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RFA 07-02 Update

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Hey all, just saying hi from the Land of the Midnight Sun! It's only only been two days and already I have a ton of awesome pics to show you guys when I get back. My squadron is based out of an old alert hangar at the end of the runway so we have the best spot on base to watch the launches. Get back to ya soon, later guys.

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Hey, just heard a Viper and an Eagle scraped some paint. Heard the Eagle guy had to punch but is okay...the Viper guy was able to limp back and land. Glad everyone's okay...any rumors yet?



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Yeah, the Eagle driver punched out and he's allright, the Viper did make it all the way back to Eielson, I heard he hit the F-15. The Eagle was from Langley, the Viper, an agressor from Nellis.

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That's a new definition of the term "aggressor."

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Would that count as a "Snakebite" :rolleyes:

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One of the Alaska Vipers taxied behind one of our B-1's today and got tipped onto it's right wing. Eat it hard fighter pukes!

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Tell ya a story.


Back in 1995, we deployed to Bagotville, PQ, Canada for Amalgam Warrior. Basically an exercise where we simulated Backfires for the CF-188s to play with.


Anyway, Bagotville is NOT as big a field as a typical B-1B base. In order to be able to park and taxi successfully, we had to taxi in a 'U' shaped pattern. With the center of the U being parked B-1s. In addition, we had to taxi with our wings swept until we got on the parallel taxiway (the right side of the 'U') due to the lack of clearance on the left side of the 'U'.


Got it so far? Down the left side of the U, wings swept, then across the base of the U, then up the right side of the U, where we would 'un-sweep' our wings for takeoff. Sounds okay, right?


Well, it was, except when on the base of the U, the engines are pointed right at the ramp with all the miscellanous stuff an airport has. Did I mention that there is (was?) a restriction that didn't allow us to sweep wings on the ground unless we were not moving.


Well, a 4 ship taxies out, and lead gets onto the parallel taxiway, then stops to 'un-sweep' for takeoff. 2 stops on the base of the U...and Newton's law kicks into full force. When lead starts moving again, 2 has to push it up significantly to turn onto the parallel taxiway. The power equivalent to a Thunderbird 4 ship points directly at a stack of 300 lb cargo pallets.


Which promptly go flying like so many leaves in the wind. They smash into a few buildings, take out a car and some fence. The total damage ended up being about $30,000. Plus the quickest revision of the parking plan I've ever seen...


Don't screw with jet exhaust! :)



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Yeah, I've seen those safety videos where they tow the truck behind the airliner and let it go tumbling away. :grin:

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More pictures of the F-16 wild ride...got this from a friend:








I think that's the squadron commander's bird too...oops!



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