yes,and the other thing that I was going to ask is that I have a F-5F called "Kleiner Tiger".

But it´s missing the engine sound and even the afterburner effect!

Can someone help me?(Don´t forget the Yak-141!)

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Ah,yes,and the other thing that I was going to ask is that I have a F-5F called "Kleiner Tiger".

But it´s missing the engine sound and even the afterburner effect!

Can someone help me?(Don´t forget the Yak-141!)


- open the [plane]_DATA.ini,

- look for the [sound] section

- edit the following entries so that they look like this:




- scroll down until come to the [Engine1(2)] section

search for and edit your entry so that it read this:


Edited by Gocad

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Download the F-5E Tiger II by MF (the F-5F uses the F-5E effects and sounds). The F-5F was my first modifcation and not the best. I probably need to update it.


F-5E Download

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can i add an issue to this nice vtol jet?


is it the game engine that causes ALL vtol aircraft to do the death rhumba when changing from horizontal flight to hover/vertical flight?


and even after i had landed, handling seems seriously impaired on a harrier or a freestyle, i could even hover right.


any tips would be gratefully thanked

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can i add an issue to this nice vtol jet?


is it the game engine that causes ALL vtol aircraft to do the death rhumba when changing from horizontal flight to hover/vertical flight?


and even after i had landed, handling seems seriously impaired on a harrier or a freestyle, i could even hover right.


any tips would be gratefully thanked



It sounds as if we're dealing with a lack of understanding of the realities of VTOL jet operations (at least as far as the Harrier is concerned).


Factoid 1) A Harrier cannot safely take off in VTOL with full fuel and stores, even in RL. Why do you think the RN equips its VTOL carriers with "ski jumps"? If you wish to become proficient in VTOL flight with the Harrier, practice with zero stores and 25% fuel until you get the hang of it.


Factoid 2) SF & WoE perform a fairly credible job of simulating Harrier VTOL flight characteristics, and that quote comes straight from a USMC pilot with time in type. In fact, he even pronounced Kreelin's model "scary-accurate".

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I just noticed that my Freestyle has no VTOL.And the game mustn´t have too.


I thought the 4th and latest patch added VTOL to WoV...And how I can "install" the VTOL?

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I just noticed that my Freestyle has no VTOL.And the game mustn´t have too.


I thought the 4th and latest patch added VTOL to WoV...And how I can "install" the VTOL?


You cannot be serious....



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Unfortunately,yes,I´m serious.

I used the key,the Yak was in VTOL position,but no throttle!

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It sounds as if we're dealing with a lack of understanding of the realities of VTOL jet operations (at least as far as the Harrier is concerned).


Factoid 1) A Harrier cannot safely take off in VTOL with full fuel and stores, even in RL. Why do you think the RN equips its VTOL carriers with "ski jumps"? If you wish to become proficient in VTOL flight with the Harrier, practice with zero stores and 25% fuel until you get the hang of it.


Factoid 2) SF & WoE perform a fairly credible job of simulating Harrier VTOL flight characteristics, and that quote comes straight from a USMC pilot with time in type. In fact, he even pronounced Kreelin's model "scary-accurate".


okay, but even in easy, normal or hard settings,


transitions from forward flight to hover and landing seems to be of




when slowing down with nozzles pointed downward for hover, both


the freestyle and the harrier just go wild when airspeed reaches 5 or

2 knots.


on a test flight at 16,000 ft, i tried to transition from horizontal


flight to hover with


the wingleveler activated


these planes just go darn crazy.


i just pressed alt+n, and though i was still twisting and tumbling so

fast, i had to do it several times until it recovered and i landed.


i dont get it why.


but i'm somewhat sure that this doesnt happen in real life.


i mean hover flight can be unstable and a loaad for a pilot in real


life, but when it starts spinning and tumbling?


but should this be really happening to real life harriers and



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Excuse me Mr. Fubar ....... i am the master of that!!!!!

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Excuse me Mr. Fubar ....... i am the master of that!!!!!



Ohhhhhhhh busted!

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Dur-ta-dur dur dur dur dur durta dur ta dur ta due dur dur....dur ta dur dur dur due dur dur ta dur dur dut ta dur ta dur,


John Phillip Sousa would be proud.....

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Now...... is that a european or african duck?

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It sounds as if we're dealing with a lack of understanding of the realities of VTOL jet operations (at least as far as the Harrier is concerned).


Factoid 1) A Harrier cannot safely take off in VTOL with full fuel and stores, even in RL. Why do you think the RN equips its VTOL carriers with "ski jumps"? If you wish to become proficient in VTOL flight with the Harrier, practice with zero stores and 25% fuel until you get the hang of it.


Factoid 2) SF & WoE perform a fairly credible job of simulating Harrier VTOL flight characteristics, and that quote comes straight from a USMC pilot with time in type. In fact, he even pronounced Kreelin's model "scary-accurate".



i am only talking about post mission flying, when fuel is usually halfway consumed, and i usually load to 70% on my vtol birds, so i could t/o using hover.


the stock harriers on WoE handles a bit better, but the yak 141 just cant hover right on landing, even if i took care that i descend slowly, thething just starts banking to the left, and yaws to the right, and, getting a nose plant on the dirt.

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Alot depends on what you have your game setup set to. Are you using easy, normal or hard flight?


As the video shows VTOL landing and takeoff is do-able.

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