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How would one go about modifiying a HUD specifically the one in the Tornado Package?



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So this is what I have so far, the only problem is that the HUD part in White (which is from me trying to get rid of it in Photoshop) will not go away and I cannot figure out how to move the HUD part in green in to the center of the glass.




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You really need to convert the screenshot bmps into jpgs. Makes is easier to view, and perhaps get set up at Photobucket or one of the other free image hosting sites. Much easier to link back too.


I think there's already an HUD update for the Toros, have you checked the 'Cockpit Mods' section here at CA???


On the subject at hand, I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you.



Kevin Stein

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The Tornado cockpit update only adds a depressed reticle sight to the existing HUD, it unfortunately does nothing for the next-to-useless HUD tapes that tantobot is trying to replace with the CCIP HUD.


I think the problem you're having may be a transparency/opacity issue, check your fill colour settings in PS. maybe the alpha channel needs adjusting too.


Whats really needed is a straight replacement of the HUD in the ini file for something readable.

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Tantobot, you obviously read this article here:




Which showed you how to make the HUD with Avionics70.dll and a CCIP.


However, you did see this, right?










Note the bolded area?


That's the HUD view area defined off the center point of view...think of it as the opposite corners of a square.


In ViewportTopLeft=LLL,TTT where LLL is the left side of the square, using negative numbers, and TTT is the top of the square, also using negative numbers.

In ViewportBottomRight=RRR,BBB where RRR is the right side of the square, using positive numbers, and BBB is the bottom of the square, also using positive numbers.


So, to move your HUD around, simply adjust these numbers. Now, obviously, this will only adjust the viewport (the 'hole' you can see the HUD in)...not the locations of some elements of the HUD. Look for 'ImagePosition=' entries...adjust those numbers to adjust the position different parts of the HUD appear. It will take a lot of trial and error and stopping and restarting the sim to see the results of your tweaking...



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Now, lets get rid of the old HUD stuff.


HUDs use TGA files, so you have to have a program that manipulates TGA files...I use Paint Shop Pro.


First, make sure you delete references to the old HUD files in the cockpit.ini file...look for Instrument[xxx]=HUDxxx lines and delete. But you have to renumber the Instrument [xxx] lines. If you want to cleanup the cockpit.ini file, you can also delete the [HUDxxx] paragraphs the Instrument [xxx]= lines reference.


Now, some of the older aircraft that used Avionics60.dll cockpit HUDs have TGA files that are attached to them. For instance, in the Tornado cockpit directory, there are a few files, including torn_hud.tga, that are not referenced in either the avionics.ini or cockpit.ini files. That means the TGA is referenced by the cockpit.lod file directly. So if you just delete the TGA file, you'll end up with a big white spot in the HUD. What you need to do is make the TGA file completely transparent.


This is actually pretty simple. You need to open the specific TGA file, then delete the old alpha channel, which just is a 'mask' to allow the background to shine through the specific parts. Make a new alpha channel as a 'mask' that hides all. Then save the TGA file. And that's it. The new TGA file will 'hide' all the lettering...effectively making it invisible.


Try it! I did it just now and it works fine!



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Because that's what happens in real life. Has to do with the way the HUD is projected onto the glass. I don't know all the technical reasons...also, you tend to lose parts of the HUD in real life as well.



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Because that's what happens in real life. Has to do with the way the HUD is projected onto the glass. I don't know all the technical reasons...also, you tend to lose parts of the HUD in real life as well.





Absolutely correct. My dad's Vett has a HUD on it and it does the same thing. Too bad you can't change the color on it though.

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Tantobot, when you get the new HUD working properly would you be so kind as to release it as a fix?


I could do it myself now FastCargo has explained how, but it seems you're further along already... :good::wink:

Edited by Platinum Rogue

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Too bad you can't change the color on it though.


You can change the HUD color in WOE by editing some lines.......in the avionics.ini edit this




That one is what I use for a red HUD.

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You can change the HUD color in WOE by editing some lines.......in the avionics.ini edit this




That one is what I use for a red HUD.


And that's what I want for my F-18. Thanks!

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Well I will keep hacking at it and hopefully I can get it to the point where it is releaseable LOL

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Since we are on the subject of HUD's I am trying to get this to work in the F-4 Series but I have run in to some problems because, even after moving the HUD to the correct spot, the F-15 Altitude bars refuse to move they stay at the same place as they are in the F-15 instead of moving when I change their position. If you need a picture I can provide one.

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Also with regard to Image position ImagePosition=0.0,-0.015 do small numbers move things up and big numbers move things down on the HUD?

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Ok I am stuck and here is why, that line will not move with the rest of the HUD no matter what I do with the numbers. It is the Attitude Bars from the F-15A and for some reason they are in the position they would be in if they were in the F-15A's HUD. I cannot get them to move and I am dying to know how Wrench made the F-104's HUD.


Edited by Tantobot

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Also with regard to Image position ImagePosition=0.0,-0.015 do small numbers move things up and big numbers move things down on the HUD?




The first number is left/right position. Negative numbers move it to the left, positive numbers move it to the right.

The second number is up/down position. Negative numbers move it upward, positive numbers move it down.



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Is this what you are looking for?




Did this today since we were talking about it.



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AHHAHA Yes that is were I am trying to get to LOL, is that the Harrier HUD if so I will stop using the F-15 and use that one although if you want to release that one you can I don't mind LOL

Edited by Tantobot

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Here's what I used:








Also, this will give you the 'Harrier Blue' color you see in the screenshot.



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I am dying to know how Wrench made the F-104's HUD.


Well, since you're on Death Door, I"ll let you in on the big secret....


It's a very complicated process called...




wait for it.....







copy and paste.


If you read the readme that came with it, you'll see it states that I used the existing data from the stock 3rdWire F-15A

Not very hard at all.

But, unlike the Tornada, the 104S-ASA-M don't need an a-g radar. In theory, something like that could be appllied to the F.3 ADV, but the model itself is well, 'lacking'.


The GR/ECR/whatever strike variants will still need their A-G radar, and be stuck with the avionics60.dll.

But there ARE workarounds, I'm sure (AD Corsair II comes to mind right off, and the MF Hornets that have the HUD, semi-multimode radars, and AG)



Kevin Stein

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