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I was reading on that 'other' forum (SimHq) that Jet Z had a A-19 mod for the F-104. I tried unsuccessfully to send email.


Anyone who can help with this would be appreciated



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What is the A 19 mod ??? Does it mean the GE 19 engine variant ?? :huh:





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I think so yes its on thread http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...e=1&fpart=3


Probably a case of just changing the engine thrust and name in the data ini file - so you could make a copy of the entire planes folder and rename the folder to F-104A-19 for example and the ini file to F-104A-19.ini then use the modified F-104A_data.ini file in there - if you see what i mean?

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I have got it actaully. Just give me some time and I will get it uploaded in a day or 2. I just got back from driving 1970 miles in 4 days. Just don't let me forget.

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What are 1970 miles in today's miles? I forget the conversion. Is it like 1000 back then are like 20,000 now? :huh:



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Outstanding, flew a mission in the Cuba terrain (cigars anyone?) and trounced some of Fidel's -21s. (Then hit the target, it was a strike mission!)


There is an A model at the Robins AFB museum with the same white wings as this particular model, nicely done


Out here



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Talking about the F-104, I've seen in the Column5's comparison charts that there was an official F-104G addon which was made available for download, but unfortunately the link is no longer functioning, could anybody tell me where to get the Thirdwire F-104G? Since there are so many F-104's out there I'm kinda at a loss to know which one is the right one, and I'd like to have it, since WoE doesn't feature that plane, even with the latest patches etc installed... Thanks ahead for any help!

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Talking about the F-104, I've seen in the Column5's comparison charts that there was an official F-104G addon which was made available for download, but unfortunately the link is no longer functioning, could anybody tell me where to get the Thirdwire F-104G? Since there are so many F-104's out there I'm kinda at a loss to know which one is the right one, and I'd like to have it, since WoE doesn't feature that plane, even with the latest patches etc installed... Thanks ahead for any help!


Have you tried the 3rd Wire site? Or here. Its the 3rd Wire one.



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Thanks for the link, USAFMTL!


Since the author was stated to be "BUFF", I did not know that that one was the official Thirdwire F-104G addon... Thanks again for the quick reply! :good:

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That's just a quirk of the board software...the uploader is listed as "author" even if that's not the case.

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