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first impressions of Ultimate Universe

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Ok the install was smooth...just point the installer to your core Legacy file and click install,a new intro movie,and a new main menu...load of new ships,and races.New SP missions,and some historical,you should remember most of them from the show and movie.

Graphics wise it's hugh step up,this is more of what I expected.The ships and planets,come alive,and the Universe seems more in line with what you would expect from this game.They just have to be seen to be fully appriciated.Also I am noticing a frame rate increase,even with the better graphics.

The commands are close to the same with a few added twists that make giving orders to your fleet much easier.the interface allows for easier set up and choosing what you want to do.Game play seems smoother to me,and thats even with the new graphics.

the new races,some thing that was sorely missing before,add that Trek world feel to the game.After some time with this I will be posting a full review of it.

Also they are already talking about a patch to fix a few small bugs in the mod. Remember this is basically a demo of the mod.

So far my impression is that this is the Calvary riding to the rescue of this title.The time and effort involved by the team shows through as the game is now alot more fun to start up.

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Yes I have been massing with it some too and so far its miles ahead of the core game. These guys should of been hired to make this game.

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Did you notice a frame rate in crease also?even with the better graphics?

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I have a fast computer, I never have FPS issues.

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I really wanted Legacy when it came out, but read about the serious issues experienced because of last minute cutting. Sounds like this mod may do what modders have been doing for Bridge Commander...



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I really wanted Legacy when it came out, but read about the serious issues experienced because of last minute cutting. Sounds like this mod may do what modders have been doing for Bridge Commander...




They have mods for Bridge Commander?

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They have mods for Bridge Commander?


Oh hell ya they do!


Start here:




Check it out...seriously cool stuff. My BC install is up to 2.6 GB.


For quick battles, it's a serious hoot!



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this one is going to be the cream of the crop I have a feeling.BC is good,but I feel this one will be better.This mod and several other that are out there being worked on..not to mention all the smaller one that change various things.Just finished a quick 1V1 with the Enterprise from TOS verses a Romulan Warbird.

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ok so i have been out of the si fi loop for some time

could some one please take me by the hand and walk me through this

i and a big trek fan

i have been to conventions etc

i have and still play star fleet battles by taskforce games I got it all 3 boxed sets plus ship system display sheets and all


now if i could play this on pc would my world be a happy one

prob not but it would be more entertaining

so first

what do i start out with and were do i go for the rest

tall order but then all good things are

oh ya onemore thing does it support online play?

ship vs ship battles?

multi player coop you i wanna know everything

cuz I have had too much coffee

i am a raving loonie


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ok so i have been out of the si fi loop for some time

could some one please take me by the hand and walk me through this

i and a big trek fan

i have been to conventions etc

i have and still play I got it all 3 boxed sets plus ship system display sheets and all


now if i could play this on pc would my world be a happy one

prob not but it would be more entertaining

so first

what do i start out with and were do i go for the rest

tall order but then all good things are

oh ya onemore thing does it support online play?

ship vs ship battles?

multi player coop you i wanna know everything

cuz I have had too much coffee

i am a raving loonie


Here is most of the features straight from the horses mouth.so to speak.


to answer your questions...just buy Star Trek Legacy,Wal-Mart has it,and then come to Combatace and go to the download section and get the patches 1.1 and 1.2,then get the Ultimate Universe Mod(also here) and install it.

yes it supports on-line play for 4,6 up to 8 players.I'd recommend getting Hamchai for that,but thats just me.

Yes theres Co-op wave.

Theres alot of cool things in this one..look at the link and it'll tell you most of them.

I used to play Star Fleet Battles..a really cool game.

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Hey all,


We would like to thank Comatace.com for hosting the mod! Second, we are working on a patch which we expect to release sometime tonight or tommorrow! Nothing big, very small and minor problems. So, we thank you and on behalf of the UUMod Team we thank you!


As for the the specs and the mod, we took great care in realizing that many people have lower systems and we took that into account on many fronts and in keeping poli counts down and also improving alot of different areas to make it look good all around.



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well thanks for the info

first thing Monday off to wally world I go


and i already have hamachi

use it for work and play

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You'll really like it,theres so many things going on right now.

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Starfleet Command 1 and 2 were probably the closest to thing to SFB the PC ever saw or will see. They had their flaws, but worked pretty good.

SFC3 took a major step backwards in everything but graphics and a move to the TNG/DS9/Voyager era instead of classic. Big shame.

Legacy is the continuation of that lineage but with some big changes that make it pretty much a challenge to find any similarities to SFB except in the idea of having your own fleet of starships to fight other starships. It also covers every era of ST ever done, while other games have always been one era only.

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Starfleet Command 1 and 2 were probably the closest to thing to SFB the PC ever saw or will see. They had their flaws, but worked pretty good.

SFC3 took a major step backwards in everything but graphics and a move to the TNG/DS9/Voyager era instead of classic. Big shame.

Legacy is the continuation of that lineage but with some big changes that make it pretty much a challenge to find any similarities to SFB except in the idea of having your own fleet of starships to fight other starships. It also covers every era of ST ever done, while other games have always been one era only.


Yeah, it's a bit weird isn't it that when a TMP era game branches out into the TNG/DS9 era, it's not as well recieved (look at the TNG spinoff of SFB or SFC3) but this is not the case with UU. From what I've seen so far, it's a slice of fried gold! (That's good :grin:). I've worked hard these past ten years to reform myself from my Trekkie past, but after a quick go of UU at a mate's place, all that hard work has gone down the drain!!


Just curious, it probably has no relevence to Legacy and I'm way out of the loop here, but EagleEye software made a simple yet ingenious ship editing tool (funnily enough called Shipedit) for the SFC series, I'm just wondering if there is an equivelant for Legacy?

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