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Hawk MMS

Most damaged aircraft that remained flyable

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I love the cat hope you like the pic, an Archer hit my tail in a Dogfight with a Mig 21 PFN




That's a really good shot of the Tommy dude...

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Today I learned not all Jerries are poor shots. The tail gunner in a Bf-110 peppered my poor Blenheim judiciously, while a Bf-109 merrily shot off most of my tail surfaces.


I got 'em both, though, and made it back to base WITHOUT autopilot. :wink:



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How 'bout this?


I was doing some strike stuff in an F-18 and while I was trying to line up for a maveric shot, a bloody silka got me. It blew off my left wing, left vertical and horizontal stabilizers, knocked off both of my engines and blew my main gear to timbits. Luckily, I was going about 600 kts when I got hit, so I dumped my stores and got as much altitude as I could, using chaff to ward off those 50-foot, mach 4 fire farting telephone poles that are SAMs. I headed out for a wetfoot ditch in international waters, but then I realised that I might be able to make an airfield. I swooped in with no main gear and greased it on, and just as I did, a MiG-23M went past that would have had a field day on me. On de-brief, it said I died, though, despite the fact that I landed at an allied base. Weird.




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I know they have been posted a myriad of times but, MAN is the TOMCAT TOUGH. I got hit and stayed in the fight. I guess we will never know how tough she was...

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Here is a MiG i hit with a winder and he kept on flying. Wasn't a very good hit. Came in with guns and finsihed him.

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Here is a MiG i hit with a winder and he kept on flying. Wasn't a very good hit. Came in with guns and finsihed him.


Don't ya hate it when that happens!


I was trying to shoot down Tu-22's and managed to empty my load of Falcons. Talk about No Joy! 2 missiles decided to go on holiday while a third seemed to have been hit by something??? The fourth missile hit it but did nothing, and I had to close in with guns.


That was the last time I equiped my F-4D with AIM-4's.


One mission before this farce I fired my load of Falcons (unguided of course) into a hangar on an airbase. Did a good job I must say!

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Guest CW2. Wells

This is the result of getting to close to your target. I made a pass on a truck on the bombing range. I got so close I clipped my wing. I am not sure if it was on the truck or the ground.


The aircraft rolled on it's back and I almost became a lawn dart. I was able to counter the roll, which went on and on, but by this time I was climbing as I rolled. I picked up speed and at about 400knts the roll slowed and I was able to regain control of the aircraft. I had to fly back to base with full AB on. At about 600knts the aircraft flew pretty well.


I was not able to land the aircraft. I did try. First by trying to slow down, but that almost killed me, once I slowed below 300knts the hard rolling kicked in and I almost hit the ground. I was able to recover the aircraft again, this time with less than 100 feet under me.


I again made my rolling climb, this time to 27K feet. I popped the air brakes, and even though the aircraft was rolling and spinning out of control, I did manage to slow it down enough to lower my flaps. I had hoped with the flaps down, the added surface area would provide me with enough lift to maybe have some sort of low speed controlled flight. Even if it was at 300knts.


This did not happen. After trying for 17K feet to get the aircraft under control, I ejected. I was about a mile from the airbase. Oh well, I tried.






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here is my hornet escapade, the white forward fuselage is due to a kill mark edit error.





Edited by Shin_kazama

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i guess the old saying is true, "with enough money, and thrust, even a rock can fly" cuz thats all that hornet got turned into, a thrust propelled rock with that much damage. :ok:

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i guess the old saying is true, "with enough money, and thrust, even a rock can fly" cuz thats all that hornet got turned into, a thrust propelled rock with that much damage. :ok:


You mean like the F-4 aka "the triumph of thrust over aerodynamics." :haha:

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Am I too late to join...?


This is the result of getting to close to your target.


This was my take on the same thing from last night... too low, combination of a sam hit (maybe AAA too) whilst using napalm to knock out oil tanks, I should have kept my distance! :rolleyes:





I've got the realism setting to mostly hard settings, yet it was still surprisingly smooth to fly! Landing on the other hand... that presented a few problems.






...although I got her down in one piece. I was pretty happy with that! :biggrin:

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Am I too late to join...?




This was my take on the same thing from last night... too low, combination of a sam hit (maybe AAA too) whilst using napalm to knock out oil tanks, I should have kept my distance! :rolleyes:





I've got the realism setting to mostly hard settings, yet it was still surprisingly smooth to fly! Landing on the other hand... that presented a few problems.






...although I got her down in one piece. I was pretty happy with that! :biggrin:



what was that bomb you got back there?


it must have helped balance the truder.

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had similar case, with f-14, but rocket kissed me beacuse i couldnt runaway from iai-27 killer. :sorry:

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you can run, but you can not hide...


Give the A-Team's Firefox Beta a go. 0-Mach 3 in about 10 seconds. In that thing, you won't need to hide... :biggrin:


what was that bomb you got back there?


it must have helped balance the truder.


That's 908kg (2000lb) of GBU-24A/B love that I never got to drop as after I got hit, I couldn't seem to jettison any of my external stores. It it was on the port wing pylon, it would have counter balanced the intact starbord wing. As it was, my A-6 would pull hard to the left.


Lesson from this: Fly faster, release at somewhat higher altitude and pack more ECM/CM pods!

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Give the A-Team's Firefox Beta a go. 0-Mach 3 in about 10 seconds. In that thing, you won't need to hide... :biggrin:




That's 908kg (2000lb) of GBU-24A/B love that I never got to drop as after I got hit, I couldn't seem to jettison any of my external stores. It it was on the port wing pylon, it would have counter balanced the intact starbord wing. As it was, my A-6 would pull hard to the left.


Lesson from this: Fly faster, release at somewhat higher altitude and pack more ECM/CM pods!


or get a stealth ship.

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My A-6 after one problem with SAM's, i lost all weapons of left wing, but managed to returm to carrier and landing safe




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Another A-6 problem, this more serious than other, i could return to the carrier





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This is my Thunderchief after SAM and AAA, finaly landing in a hill without survivors







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