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Anyone played it yet?


I just saw it at Best Buy but haven't heard anything about it

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Man... I love this game! For me, going from this back to BF2 is like going back to trench warfare. I only have it on 360 at the moment until I can pimp out my system to be able to run it nicely. I'm dying to give co-op a blast. Has anyone given the co-op campaign a blast?


For me, it's the crisp, clean shots, the choice in weapons, the crosscom system provides more accurate information in realtime than the BF2 model, the sound effects are just crazy on 6.1! Even the ambience is pretty sweet! I like that the grenade launcher deals some decent damage, not like the on in BF2 which is more like a crappy special effect from a bad ninja movie!


My only complaint, the M21 sounds too low caliber when firing. Sounds like a 5.56 instead of a 7.62. But that's just rivet counting I suppose :smile:

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I just picked it up for PC....haven't had a chance to try it yet. Looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

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I just picked it up for PC....haven't had a chance to try it yet. Looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

bought instantly when it comes ot on july 12 th,finished in 4 days,the pc ver.,just a great improvement after graw,u can choose between more guns,and u can pick up the enemies's too!it seems like an another mission from the first graw,the graphics still the same,just acu for multicam replacement,it feels just an 8 for vote,but the final.......slow down to 7,the final is breathless,yes breathless because when your balls crash on the floor like eggs u don't have anything to breathe!finish it and make me say!go on with your duty cpt.Mitchell!

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I picked this up a week ago, but I'm only on the first mission of act 2. So far, it's pretty good.

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I like this one.....I have been playing it all morning. It feels a little more like the original

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OK....I am addicted now.


Between this, ArmA, WoE and all the racing sims....I might have to hire a landscaper to mow the grass!

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That's what the wife is for.

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You kidding me? I've never even owned a mower! The day we moved into this house we hired someone to cut the lawn. :wink:


As for games...I've got so many that I'm playing I can barely keep track!

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I'm almost halfway done with the SP campaign and I've played the first 3 missions coop. All in all a pretty solid game. Sure, it has room for improvement, and it's still not the same as the original GR, but it's good in its own right.

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I have loved the whole R6, GR series from the start. I bought GRAW at the end of last year, only got through a few missions in the campaign (work work work), but like it. I bought GRAW2 last month, and ArmA, have not plunged into either. I also had GRAW on PS2, not bad either. I have Vista, have not experienced any issues with it, even though I expect some.

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Any one interested in doing the online multi-player coop campaign ?

I have played some coop assault and that was the nasty 2 hours in my life for gaming fun

we got zapped 45 times and killed 48 guys and 3 tanks


sneaky bastards is an undersatatement for the AI

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The campaign is a lot easier than the other coop mode. The AI is night and day in that in campaign mode they behave like they're NOT godlike. :grin:

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Guest Bounder

anyone know all the url's for getting new maps,I'm missing some,and keep getting dropped on multi players.

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I know ghostrecon.net had some, but I also know they don't have all of them.

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