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Aircraft Landing Lights

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I was wondering if there are any other landing lights for WOV/SFP/WOE aircraft?

I have those created by comrpnt, I think, for WOE.

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There certainly are, I know for a definite fact that the F-16I Sufa has one :wink:

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If you go into the Objects section in the 3rdW sims downloads, there a are quite a few landing light mods available for both stock and 3rd party add-on aircraft. Here are a couple for example...






8lein had made quite a few landing lights, however it appears that he has pulled his files from the downloads section.


You may also want to look through the Objects section for the airfield lights mods, these are very good indeed and add an effective sense of immersion.

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All the light mods I have done have been totally revamped.

No longer are your pits and and the whole damn plane lit up like Monday night football.


For example, a 707 looks like a 707 should, same for a F-8E, RF-8G and the Huey's to name a few.

They will be available with the next set of Yankee Air Pirate missions.

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So I guess all the planes you did that aren't in WOV/yap aren't free anymore either?

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So, does that mean we won't see any more mistakes, such as MiG-17s with the landing light superimposed over the gun-camera lens? :rolleyes:

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Ah, guilty of that one, I think, Ed :blush: .

I know I released a whole slew of landing light mods, about 2 years ago, and it's quite possible I stuck the light there.


I know that mod is still here a CA someplace, and it should be at my site as well. And I'm sure I got most of the lights too bright.



Kevin Stein

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ummmmmmmm....Wrench??? Aren't landing lights suppose to be brite????

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Yah, but not set the 0.50!!! A little too brite! (umm...LiteBrite!)


Anyway, ain't that what NVGs are for???? :dntknw::haha:



kevin stein

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Ah, guilty of that one, I think, Ed :blush: .

I know I released a whole slew of landing light mods, about 2 years ago, and it's quite possible I stuck the light there.


I know that mod is still here a CA someplace, and it should be at my site as well. And I'm sure I got most of the lights too bright.



Kevin Stein


My apology for my breech in protocol and tardiness in extending my thanks for clearing that up Mr. Stein.

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No prob, 8!


It looked like a good place to stick a light, so....

Little did I suspect that in real life, it's no where's near there.



kevin stein

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