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Coming Soon to a CombatACE near u.....

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A little type of mod that has been long overdue for recognition..... [but u take a guess]


301st FS, 332nd FG



302nd FS, 332nd FG



99th FS, 332nd FG Rockin' Tha Wings



99th FS, 332nd FG Movin' On




In 1941, a bunch of yung African-American boyz from around the country came to Tuskegee

Institute wit a passion for flying and for battle. While the skies over the MTO and ETO would

eventually claim 66 of their lives, They would ultimately become arguably the finest Fighter Group

ever to help conquer the skies over Hitler's Germany.


They were the Tuskegee Airmen.


This is Their Mod.



Wings of Tuskegee, coming soon to CombatACE

Edited by SidDogg

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Good looking skins!!! More WWII stuff!!!!

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Thank you Sid!!

that saves me a buttload of work trying to finish off the one I started...never could get the marking just quite right.


Looking forward to this for my MTO install!!



kevin Stein

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Geat stuff!


Looking good!





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TUSKEGEE AIRMEN!!!DANGIT Whoouhoouuuu. That sounds great pal! Can't wait dlding it

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.....more pix coming soon..... [ >=D ]

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Man u want me to die in front of those screens!

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Oh man, I've wanted a redtail for the longest time.


Will it work in WOV/SFP1/WOE?


If not, I might have to get a copy of whatever it works in!!!!

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More Pix



99th FS Tangle in Tunisia



99th FS Strafin' Convoys in Sicily




In 1941, a bunch of yung African-American boyz from around the country came to Tuskegee

Institute wit a passion for flying and for battle. While the skies over the MTO and ETO would

eventually claim 66 of their lives, They would ultimately become arguably the finest Fighter Group

ever to help conquer the skies over Hitler's Germany.


They were the Tuskegee Airmen.


This is Their Mod.



Wings of Tuskegee, coming soon to CombatACE

Edited by SidDogg

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99th FS Tangle in Tunisia



99th FS Strafin' Convoys in Sicily




In 1941, a bunch of yung African-American boyz from around the country came to Tuskegee

Institute wit a passion for flying and for battle. While the skies over the MTO and ETO would

eventually claim 66 of their lives, They would ultimately become arguably the finest Fighter Group

ever to help conquer the skies over Hitler's Germany.


They were the Tuskegee Airmen.


This is Their Mod.



Wings of Tuskegee, coming soon to CombatACE


Can you get a close up!! :biggrin:

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Can you get a close up!! :biggrin:


we'll see..... ^_^

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Hey Sidd, here's a screenie of mine




You can't see it too clearly, but there's a new pilot figure in the pit...

With Benjamin 0. Davis' face!!


I'll try to get a closer one later on, and post it.



Kevin Stein

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Hey Sidd, here's a screenie of mine




You can't see it too clearly, but there's a new pilot figure in the pit...

With Benjamin 0. Davis' face!!


I'll try to get a closer one later on, and post it.



Kevin Stein



alright, that's cool.


just ta let u know, that aircraft is from the 302nd FS..... i made a more accurate skin for it though ^_^


.....and i made my own pilot skin! ;D


but thanks for the help


you know what i really need? a way to combine the Tunisia and EAW Euro terrains.....


that would really open the way outside the box, could someone show me how to do that???

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More to come



Jugs of The 332nd












In 1941, a bunch of yung African-American boyz from around the country came to Tuskegee

Institute wit a passion for flying and for battle. While the skies over the MTO and ETO would

eventually claim 66 of their lives, They would ultimately become arguably the finest Fighter Group

ever to help conquer the skies over Hitler's Germany.


They were the Tuskegee Airmen.


This is Their Mod.



Wings of Tuskegee, coming soon to CombatACE

Edited by SidDogg

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New S***



And now, the Mustangs.....



99th FS, 332nd FG





100th FS, 332nd FG





301st FS, 332nd FG





302nd FS, 332nd FG







............. ^_^



That's Riiiiiiiiiiight.















In 1941, a bunch of yung African-American boyz from around the country came to Tuskegee

Institute wit a passion for flying and for battle. While the skies over the MTO and ETO would

eventually claim 66 of their lives, They would ultimately become arguably the finest Fighter Group

ever to help conquer the skies over Hitler's Germany.


They were the Tuskegee Airmen.


This is Their Mod.



Wings of Tuskegee, coming soon to CombatACE

Edited by SidDogg

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MORE TA COME PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Do WW2 a/c work in SFP/WOV/WOE, or do I need to pick up a copy of a WW2 sim?



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Do WW2 a/c work in SFP/WOV/WOE, or do I need to pick up a copy of a WW2 sim?




WW2 aircraft work in each and every Strike Fighters derivative. You might have to change a few .ini's here and there, but the possibilities are already reality.

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Thanks, for the reply, SidDogg.

That's great news.


You simply need to change the active years. Just look for the options.ini in the main folder of SFP1, WOV, or WOE. there sould be an entry around the middle section of the file, it says PeriodStart= and PeriodEnd=. Change those to values representative of the time time frame in years that your WWII aircraft served in, and you'll be fine.


The Quick Way: grab a complete WWII campaign mod from the Download section. It should have the ini already edited ^_^

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Do we have a timeframe Sid, so that I will hibernate until it's released...CAn't wait man!!!It looks awesome

Keep up the great work

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Best way to do it, is have seperate install for All the WW2 stuff.






PTO (PTO can be further broken down to China, Burma, using Edwards superb maps)


ETO can be sepeated again for the "Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe & Allies" (sometimes noted on the boards as SWOTL2 or WW2:46 -- my big thing!)


With the seperate installs, you won't have the strangeness of Zekes over London, for instance.


To answer, the original question...


they were built for the SF series...they work superbly!!

There's a wealth of aircraft (both here at CA, and selected sites), and a Multitude of skins!!!

If you've any questions as to how, just ask.


Sid: I and definaely sh&t canning my skin effort!! You'rs is MUCH better!!! But I'm keeping my General Davis pilot though.

Love the idea of doing all the aircraft they flew...sort of like what I been doing with 112 Squadron.

There are meny ex-Tuskegee airmen here in Los Angeles, and I've had the opportunity to meet a few of them...what a superb job they did, fighting not only the enemy, but their own countries predjudices.


As you say, long overdue



kevin stein

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Why are we bumping 2 hours apart?


(Moderator mode on) Please do not bump threads for the sake of bumping threads. 2 hours between bumps in excessive. (Moderator mode off)


Carry on

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Why are we bumping 2 hours apart?


(Moderator mode on) Please do not bump threads for the sake of bumping threads. 2 hours between bumps in excessive. (Moderator mode off)


Carry on


(V/R) Aye, Moderator, sir. Carry On, Aye.

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