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i was in a dodfight with my mig 21 when sundently i see this new imperialist bird :blink:




the secret police know that it is avalable a check six


it's a beta



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i sugest you this loadout


and very important add droite in the proto folder


after some flight i see many ground impact with this plane but why????

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UFO! UFO! LOL, this looks hilarious.


But it's actually quite a nice plane...especially when armed with 10 GBU-38s. :biggrin:


However, I did encounter somewhat of a problem, namely how to open the other bomb bays.

I just get the main bomb bay to open (using CRTL-O), but not the secondary bays. :dntknw:


I know, it's a BETA, but still, a hint what to do would be nice.

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Yup, and cancelled around 15-16 years ago when I was in HS.

The Flying Dorito. :grin:

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the other weapon bays are automatic! You can change it in the DATA.ini file.


And I have small problem : The left wing of my A-12 is white without texture and I don't know way? Sorry but I dont have a pictutre now... Any propositions?

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the other weapon bays are automatic! You can change it in the DATA.ini file.


And I have small problem : The left wing of my A-12 is white without texture and I don't know way? Sorry but I dont have a pictutre now... Any propositions?



Maybe because IN THE READ_ME theres a information ABOUT IT!!! :no:

But as you guys seem to be unable to read the instructions properly i will make it easier on you...


Copy the droite.bmp and paste it renaiming it as gauche.bmp or something like that


Dans le répertoire .../Objects/Aircraft/A-12/proto, faites une copie du fichier "gauche.bmp" et renommez-le "droite.bmp".

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And I have small problem : The left wing of my A-12 is white without texture and I don't know way? Sorry but I dont have a pictutre now... Any propositions?


Yeah, look at the second post in this thread.


Hint: It's the second file. :wink:


Anyway, after some testing and tweaking and figuring out how the other weaponbays are opened...well, I really like it.


If only that stealth thing would work...

Edited by Gocad

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Yeah, look at the second post in this thread.


Hint: It's the second file. :wink:


Anyway, after some testing and tweaking and figuring out how the other weaponbays are opened...well, I really like it.


If only that stealth thing would work...


Stealth works well, arguably too well, as it's presently an "all or nothing" effect. The values are not as well defined (or tweakable) as TK may have originally intended.


To utilize stealth, under the detect system header, add:




Note that I've used a negative value. With the current AircraftObject.dll, if you do not specify a negative value, the RCS modifier will not work.


You may also want to tweak the "Max visible Distance" to something under 4000 m, and declare the aircraft capability as "Night_Only", otherwise you will be visible to other aircraft at extreme distances, even at night.

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Interesting project. I always hoped for general geometric shapes, in various sizes, that could be used to lash up needed shapes. Using either "pilot/seat" or "weapon" method, some B-58 drop tanks can be added as fuselage for use as F-108. The same thing with more of the wings overlapping could make a larger B-70. In general, this could be useful for various hypersonic shapes under exploration until I guess about the time of McNamara, Sandys, and Kruschev.

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sweet looking aircraft there. Can't wait to buzz around in that!

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Been playing with the loadouts a bit, trying to eliminate errors, getting weapons that fit properly. Here's what I've come up with so far:




From left to right:


A2A missile up to the size of a AIM-120A - AIM-9L in this example - Auto doors

Single large bomb, fuel tank OR 4 small guided weapons - F-14 Fuel Tank in this example (non jettisonable)- Manual door

Guided weapon,missile or medium bomb - AGM-65 in this example - Manual door

Guided weapon,missile or medium bomb - 2000lb JDAM in this example - Manual door

Single large bomb, fuel tank OR 4 small guided weapons - 4 500lb JDAMs in this example - Manual door

A2A missile up to the size of a AIM-120A - AIM-120A in this example - Auto doors


A few things:


With the swing rails, it's really hard to try to fit weapons...an A-12 (current config) just can't carry the pure truckload an A-6 could. Plus, I had to do a lot of juggling to avoid weapons clipping errors.

Internal extra fuel tanks are not unheard of...the B-1B has them. In that vein, I made the tanks non-jettisonable.

No current SEAD missile can fit into a A-12 internally.

An AIM-120 is the largest A2A missile than can fit into the outer missile bays. I didn't try to put A/A missiles on the inner swing rails...the A-12 is not an air superiority aircraft.

The inner swing rails are the only places to carry LGBs...however, I think the bays could probably carry them too (the F-117 didn't use a swing rail to drop LGBs...only to load and unload them, so an A-12 could probably have the same capability).


Also, for a beta aircraft, this A-12 is not bad. You can see some errors, mainly with 'cracks' at the verticies in the weapons bays, but mostly, not a bad aircraft at all!



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I have modded the loadout, too, but went a different route, as it is a more restricted one:


Loadout[01].WeaponType=AGM-88C (AGM-84s or 65s could also be mounted here)


Loadout[02].WeaponType=AGM-88C (see above)






Loadout[05].WeaponType=GBU-38/GBU-12/Mk82 (larger bombs don't fit into the main bomb bay)



Based on the information I have been able to find on the web, this loadout should be quite close to the planned loadout of the actual plane. The size of the weapons bay also support this...of course you could load some GBU-24s into the main bomb bay, but that looks just wrong, seriously.

The AIM-120 may seem to be an odd choice, too, but given the way how the AA missiles are mounted, the Sidewinder seems impractical to use. At least I was unable to get a lock with the Sidewinder... :dntknw:


Now, if I knew how to teach the A.I. pilots not to drop all GBU-38s at one target, it would be a perfect loadout.

Edited by Gocad

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You know, I couldn't get anything larger than an AIM-120 into the outer bays...anything larger kept 'clipping' the walls on either extention (the nose) or retraction (the tail). So if the outer bays were supposed to carry HARMs, the model's bays may be incorrect in size. I didn't go by what info what out there, just on what the model could put in.


You can get larger bombs (I've got Mk84s) into the main bomb bay, if you make a separate hardpoint for one large weapon. Also, I fixed the multi weapon setups, so that they are 'staggered' to avoid the 'nose in tail' clipping problem.


Hmmm...I like the idea of the bays being able to carry larger LGBs...also, it would be interesting for the inner swing arms to at least be able to carry AAMs...



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I don't know, I mean the A-6 never carried AAMs that I recall, and those like the A-4 and A-7 only carried AIM-9s.

Was the A-12 even going to have an AA radar? I can't imagine an AIM-120 working without a radar.

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I don't know, I mean the A-6 never carried AAMs that I recall, and those like the A-4 and A-7 only carried AIM-9s.

Was the A-12 even going to have an AA radar? I can't imagine an AIM-120 working without a radar.


Technical Description

The following information is provided courtesy of the Aviation Heritage Association which is building the Aviation Heritage Museum of North Texas at Alliance Airport. The centerpieces of the museum will be a the A-12 Avenger mockup and a rebuilt B-36.

Prime Contractors

General Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth, Texas

McDonnell Aircraft Company, St. Louis, Missouri (a Division of McDonnell Douglas Corporation)




Two seat, two engine, carrier-based medium fighter for air-to-air or air-to-ground all weather day or night attack.


Power Plant


Two General Electric F412-400 non-afterburning turbofan engines, each developing approximately 13,000 pounds of thrust.




Up to two AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM)

Up to two High Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM)

Planned to accommodate a full range of air-to-ground ordnance including MK 82 and "smart" weapons




Westinghouse AN/APQ-183 Multimode Radar.

IBM Mission Control Computer with VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) technology.

Kaiser wide field of view holographic Head Up Display (HUD).

Kaiser Multifunction Display (MFD) screens (7).

General Electric IRSTS (Infrared Search and Track System).

Integrated Electronic Warfare System.

AN/ALD-I I ESM (Electronic Surveillance Module) set.




Wing Span - Overall: 70 feet 3 inches

Wing Span - Folded: 36 feet 3.25 inches

Length: 37 feet 3 inches

Aspect Ratio: 3.75

Wheel Base: 19 feet 2.25 inches

Wheel Track 22 feet

Speed: 580 mph at sea level

Height (Overall): 11 feet 3.375 inches

Height (Folded): 12 feet 6.25 inches

Wing Area: 1,308 square feet

Design Load Factor: 9 Gs

Empty Weight: 39,000 pounds

Gross Weight: 80,000 pounds

Combat Radius: 920 miles

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Okay, more tweaking! All stuff references the model only...not the real A-12.


The outside missile bays definitely can't hold a HARM...not even close. Bad clipping problems.


Inner swing arm bays can hold a HARM each...just barely...we're talking millimeters of clearance to make sure the missile doesn't tag anything extending or retracting. The tips of the front fins just touch the top of the bay...but not noticable so I let it slide. Also, I put AAMs on the same rails, so possible to carry 4 AAMs total...again, why should you, the A-12 isn't a fighter.


Allowed LGBs in the non-swing arm bays...but only one each. Small LGBs are just a little too long to do a proper 'stagger' inside the bays. The A-12 would have been a lot more lethal by 2005...can carry a total (physically) of 8 500lb JDAMs, plus 2 2000lb JDAMs. Or a mix and match of A/G weapons.



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