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Hawk MMS

What is with the constant need?

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I really enjoy these boards and the downloads provided. It has made the sim/game community much more enjoyable. I know people will probably get up in arms over this but...


What is with the constant need to always point out things such as

'it has already been discussed here...and include a link' (ever think that maybe one hasn't looked through the 17000+ topics)


or my personal favorite

'this thread is about xxxxxx not yyyyyy'


Threads are conversations and conversations delve in to other things as they progress. i.e. if you are talking about the Super Hornet odds are the conversation will include the Tomcat and its demise. I really don't want to post a pic in a thread and then the next response is correcting me about the appropriateness of the pic related to the title of the thread. Maybe it related to the previous post in the thread as that is where the thread has taken the topic to.


How is it possible to start a thread about a major issue and not expect the political side to seep in to it. i.e. enviromental hippie talk will digress in to a conversation that includes the political component. To excpect it not too is unrealistic and unfair.


Just some of my thoughts...

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I really enjoy these boards and the downloads provided. It has made the sim/game community much more enjoyable. I know people will probably get up in arms over this but...


What is with the constant need to always point out things such as

'it has already been discussed here...and include a link' (ever think that maybe one hasn't looked through the 17000+ topics)


or my personal favorite

'this thread is about xxxxxx not yyyyyy'


Threads are conversations and conversations delve in to other things as they progress. i.e. if you are talking about the Super Hornet odds are the conversation will include the Tomcat and its demise. I really don't want to post a pic in a thread and then the next response is correcting me about the appropriateness of the pic related to the title of the thread. Maybe it related to the previous post in the thread as that is where the thread has taken the topic to.


How is it possible to start a thread about a major issue and not expect the political side to seep in to it. i.e. enviromental hippie talk will digress in to a conversation that includes the political component. To excpect it not too is unrealistic and unfair.


Just some of my thoughts...


That is because no matter what happens, when politics gets discussed, people get emotionally charged, they turn into flame wars. I had my fill of that BS over at SimHq and I do not want it here. It is not unfair or unrealistic, it is our site, you agreed to rules to become a member of the site, therefore we can dictate what is discussed and what is not.


On the other thing, people just get tired of answering the same questions over and over and over again. A search button is a wonderful thing. Chances are a question has been asked and by using said search button you will find it. God helps those who helps themselves. Finally some people who start a thread want to keep it on the topic they have started. (I am guilty of derailing a thread out of fun many many times) If they are talking about Super Hornets, maybe they don't want to talk about the Tomcats. You can't make blanket statements saying that it will inevitably move on to Tomcats. Because if that is not what the topic starter wants to hear, it is well in their right to say so.

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That is because no matter what happens, when politics gets discussed, people get emotionally charged, they turn into flame wars. I had my fill of that BS over at SimHq and I do not want it here. It is not unfair or unrealistic, it is our site, you agreed to rules to become a member of the site, therefore we can dictate what is discussed and what is not.


On the other thing, people just get tired of answering the same questions over and over and over again. A search button is a wonderful thing. Chances are a question has been asked and by using said search button you will find it. God helps those who helps themselves. Finally some people who start a thread want to keep it on the topic they have started. (I am guilty of derailing a thread out of fun many many times) If they are talking about Super Hornets, maybe they don't want to talk about the Tomcats. You can't make blanket statements saying that it will inevitably move on to Tomcats. Because if that is not what the topic starter wants to hear, it is well in their right to say so.


Before Mad Jeff dropped the hammer and banned politics on the forum I was one of the ones who let passion overide reason. Politics and religion are two subjects best avoided in a public forum available to literally the entire world. As for topics devolving, there is not much you can do about that other than try to post a reply to get it on track again. Pointing out links and past topics is like USAFMTL said, it's been discussed, covered and/or dead. I post at SimHQ's FS2004 forum and I lost count on how many post's with the same question about FD4 for example. And this is after I and a couple others did a review on it in the board, I think the count is at five post,same topic and basically the same question too. I'm getting to the point that unless I have something to add I tend to look over the boards and move on. It's not worth the time replying to the same old S@$%.


I might start posting in the FS2004 board here again, but you got to admit USAFMTL, it has been dormant for a long time. Maybe a kick in A$$ might be in order.

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I have seen quite a few forums ruined by politics. What I don't like is when posters can't separate one thread from another so if they disagree in one thread they will often derail the next thread started by that poster and it just goes on and on just from one initial disagreement and politics is a sure fire way to separate a community.

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I have seen quite a few forums ruined by politics. What I don't like is when posters can't separate one thread from another so if they disagree in one thread they will often derail the next thread started by that poster and it just goes on and on just from one initial disagreement and politics is a sure fire way to separate a community.


well, USAFMTL kinda, sorta opened the can of worms by asking what everyone was doing about a blatantly political subject. But my last post on that thread provided an alternate site to take it to. Hopefully that falls within the intent and guidance of this board.

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well, USAFMTL kinda, sorta opened the can of worms by asking what everyone was doing about a blatantly political subject. But my last post on that thread provided an alternate site to take it to. Hopefully that falls within the intent and guidance of this board.


No it was not political subject at all. It was a post about what people are doing to conserve energy or recycle. Has nothing to do with the politics of it or whether you believe in it or not. That is a HUGE difference.

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i have to agree with USAFMTL on that enviro thread while some political people were mentioned the polotics were left out. but it is an easy line to cross if someone posts without thinking through what there about to type

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How is it possible to start a thread about a major issue and not expect the political side to seep in to it. i.e. enviromental hippie talk will digress in to a conversation that includes the political component. To excpect it not too is unrealistic and unfair.


ON a board the does not allow political viewpoints, you simply don't step over that line. Granted the "green" thread may have two sides of the story, but the question was asked in the topic: what are you doing to stay green. It doesn't ask what politicians are doing. So, by keeping the topic on a path, and not crossing the line into politics, everyone can simply answer the original question and move on to the next resourceful thread of information.


ANY subject can be turned into a political debate, it's just not allowed here.



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The nonpolitical approach is the best approach. As for the 'green' thing, I don't see it as political as much as economical. Especially with the price of energy!

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