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An IDF Officer rescued by Palastinian police in Jenin

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The officer (ranked Major) was driving in Israeli territory to settlement in the Shomron area

after missing a turn he continued to Jenin (that is under full palastinian authority), not knowing where he headed.


A mob that noticed the soldier started attacking and linching him and his vehicle (burning the vehicle to the ground)

a single policeman spotted the event and managed to obtain the soldier from the mob, while calling backup

during the event shots were fired to the air during the rescue...

The policemen brought him eventually to Israeli forces waiting outside the city.

He didn't need any medical treatment...


f***ing miracle...! miracle!


the otherday 2 terrorists entered Israeli border near Gaza, both shot by Golani troop (infantry division)

after trying to attack a base nearby and on the run

yesterday they send 6 kids the same spot for intel

during the last few months Hamas gained 40 tons of explosives....

in strikes and activities inside Gaza terrorists are killed daily!!

6 were killed in on strike on a sniping group in a picup truck ( video was released from this strike!! you might find it in one of the news web sites. along with other stories...)


lucky all this actions are with no major causalties for us... let's hope that stays that way!!

Edited by Nesher

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That Major was very lucky indeed.

And the Palastinian policeman is one of the few who take their job seriously. ... good thing.

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Right, regardless of personal feelings they have to do what is required of them.

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Right, regardless of personal feelings they have to do what is required of them.


but for example, Hamas, was elected to govern the Palasetinian people by the people (yes, they are that stupid)

instead of leading their country to peace they are leading it to chaos and anarchy...

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I thought they were out of power already?


They got elected because of their promise to make life for palestinians better, that worked out well :rolleyes:

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out of power? we could only hope...

they gained full control over the Gaza strip, exiling or killing every military\poilce force led by president Abbas


BTW, UnHappy birthday to Gilad Shalit!!!

today it's his 21st birthday, 2nd one in Captivity :(

429 days in the hands of those f***ing terrorists!!

Edited by Nesher

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Don't you hate it guys when you get those outsiders that come in with stars in their eyes, saying they are championing for a Free Palestine and reistance to Israeli Aggression.


To me they can think whatever they want, but at the end of the day those misguided people don't live there, yet want to stir up trouble under the guise of Free Palestine and stop Israeli Aggression nonsense!


These fools seriously think they are doing some good by spreading PLO propaganda, knowingly or unknowingly. I see them in universities and they carry on like their bloody experts.


I had a go at one fool, after he lectured to the students, who (you'd think uni students to be atleast intelligent and or free-thinking) sat glued to his BS and bought the whole thing hook, line and sinker. I told him that the Palestinians are adept at being crybabies...It's okay to raise concerns or complain, but when you keep whining all the time and create lies and deceptions to get sympathy then sooner or later people will stop listening or even stop giving a damn. I know I'm sick and tired of it.


Maybe it's not all the Palestinian population that are whingers, especially those that get off their butts and doing something positive. Too much politics and rivalries in the Palestinian camp, and adding to this the foreign element such as Iran and Syria. Yet the world condemns Israel, like it's a long-standing fashion trend.


Anyways it's great news that the IDF soldier is safe. I applaud the Palestinian policemen for doing their job.

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