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If there is one thing I hate about WOE/WOV/SF1 then it is the typical remark, when one downloads a campaign:

To play this campaign you need:

aircraft X which can be found at combat ace

aircraft Y which can be found at combat ace



Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the work done by the campaign builders, my complaint is not directed to them, but to the inherent flaw of these sims. By being so moddable, its hard to keep track of what potential players have installed on their pc. i am sure that this necessity to gets ones hands dirty to install aircraft/mods/campaign does frighten off potential players.


So here is the question: Has the community ever considered the use of Version Packs? Let me explain in detail: a version pack would mean that everybody has the same basic install (ie WOE + latest patch). A version pack would then be installed over this basic install with skins/mods/campaign which were adapted to fit on the basic install.


For novice users this would mean that they only have to install the sim, the latest patch and the latest version pack. No more hassle with editing ini's and figuring out how to make aircraft work.


The version pack could be build pro-active or reactive. In the first case mods would be selected to be encorporated in the pack provided that the authors give permission, in the second case the authors themselves submit their work to be included. All mod remain however available as seperate downloads for those who want a custom build version of their sim.


Off course modders that build full conversion campaign (like tainted cigar) still have to work with complete seperate install bypassing this version pack concept, but i think that most of them provide already detailled install files.


For those "light" modders, who only add a few planes to a campaign, the version pack would be an ideal solution. They have all the planes and only need their users to ask for the right version pack number.


So again my two-fold question: (a) did the community already came up with this? (b) would this concept be viable?


Thx for your feedback

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It wouldn't be viable for this community at all. The only basic install is straight from the CD and TK's patches, beyond that all bets are off. Everyone tweaks things themselves and installs the mods they want.

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Anyone come up with it? Yes.

Projects such as Operation Tainted Cigar for OFP and NATO Fighters 1 and 2 for WOE, among others. Excellent "all-in-one" solutions.


However, due to issues with modders getting permissions from other modders and such there are a limited number of them.

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If there is one thing I hate about WOE/WOV/SF1 then it is the typical remark, when one downloads a campaign:

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the work done by the campaign builders, my complaint is not directed to them, but to the inherent flaw of these sims. By being so moddable, its hard to keep track of what potential players have installed on their pc. i am sure that this necessity to gets ones hands dirty to install aircraft/mods/campaign does frighten off potential players.


So here is the question: Has the community ever considered the use of Version Packs? Let me explain in detail: a version pack would mean that everybody has the same basic install (ie WOE + latest patch). A version pack would then be installed over this basic install with skins/mods/campaign which were adapted to fit on the basic install.


For novice users this would mean that they only have to install the sim, the latest patch and the latest version pack. No more hassle with editing ini's and figuring out how to make aircraft work.


The version pack could be build pro-active or reactive. In the first case mods would be selected to be encorporated in the pack provided that the authors give permission, in the second case the authors themselves submit their work to be included. All mod remain however available as seperate downloads for those who want a custom build version of their sim.


Off course modders that build full conversion campaign (like tainted cigar) still have to work with complete seperate install bypassing this version pack concept, but i think that most of them provide already detailled install files.


For those "light" modders, who only add a few planes to a campaign, the version pack would be an ideal solution. They have all the planes and only need their users to ask for the right version pack number.


So again my two-fold question: (a) did the community already came up with this? (b) would this concept be viable?


And because you're interested in the idea, how about you come up with one? If you're willing to do the necessary legwork and getting the proper permissions, you can come up with something we all can use. Something like the all in one packs already out there!


If you can post in a forum, you have enough knowledge and ability to create your own campaigns and contacting the people who made all these addons to include them in an 'all in one' package.



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I actually have considered a full install for the Libya Campaign I am working on. However, as mentioned above the problem comes in the "other modders" out there. Take for instance I asked one for permission to use something of theirs with a slight modification still giving full credit to the originator and got a full fledged "NO". Luckily I found a second source that was much more willing to help me and share their work.


Total mod packs would be a great idea and I am going to do everything I can to make my Libya campaign a full install.

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I actually have considered a full install for the Libya Campaign I am working on. However, as mentioned above the problem comes in the "other modders" out there. Take for instance I asked one for permission to use something of theirs with a slight modification still giving full credit to the originator and got a full fledged "NO". Luckily I found a second source that was much more willing to help me and share their work.


Total mod packs would be a great idea and I am going to do everything I can to make my Libya campaign a full install.


Perhaps I was not clear enough in my original post but campaign will certainly in the early stage not be included. What will be included initially are aircraft and weapons.

In the future, campaign makers could indicate that there campaigns are version pack ready to indicate to users that downloading a campaign would be much easier.


At this moment i am working on a version pack for personal use (and also to see how much work/HD space it takes).


Concerning full installs for campaigns: I welcome that concept, downloading ie NATO fighters and Tainted Cigar, has been easy and takes away the hassle of going to search for all the required objects, skins, editing ini's. As far as refusing someone using your material, why post it on forums like ace combat if no one else may use it? (Unless it is payware or a campaign)

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As far as refusing someone using your material, why post it on forums like ace combat if no one else may use it? (Unless it is payware or a campaign)


It's a long story that's best forgotten. Created lots of stigma and that sort of thing.

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It's a long story that's best forgotten. Created lots of stigma and that sort of thing.


Like he said, lets not even go there.


I guess version packs would work for people who are new to the sim. But as for me, my installs are highly modified. I also mod out of these installs, so version packs wouldn't work for me to mod from or use. Not trying to throw a damper on your idea KingAlbert because it has merit, but I have enough to work on now without trying to make it compatible with a version pack.

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And IMHO, it's alot less work to learn how everything works, plus you'll have the benefit of being able to mod things yourself.

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