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Maybe I´m just used to WW2 combatsims, but, to me seems that gun kills are simple too easy...

Just a blip on the trigger and almost everytime you will see enemy aircraft exploding instantaneously.

Anybody already think about tunning down the punch of the guns a little bit?

Something like seeing the bullets peppering the enemy´s fuselage , before the final kill.

I don´t really know if I´m right on this matter, only want to discuss about it.

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Which era are you talking about? WWI, WW2, or the jet age?


Jet age, especially 60's era and later, usually have cannon in the 20mm or higher range. Also, except for certain specific ground attack aircraft, most jet age aircraft do not have a lot of armor, and have systems a lot more sensitive to damage. Jet engines, especially modern ones, are very sensitive to foreign objects (ie shrapnel or gun slugs). Hydraulics, FBW computers, thin honeycomb skins, also don't take cannon fire very well.



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The M61A1 was designed with a very high ROF yet lower caliber than Eastern guns because it was realized that even with 20mm only 3-4 hits would be necessary to take out another fighter.


Thanks to the high ROF a plane crossing at 90 degrees in front of you would still be hit with 3-4 shells.

The Soviet philosophy was larger caliber, less bullets, slower ROF. That's why the MiG-29 has 30mm but only 150 rounds. Yet it's IRST and auto-gun made it possible to only fire 10 rounds and get multiple hits.


Anyway, what it boils down to is that Korea was the last war fought with .50s as a major weapon. Cannons tend to take planes down much faster.

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yeah, What Jedi Master said.


IIRC, modern US fighter guns put out from 1000 to 6000 rounds a minute (ballpark figures). Break that down and thats 16 to 100 bullets a second leaving the muzzle.

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FWIW, another reason we notch so many kills in Thirdwire games (or any combat flight sim) is because we run into bandits far more often than pilots did historically. We simply get more chances.


Try playing with targeting and HUD settings on hard. Kills are more difficult, because it's tougher to see the MiGs.


However, I still think it's too easy to find the bandits. Maybe that's because some of the maps are only 60% scale. Also, in campaigns like WoV, there are far too many MiGs in the order of battle, IMHO.

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The effect of the guns, especially of the light machine guns is overmoddeled. This is true. But with adding armour on the planes you can change this and you can harden them against light Flak.


By the way, it is not only the soviet way to trust more on the big caliber guns. All european airplanebuilding contries(Sweden, France, GB, Germany) use caliber 27 to 30 mm.

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The effect of the guns, especially of the light machine guns is overmoddeled. This is true. But with adding armour on the planes you can change this and you can harden them against light Flak.


By the way, it is not only the soviet way to trust more on the big caliber guns. All european airplanebuilding contries(Sweden, France, GB, Germany) use caliber 27 to 30 mm.

Gepard, I felt this after killing a MIG with an F-86, who has six .50 guns. The effect looks the same of the vulcan M61.

Ijust squeeze the triger for a fraction of second and the Mig desintegrates.And that with an WW2 set of guns.

I mean, I expected to see a lot of bullet impacts in the fuselage before the kill, but that not happens at all.

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well i have tried to shoot down some ww2 a/c with only riffle caliber mg's just to see parts and pieces fly off and nothing elsse happen

mig-3 is a good example try and get som he-111's with that even the 50 cals have trouble with bombers

tey an early spit of me -109 vs something bigger and you will see and while they are shooting at you you will wish for canons


and the venerated il-2 fb has it's quirks too

those tail gunners with a riffle caliber mg get me every time

but if i play gunner all i do is run out of ammo

so you pays your money and takes your chances

tis a game enjoy

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Guest Saganuay82

I modded down a Thud Vulcan to 50 cal ammo size. Gives more of the smoking and pieces off that I read about. Its a personal opinion is what it boils down to in this game.

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