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July 4th Online fun!

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Ok I must say that's the most fun I have had in FE so far !!!


That was great flying and good friends.


Peter and Laton ... please get hold me when you can, we want to talk about FMs and plane matching a bit. (hint hint)


All anyone needs is teamspeak and Hamachi. If you can get TS going we can help with the rest to get you flying. Today we had the Spad and the D7 going and it was a blast. This is the most fun I have had in FE bar none. THanks to Dread and Lother for gettign this idea going. There are very few problems I had getting in the games and its flying way better than it did in the past. If you like FE and love online play please get in on this.... we need more lead flying around !!!


Watch for next post on times


Here is the link to hamachi



Here is the teamspeak link



Here is how to set the multiplayer screen to see the games we are running. Lother is leaving his up for a while today if you want to come play.




Comne on in and fill firecage's plane full of holes :)

Edited by Firecage

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My Hamachi IP address is The session name is First Eagles. The password is fe


Ok I must say that's the most fun I have had in FE so far !!!


That was great flying and good friends.


Peter and Laton ... please get hold me when you can, we want to talk about FMs and plane matching a bit. (hint hint)


All anyone needs is teamspeak and Hamachi. If you can get TS going we can help with the rest to get you flying. Today we had the Spad and the D7 going and it was a blast. This is the most fun I have had in FE bar none. THanks to Dread and Lother for gettign this idea going. There are very few problems I had getting in the games and its flying way better than it did in the past. If you like FE and love online play please get in on this.... we need more lead flying around !!!


Watch for next post on times


Here is the link to hamachi



Here is the teamspeak link



Here is how to set the multiplayer screen to see the games we are running. Lother is leaving his up for a while today if you want to come play.




Comne on in and fill firecage's plane full of holes :)

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(S!) ALL hi ;-)


You will never get MP off the ground this way.

I will explain what I mean,

Hamachi makes you invisible no one knows you are there no one can see you

Unless they have read your posts, HQ TS has very little customers for flying sims

So the passer by will more then likely not have any interest in FE or any other

Flying sim from HQ’s TS.


Now how to get this MP side of the game off the ground?

I will tell you the best way as of right now with high visibility.


Use Hipper Lobby to play in, why?, because anyone that goes to HL is there for

Flying sims and only flying sims, so when they see 6,7,9,10 people in HL for FE

They are more then likely to stop in to see what is going on, that’s high visibility.


Next use a TS that is known for Flying sim traffic, I offered one for FE and still

Have it up with the FE room in it, anyone that goes to that TS is there for flying.


This is what will help get more people into the MP side of this game!


PS; I was just in HL for 20 mins and had 4 people stop in to see what I was doing

Now that tells you something doesn’t it!


PSS; and you do not have to depend on someone leveling up a server because HL

Is there all the time.




your friend in the FE sky

v. Deutschmark

Edited by v. Deutschmark

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Ok well on that posititive note... nm didnt mean to try and get some interest going.

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(S!) ALL hi ;-)


I give you and anyone high marks for trying!

It’s what you are using that dose not give FE game high visibility.


Am in my TS right now, and there is 14 people in here and all of

Them are into flying sims, get where am coming from…




your friend in the FE sky

v. Deutschmark

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How about we don't knock the guy for trying to have some fun, ok?



He asked for a mod to delete the post but I'm going to leave it up to see if anyone wants to join him.

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Hi guys,


I can only speak for myself, but I imagine a lot of people who might consider MP are intimidated by the process, and perhaps the level of pilot skill and those willing to rub your nose in it... Pardon my language, but I've heard there are some real dicks in the virtual skies [present company excluded I'm sure...].


I know this is the next logical challenge, as the AI only goes so far and I would like to get involved, but how much does this all cost???


EDIT: also just looked at Lothar's thread announcing the MP for this morning:

Please find the following information:


1234 TCP and UDP

46000 TCP and UDP

2300-2400 TCP and UDP

6073 UDP


Hyper Lobby

1698 TCP and UDP

21000 TCP and UDP



12975 TCP

32976 TCP


Note: If these Hamachi ports are not open, then is defaults to 443 TCP.


Unless I spent A LOT of my day trying to figure this out, I never would play MP... Some valued opinions from CA have just said, "stay away" [mentioning no names...]

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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Guest Saganuay82

Yep and ya wanna do a write up and contribute. Send it on. Click on the MP button.



I might even make up a free forum for MP.

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(S!) ALL hi ;-)


Am not trying to knock him for having his fun, not at all.

Just trying to give him some other ways of making FE game

More visible to flight sim enthusiasts, I for one would like to

See the MP side of this game take off, I feel it’s the side that

Is lacking the most of the FE game.




your friend in the FE sky

v. Deutschmark

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Here is my reply from the FE forum


"v. Deutschmark


Thanks for your concern. Your points are well taken. If anyone had a true answer for online play in FE, we would obviously not be trying again. Much like the Wright Brothers found out, it takes allot work to fly. Presently we are having allot of fun with this and we are finding some of the best online combat we have ever seen since it's inception. Granted, we will run into issues along the way and we will have to try something different (much like the Wright Brothers). We are truly committted to the task and we "will" see it through. I can only ask for your support and patients as we move forward. If you have a dedicated TS server we can use, super. It would save resources one (yes there will be more than one) of the FE dedicated servers I am setting up!


Thanks for your input"


Please note the port reference I was documenting was for hosting through a firewall and for everyones benefit. You do not need to worry about this is your are a player when using Hamachi. As far as the cost of playing on this proposed MP environment, there will be none.


We are looking for support and not opposition especially in these early stages of development. It's a shame that Firecage asked his post to be removed. He's a damn good pilot and sees a future (at least I still hope so) in what we are doing. I thought he made a great post. Please support him and us as we move forward.


Thank you again




(S!) ALL hi ;-)


Am not trying to knock him for having his fun, not at all.

Just trying to give him some other ways of making FE game

More visible to flight sim enthusiasts, I for one would like to

See the MP side of this game take off, I feel it’s the side that

Is lacking the most of the FE game.


your friend in the FE sky

v. Deutschmark

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(S!) ALL hi ;-)



I will be the first to try to help with the MP side of this game.

Here is the TS that has an FE room in it, I put in this room when

FE first came out, this TS gets only flight sim enthusiasts in it.

And most that go there are Red Baron 3D players so their into WW1.




Your nic-name.

No password needed.


Hope that helps.


your friend in the FE sky

v. Deutschmark

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The bottom line is FE mmp is not ready for prime time. To mix the metaphor, we are still an off-broadway production. The people we really need now have a higher tolerance for frustration, a willingness to be guinea pigs. Guinea pigs that want to have fun.


With lothar onboard, we will soon have simple installs (batch files). With input from Peter01 and others we will have compatable flight and damage models. The invitation to the Open Skies is for all, but really directed at the 'early adopters'.


FE mmp is too difficult for the casual player and we have to change that. We will change that. It will happen sooner with more help, but it will happen. When it does, we will have a game that takes RB3d into the 21st Century, at least that is my goal.

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I must admit that it's been my impression that the reason that MP in the TW sims has never taken off isn't that it was hard to get it working but that the available options (no user created missions etc.) were too limited.


Oh & you all know that we have a free TS server here at CA?


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There have always been people on hand to get connection/server issues resolved.

Anyone who ever asked for help with MP on the forums or at HL got support if they really wanted it.

But every single virtual squadron I have ever seen fly this sim is gone within a month or two.

While I never really tire of dogfighting, I can understand why someone who is accustomed to fully supported multiplayer options would get bored.

Half the fun of flying together is ruined when you can't even start on a runway much less design training missions that can be flown together.

Why struggle so hard to get a less than stellar online experience when other products fill this role much better?


I think the squadrons have it wrong.

While it would be easier and perhaps better if TK provided the support other sims have, most of the stuff virtual squadrons like to do can be done with the SFP1 series.

Instead of complaing about the limitations of co-op, simply take advantage of the flexibility of dogfight mode.

There is nothing stopping the host from setting up the spawn points near opposing bases, dividing players up into teams, and having everyone respawn until they start at the correct base.

Everyone could land immediately so that runway starts could be utilized.

If bombing missions are desired, everyone's installs could include copies of aircraft with edited loadout ini files so that the desired weapons would be carried.

For instance, besides the F-4E, there might be F-4E Mk82.

Of course there would be no SAMs/AAA or other interesting targets, but it would be perfect for a training environment.

Those same teams could then play a corresponding coop mission when they want to face air defenses and/or to play for points.

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to add to what streakeagle said

I would be happy to be anyones target

if we can get drive able ships and tanks

you could do some nice air to ground work and play top cover or cas

some one did do a driveable jeep last year who and were it went i do not know

but there are no limits just through some time and effort into it

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but there are no limits just through some time and effort into it


Therein lies the real problem... very few are willing to put in any time or effort when they can just install something like IL-2 or Aces High and be happy right away.

TK has very little interest in MP, so its not going to improve in that area any time soon.

So the problem is finding people who enjoy the SFP1 era enough to put up with its limitations rather than going for the instant gratification offered by other sims' MP suuport.

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(S!) ALL hi ;-)



About MP in TW games,

Having looked into FE’s MP data and dll’s and looking on internet

At MP & MMP game engines, I now see why TW games have what

They have in it for the MP side of the game, I will explain.


The MP side of any game has its own MP engine, these MP engines

If you have to by one to put in a game that you are going to sell can

Cost from 30 to 150 thousand dollars depending on what functions

And how many players will be able to play.


On internet there are also mass MMP game engines that you can get

For free, but to use them you must be able to give the final product

Away free, TK cant do this as he needs to sell the final product so he

Can not use one of these free MMP game engines, he needs to by one

For his games so he is looking at 30 to 150 thousand dollars out lay

I see the one he got for TW games is the same in all TW games and

After spending that amount of money for a MMP game engine, I would

Use it in all my games also, the one in TW games is a small MP game

Engine as to its functions and how many players are allowed, so TK

Probably spent somewhere around 30 to 50 thousand dollars for the

One he has in his TW games.


Now if we as a community wanted to use one of these free MMP game

Engines and attach it to our TW games and give that attachment away

Free much like Hamachi we could but it would take a team of programmers

To get it setup and all the functions working the way we would like it, that

Would have to be a community effort to be done right.





your friend in the FE sky

v. Deutschmark

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Hey Dread,


so why not Hyperlobby? Is it to laggy? It's been to long for me to remember why. For some of us all we care about is a good dogfight with our friends.

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For some of us all we care about is a good dogfight with our friends.

I think that is a good start, but it will become boring after a while, and then you'll want to see the more complex missions, squadrons, options, etc. that are being discussed now. It is good to have a dream, because that's where it really starts, and then a pragmatic plan to work towards the goals.


I imagine there are quite a few out there who have experienced the RB3D glory days, but that didn't happen overnight either...


Sorry, all I can offer is my Guinea Pig status to this MP effort :good:

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I believe the multiplayer game engine TK uses is his own coded with Microsoft's DirectPlay libraries... which is free and is part of the DirectX API.

DirectPlay makes it relatively easy to make networked MP games... but the interface is notoriously inefficient. Typically having problems with lag and connectivity.

I would rather have what TK has provided than no multiplayer at all.


Operation Flashpoint started out with DirectPlay technology, but added the option to use sockets after the limitations of DirectPlay became quite apparent with large groups playing together.


I believe TK is not a network guru, so it would require far too much effort on his part to make a better MP system.

Apparently, hiring someone else is far too expensive for the return he gets coding this sim series.

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Salute! All

I think that the best way for testing FE MP is playing with hypperlobby -

For whose who are interested, may be we should fix a "rendez-vous"

I am an old (for all sense of term lol) multiplayer in CFS and actually Red baron

(i belong to a squad)

I live in France - (GMT+1 hour)-

For those who dont know, MP is very fun and offer a good opportunity to meet a lot of ww1 aircraft enthusiasts-Red baron multiplayer games, since nearly 9 years now,manage to create a real community (less that hundred pilots) of "honest pilots"


Cu later in the skies



alias SPA124ChVBRUNO in Red baron

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