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Other Flight Sim Sites

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Just out of curiosity what other flight simming sites do you visit?

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In order of most frequently visited:


Pretty much SimHQ, and to a lesser extent, Flightsim.com. All the other sites I visit are at most once or twice a month.



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Just out of curiosity what other flight simming sites do you visit?


http://www.thirdwire.com/ ...of course.



http://www.column5.us/index.htm ...and just about any other site related to SF/WOV/WOE












I think that's all of them.... yeah, I'm a little obsessed. Got my head up in the clouds. :biggrin:

Edited by MigHound

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And I'm a Server and Forum admin for FSTopGun.net.


This was the first forum that I felt comfortable posting on back when Mad Jeff ran the place so this is still very much like home.

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Pretty much only SHQ on a regular basis. I used to go to Frugal's on occasion. I go to other places like TW or Ubi when I'm looking for something, but I never post there.

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a long time ago i used to visit Jane's USAF forum in SimHQ

and GulfKnight's web site and forums...

didn't fly sims for a long time as well :\ and i bought X-45 and i ain't using :|||

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a long time ago i used to visit Jane's USAF forum in SimHQ

and GulfKnight's web site and forums...

didn't fly sims for a long time as well :\ and i bought X-45 and i ain't using :|||


I remember the good ole days, with Jane's Combat.net

I use to play the snot outta Fighters Anthology, F-15, FA-18 & USAF on that server, nonstop.

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Guest 531_Ghost

Narrowing my scope down to one or two and not to mention the CH-Hangar

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Most visits to: Lockonfiles, Altair VA, AVSIM, Column5, Dutch FS site, Falcon5.nl, Lead Pursuit, Mission4today, Ubi, PMDG, SIMHQ, VATSIM, Thirdwire.

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