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Su-27 Ukrainian Splinter

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And on a side note, the FM for this is nice Marcfighter, very smooth :good:

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This is good stuff Flanker! I've been trying to do the same for a Mig-29M skin but for some reason it's still coming out a bit too cartoonish. Guess it means I'll have to have a day off work to sort it out :wink:

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Well generally I tend to get the same results at the outset, which happens anyways. Its when you start to weather it, or adjust the opacity (that may be the issue) to a degree. Another cheap, easy but effective technique is to make another layer, paint bucket it with gray (128,128,128) and then use Noise to make it all pixelated (what you like is up to you, but 1.0 to 2.0 is a resonable value) that gets rid of the smoothness of a texture color. Then set the layer type to "Overlay" and you got a cheap a$$ noise layer that just works. Maybe a screenshot or two and we can see how cartoonish?


Adding some generic weathering to the Su-27. Ukrainian Flankers tend to be alot cleaner than most, and the ones from 2004 (latest I could get from Airliners.net) show them dirty, but just that, not DIRTY) aren't that bad off, so mine isn't going to reflect that too much:







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Thanks! :smile:

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recolor the small air intakes on the fins .... ;)

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:smile: Thanks!

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Due to some mapping probs the splinter gets distorted,narc has said its being fixed....

my wip here is on hold as are some other skins for the glorious Flanker...



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Well so far the only thing that's given me issues was around the radome where the fuselage meets it. Other than that it's worked out fine for me. But that's cool to see what happens.


Oh yeah the area around the intakes gave me a little annoyance, but still got it working fine :wink:

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But given the fact it will be updated, I'll pause this project as well. I got another Tomcat (a couple really) that I need to get busy on, so when Marcfighter uploads his revised Flanker, then I'll continue.

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Hi mate

Please release it, even if marcfighter release an update we could use it until this time. There are so few skins of it that me and others people here, i'm sure would be very pleased to have this WIP which is terrific, believe me but if not i'll be patient and thank you for this beautiful work...

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Heya Flanker, I'm likeing that!! I'm going to lobby with galoub. I'd like to have a splinter scheme also, revised model or not. I'd work on one myself, but I need to finish the Blue Angels FA-18, the A-6E, and the F-4Es that I have started before I take on another project that I have no time to finish at present :biggrin: . Good thing I love my job! Nowhere else do you get an highrise office with a window your first day on the job.

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lol you know with lobbies come with pundits, and also consultants, so okay fine, tomorrow I'll release what I have done :good:


I have some done Blue Angels skins, I've been lazy to finish them, so if you want them, I can let them go as I got other projects to worry about.

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great ! thx a lot for sharing your work, i'm sure it will be much appreciated :smile:

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Thanks Flanker :clapping: ! Do as you wish with your BA skins. It's going to be the 2nd week of next month before I can pick up mine again. I was hopeing to have the A-6E ready to go also and upload them together, but I might just finish one thing at a time now that I'm done with my anual simulator training for another year.

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k, got it uploaded and waiting for approval.

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