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Adding addional squadrons

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I have searched a bit, but I didn't find the info I was looking for.


I have tried to add additional squadrons, so that they would be recognized in campaigns.

I have extracted the squadronlist.ini and added some squadrons, but apparently the changes had no effect.


Could anybody tell me what I am apparently missing here? Thanks.

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You beat me to this topic :rolleyes:

I'm running WOE Final Dawn campaign. The campaign calls for WGermany to be active and I've added the F-4FICE to the aircraft folder and added JG71 to the WOE2007 campaign data file


UnitName=JG71 'Richthofen' F-4F/ICE Phantom II





StartText=WOE2007START1.txtp the WOE2007 campaign.ini


it'll show up in the loading screen now but when i select it and go to the hanger screen, NOTHING!!

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You have to add the squadron to the SquadronList.ini (located in the Flight folder - though I've seen it in the PilotData folder too) like this:




DisplayName=JG71 'Richthofen'



Also, I think JG71 already exists in the stock SquadronList.ini file...as Squadron234.


Finally, there are two campaign files. Usually named "campaign".ini and "campaign"_data.ini. The entry you wrote above is for the "campaign".ini file...did you make sure to match the [AirUnit045] entry in the "campaign"_data.ini file to the entry in the "campaign".ini file? Simple questions, but I've made the same mistake...



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The entry in the squadron list will have no effect on the campaign, except the briefing won't have a squadron name.


What do you mean by nothing? Did the game crash?

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Np iy didn't crash. it wouldn't display the plane in the hanger scene where you load weapons.

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You have to add the squadron to the SquadronList.ini (located in the Flight folder - though I've seen it in the PilotData folder too) like this:




DisplayName=JG71 'Richthofen'



Also, I think JG71 already exists in the stock SquadronList.ini file...as Squadron234.


Finally, there are two campaign files. Usually named "campaign".ini and "campaign"_data.ini. The entry you wrote above is for the "campaign".ini file...did you make sure to match the [AirUnit045] entry in the "campaign"_data.ini file to the entry in the "campaign".ini file? Simple questions, but I've made the same mistake...





No I didn't. Live and learn AGAIN :)

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I also notice that the warsaw pac planes don't seem to have any missiles present under the wings?

and......how do you open the bomb bays or the waepons bay on planes like the f-19 or B-52???


Just full of queastions tonight?????

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Np iy didn't crash. it wouldn't display the plane in the hanger scene where you load weapons.


Actually, that doesn't mean anything other than you don't have a specific "LOADOUT".BMP file for your aircraft. Did you try to actually loadout and go fly? Some 3rd party planes don't have a loadout picture.


I also notice that the warsaw pac planes don't seem to have any missiles present under the wings?


Okay, that can be for 2 reasons:


1) They dropped all their weapons or their recon loadout has nothing on it

2) In the "LOADOUT".INI (different from the "LOADOUT".BMP) file for those specific aircraft (say a MiG-29A) make sure that the weapons actually exist. A lot of the Russian missiles in the stock SFP1/WOV/WOE install still use the western "AA-xx" designations verses the proper weaponspack designations of "R-XX". Also, I THINK (I'm not sure) but the dates the weapons were in use matter...


and......how do you open the bomb bays or the waepons bay on planes like the f-19 or B-52???


Under 'Options' check the 'Controls' tab...Customize...look for the key in the weapons keys listing. I'm not sure what the default key is.



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You have to add the squadron to the SquadronList.ini (located in the Flight folder - though I've seen it in the PilotData folder too) like this:




DisplayName=JG71 'Richthofen'



Also, I think JG71 already exists in the stock SquadronList.ini file...as Squadron234.


Finally, there are two campaign files. Usually named "campaign".ini and "campaign"_data.ini. The entry you wrote above is for the "campaign".ini file...did you make sure to match the [AirUnit045] entry in the "campaign"_data.ini file to the entry in the "campaign".ini file? Simple questions, but I've made the same mistake...




Well, I have done that already with my WOV install, added this to the Squadronlst.ini:




DisplayName=No 3 RAAF Squadron



but still, No 3 RAAF Squadron doesn't show up at all.

Could it be that program doesn't read from the edited extracted squadronlst file, but just from the squadronlst file that is inside the missiondata.cat ?

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Well, I have done that already with my WOV install, added this to the Squadronlst.ini:




DisplayName=No 3 RAAF Squadron



but still, No 3 RAAF Squadron doesn't show up at all.

Could it be that program doesn't read from the edited extracted squadronlst file, but just from the squadronlst file that is inside the missiondata.cat ?


Once you have added squadrons to the ini you have to put it in your PilotData folder. Then the sim will read it. I have an extensive squadronlst file and it works fine. Also when adding squadrons to a campaign it is highly recommended you have it match the campaign entries and what you listed in the squadronlst file, despite what jtin says. It will make the campaign run smoother. Not that I haven't built a campaign or 2 for the sim.

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Once you have added squadrons to the ini you have to put it in your PilotData folder. Then the sim will read it.


Ah, that was the reason why it didn't work. Thanks!

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You need to add the data bigred posted to the campaign.ini file, then more data in the campaign_data.ini file, its in the knowledge base.


The odd thing when I do it is, if I make a new nation flyable( ex dhimar or soviet) the choice shows up, but when I start, it gives me an american unit.

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You need to add the data bigred posted to the campaign.ini file, then more data in the campaign_data.ini file, its in the knowledge base.


The odd thing when I do it is, if I make a new nation flyable( ex dhimar or soviet) the choice shows up, but when I start, it gives me an american unit.

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All great information for me to work on. As usual, I learn each day..a little at a time. Thanks for all the replies.




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Actually, that doesn't mean anything other than you don't have a specific "LOADOUT".BMP file for your aircraft. Did you try to actually loadout and go fly? Some 3rd party planes don't have a loadout picture.

Okay, that can be for 2 reasons:


1) They dropped all their weapons or their recon loadout has nothing on it

2) In the "LOADOUT".INI (different from the "LOADOUT".BMP) file for those specific aircraft (say a MiG-29A) make sure that the weapons actually exist. A lot of the Russian missiles in the stock SFP1/WOV/WOE install still use the western "AA-xx" designations verses the proper weaponspack designations of "R-XX". Also, I THINK (I'm not sure) but the dates the weapons were in use matter...

Under 'Options' check the 'Controls' tab...Customize...look for the key in the weapons keys listing. I'm not sure what the default key is.



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Here is what the loadout forthe MiG-29G has:

Group ID 1 ------------------------------------------------

// StationSeq 1 = Right Outboard Pylon Rail (Small IRM Only)

// StationSeq 2 = Left Outboard Pylon Rail (Small IRM Only)

//Group ID 2 ------------------------------------------------

// StationSeq 3 = Right Inboard Pylon Rail (Small IRM only)

// StationSeq 4 = Left Inboard Pylon Rail (Small IRM only)

// StationSeq 5 = Right Inboard Rail (AA only)

// StationSeq 6 = Left Inboard Rail (AA only)

//Group ID 3 ------------------------------------------------

// StationSeq 7 = Right Inboard Rail (AA Only)

// StationSeq 8 = Left Inboard Rail (AA Only)

//Group ID 4 ------------------------------------------------

// StationSeq 9 = Centerline


// Munition Listing -------------------------------------------------


// Air to Air


// AA-8

// AA-10R

// AA-10IR

// AA-11

// AA-12

// AA-6R

// AA-6IR

// AA-7R

// AA-7IR


// Loadouts -----------------------------------------------------------
















Now the .BMP pic that I have doesn't show any missiles on the rails (as far as I can tell). So, I can assume the missiles are loaded but just don't show on the plane when it flies/

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Once you have added squadrons to the ini you have to put it in your PilotData folder. Then the sim will read it. I have an extensive squadronlst file and it works fine. Also when adding squadrons to a campaign it is highly recommended you have it match the campaign entries and what you listed in the squadronlst file, despite what jtin says. It will make the campaign run smoother. Not that I haven't built a campaign or 2 for the sim.

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Hummmmmmmmmmm There is no squadronlst.ini to add too???????

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Hummmmmmmmmmm There is no squadronlst.ini to add too???????


You would have to extract it using the cat extractor. Or wait 3 hours (on duty) and PM with an email address and I will send you mine.

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You would have to extract it using the cat extractor. Or wait 3 hours (on duty) and PM with an email address and I will send you mine.





I sent you an email with my return on it. The file would be great whenever you get to it. Thanks again

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There is your problem right there. The weapons pack doesn't use AA-XX as a designation for Russian missiles.


Try this (after MAKING A BACKUP) for your MiG-29G (?) loadout.ini, substitute the [AirToAir] loadout with this:
















This should work...assuming you have the weapons pack.



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