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Massive Penetrator in development

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Come to think of it, how about launching a really mean payload right down their throats? Like moskitoes, or flies... hmmm... yeah, a payload of human dung loaded with fly larvae... talk about complete disruption!!! :rofl: On the other hand, they'd only have to close down the tunnels near the impact zone, and that would have been the end of it...


So the best would be either FAB or nuke... Nuke would even be better because, besides burying everything, would ensure that nobody would be so eager to get back there...

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Enter the world of chem/bio weapons. No physical damage, just takes out the troops.

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STILL resisting temptation ... to ... drag... this ... into ... the gutter... :blink:





Everytime I read this theads title I feel like a 8 year-old boy who giggles in the middle of sex-ed class when the teachers says "penis". :crazy:

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I could say something like "that's not what she said" but I'll try to restrain myself......




just to put this semi back on track -


its a new, big bomb to hit a limited target set that cannot otherwise be hit. Posted here as an item of interest and for the modelers to take a look at adding to the next weapons pack.


it hits targets that cannot be hit without otherwise using nuclear weapons at the sub-kiloton level that can dig deep to hit those hardened targes or by using concrete "rods from God". Neither of those other options presently exists and do to a number of factors are not likely to be fielded anytime soon, if ever. In particular, the use of conventional ICBMs to launch a weapon that will alert every missile warning network in the world of a strategic launch is particularly problematic, not to mention the level of discussion that the mere mention of a nuclear warhead - however small and contained - might and has started.


As a previous operational planner who once was in the nuclear business (been there, done that and got the glow-in-the-dark T-shirt), any other option than a nuclear one is highly desirable. Relying on a weapon that we all know we will never be able to use, or want to for that matter, causes a lot of problem when trying to develop a viable operational campaign plan.


and were there targets that would have mattered in Iraq and other "interesting places yet to be investigated" - absolutely. We could not hit a number of targets effectively until troops on the ground went down into the tunnels. That doesnt' work well in an operation short of invasion.

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Yes. It's still a nuclear weapon and leaves the area radioactive regardless of the yield. The overall levels are lower. But using them at all is a slippery slope, if you use the weakest, its not too much to use slightly larger ones, and slightly larger ones after that and so on.


Besides, I read about those "rods from god" fastcargo linked to, those could reach the same level of penetration. She wouldn't walk right for weeks :tomato2:


Being a former nuke weps guy you are kind of right, the levels are extremely low, low to the point where it would be safe to enter the AO hours after impact. the B-61 for example is a dial a yield. I can't tell you how low it can go but it would surprise you.

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M80 power? *POP* :grin:


Oh Lord, bless thy holy hand grenade...

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M80 power? *POP* :grin:


Oh Lord, bless thy holy hand grenade...


Nuclear hand grenades were reserved for limited export to "selected customers"........




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