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Hawk MMS

SG1 Direct to DVD Movie

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It did seem a little 'abrupt' an ending.


I hope the movie give us more (especially Browder and Black).



kevin stein

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Yeah, they weren't planning on ending the show at the end of the 10th season. Halfway thru making it SFC abruptly announced it was ending, shocking everyone. So instead of rushing to cram everything planned for season 11 into the end, they only rushed a few things and left the rest for these 2 DVD movies.

The first will finish up the Ori storyline, and the 2nd will be more or less "stand alone".

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I can't wait to see SG: Atlantis in HD on HD-net coming soon.

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I don't get HD net because they charge extra, which irritates me. I spend over $150/month already.

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sorry....they've been changin names lately. It's actually Universal HD.


INHD just changed to MojoHD

UniversalHD is NBC Affiliate

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Yeah, that's why BSG is on it. SFC is also owned by NBC now. I remember it used to be USA networks.


Aren't there commercials on it? It seems to just show old commercial TV stuff, why isn't it free?

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Yeah, that's why BSG is on it. SFC is also owned by NBC now. I remember it used to be USA networks.


Aren't there commercials on it? It seems to just show old commercial TV stuff, why isn't it free?


So that's why ECW and awful b movies is on SCIFI. The channel used to be great. Now its ehhh ok.



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Yeah. NBC bought it and then it was all about cutting costs--hence the cancellation of SG-1 despite it being a high-rated show. The production costs for the show were probably the highest on the channel. It's also likely why BSG will end at season 4...too much risk that SFC would cancel it at the end anyway even if they wanted to go to S5.

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Yeah. NBC bought it and then it was all about cutting costs--hence the cancellation of SG-1 despite it being a high-rated show. The production costs for the show were probably the highest on the channel. It's also likely why BSG will end at season 4...too much risk that SFC would cancel it at the end anyway even if they wanted to go to S5.


That sucks. I watch SCIFI for SG1, SGA and few other shows like Eureka and Ani-monday. I hate big channel companies like NBC ruin smaller channels.



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I like Eureka, SGA, and Dresden along with BSG. I'm hopeful that Flash Gordon will be good, but my hopes aren't that high.

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I like Eureka, SGA, and Dresden along with BSG. I'm hopeful that Flash Gordon will be good, but my hopes aren't that high.


I hope FG has good writers. Only thing that it worries me if it'll be over-the-top corniess.



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I'm looking forward to Bionic Woman. The trailer kicks ass

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Yeah, Bionic Woman and the Sarah Connor Chronicles are promising. We'll see what they deliver...

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