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This is one of my very old projects, resureccted to see if I can do it...so, no laughing!!! I'll be listening even for any snickering...




Very much still a WIP, so the camo pattern isn't written in stone. Colors are matched from FS numbers, then RGB numbers from the Simmers Paintshop color chips. Your monitor may vary. The yellow (ok, without the red stripes) marking on the tail & cowl are also not finalized. The port nose gun is a known problem...it won't take any color for any reason I can figure out (Wolf even looked at it over a year ago, and never did figure it out - unless its just something I'm not painting on the map). This is one of those cases were a LOD viewer would great to have!


So, should it be done with the yellow/red (if possible!!!), or just in the plain 3 tone, as the profiles I've been collecting show several different markings. I'm assuming the yellow/red is a squadron marking???


Without it, it could be rebadged and used for a 'Battle of France' AdA version too.

BTW, since all my references books are in Polish...did they have all 6 guns? I know they were 7.5mm (French); could use the US 30cal or UK 303 for Allied types. This version, for Vichy, I've used German 7.9s.


A KLU version for the NEI would also be super simple to make....just need the markings locations (well, I can make them as decals or painted on versions ... got a whole sets of national markings.


Idea, comments, ???



kevin stein

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I like it Kev.

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with regard to the buggy nose gun paint, if it can't be fixed by painting the skin bitmap, why not make a small solid yellow decal and put that on the mesh which defines the gun fairing?

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This is one of my very old projects, resureccted to see if I can do it...so, no laughing!!! I'll be listening even for any snickering...




Very much still a WIP, so the camo pattern isn't written in stone. Colors are matched from FS numbers, then RGB numbers from the Simmers Paintshop color chips. Your monitor may vary. The yellow (ok, without the red stripes) marking on the tail & cowl are also not finalized. The port nose gun is a known problem...it won't take any color for any reason I can figure out (Wolf even looked at it over a year ago, and never did figure it out - unless its just something I'm not painting on the map). This is one of those cases were a LOD viewer would great to have!


So, should it be done with the yellow/red (if possible!!!), or just in the plain 3 tone, as the profiles I've been collecting show several different markings. I'm assuming the yellow/red is a squadron marking???


Without it, it could be rebadged and used for a 'Battle of France' AdA version too.

BTW, since all my references books are in Polish...did they have all 6 guns? I know they were 7.5mm (French); could use the US 30cal or UK 303 for Allied types. This version, for Vichy, I've used German 7.9s.


A KLU version for the NEI would also be super simple to make....just need the markings locations (well, I can make them as decals or painted on versions ... got a whole sets of national markings.


Idea, comments, ???



kevin stein


Snickering ?????? Looks great if there was less snickering in here maybe more models would be showing up :good:

Edited by Veltro2k

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I like this skin !


Some profiles of Vichy's colors H-75


The French H-75A1 used 4 FN Browning 7,5 mm MG and the H-75A2 6 MG (2 in the nose and 4 in the wings).

The Vichy's plane never used any German MG !



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The port nose gun is a known problem...it won't take any color for any reason I can figure out (Wolf even looked at it over a year ago, and never did figure it out - unless its just something I'm not painting on the map).

Wrench, what happens to the gun port when you use a test skin that's painted all one color? Does the gun port become that color?

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Glad to see a skin artist of your talent taking this on, Wrench. I'm hoping that you'll do a Battle of France version as well, because the update to the Battle of Britain terrain adds targets all the way to Paris, which opens possibilities of some Battle of France missions, or a campaign in the future. It would be great to see an earlier skin as well as your Vichy.


I tried painting the entire bitmap of this aircraft, as suggested above, but it doesn't cover the gun. I had to settle for a decal, but even that only changed the color slightly, making it closer to the khaki green used by the French. I've never posted my skins, because they're not up to the standards of the community. I quickly discovered that I can't paint to save my life, so I had to settle for cutting and pasting a camo pattern on the bitmap using a photoshop filter called Camo 101 (I think), and then changing the colors using Gimpshop to the rgb values found at Simmers Paintshop. My decals are all cut and paste images found on the net, so again, they're not up to standards. I'll be one of the first to download yours when it's finished.


The French used three versions. The A-1's had four guns; two cowl, two wing. The A-2's and -3's had six, so those are the versions you'd be representing. When it comes to the tail codes, -2 series were numbered in the two hundreds, -3 series carried numbers in the three hundreds. I know you've probably already seen the sites I've found, but if you need some links for the earlier paint schemes I can post them for you. I love the Hawk. Thanks again for taking this on...

Edited by Heck

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I don't really have anything to add to this, I just thought the peanut gallery should chime in.


It does look good though Kevin.

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:tongue: For Paul :wink:


This was just this weekend's work, redoing what I'd started back then.


A decal is a great idea...how did I miss that? That's how Gramps fixed the P-39 canopy issue. (thanks saint aj) I'll have to use the panel finder too, to see what shows where. (thank G!) I keep forgetting these easy ways to do things....


The guns aren't that big an issue- I can always switch over the the standard 303s (save my brain from trying to figure out how to create the 7.5s; and if I do a NEI version, well, keeps standardization). This one here must be an A-1, as I used only the nose and 2 wing guns. Easy enough to add the others back for the different variants. I've already added the 'vitrual' bomb rack (ie: via ini edits) to the outer wings. Just have to position them outboard a little more. 2 100lbers ain't much!


Glad to see a skin artist of your talent taking this on

Compared to some around here, I'm just fair to middling. I just pick 'strange' things to work on.


A BoF version will probably be first...slightly eaiser to do. Once I get the pattern straightned out. The colors are good I think (given the differences in monitors and eyes)


Now, if we just had some Moraines, Blochs, etc....



kevin stein

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A BoF version will probably be first...slightly eaiser to do. Once I get the pattern straightned out. The colors are good I think (given the differences in monitors and eyes)


Any pattern you chose will be a good one. From what I understand, the French didn't specify any pattern for their aircraft's camouflage, and the paint patterns often varied from one batch of aircraft to another within the same type. When it comes to the Vichy paint scheme, I think the red/yellow patterns were carried on all Vichy aircraft, but I could be wrong. Maybe the Germans specified it, so they could spot them easier if the French changed sides again. :biggrin: Your colors look good on my monitor. :rofl: Oh. I did create an FN 7.5mm machine gun for my weaponsdata.ini if you want it. It really gives the little Hawk a good lack of firepower, as I proved to a gaggle of Me-109's the other night. They, on the other hand...

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I'll take the 7.5!!!


Still need to figure out how/what to use for squadron & aircraft numbers. Looks like I'll be off scouring my 'e-books' sites for info. It that turns out easier than I thought, a BoF version will most likely be first. Vichy/Torch will be later.


Might have to put this project on hold for a while though; I'm attempting something I've never done before...creating a skin from scratch for one of our Dev A-Team projects.



kevin stein

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Just for fun, a very quick and dirty Hawk 75A ML-KNIL:






You'll note the fuselage roundel (triangdel??) is slightly disorted...so it'll probably be replaced with a decal. Looking up serial numbers is next.



kevin stein

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Here's the info from my gundata.ini. I based this on info I found on more than one site on the net, so it's as good, or as bad, as each site's information. The rounds per minute is slightly above the average, because most sites gave 1200-1400 rpm. I didn't want it to be a total turkey, armed with only six guns, compared to a Spit, or a Hurri, so I bumped it slightly.





FullName=7.5mm MAC 1934























I also have .tga's for six escadrilles, including my own version of the tail markings, "Hawk 75A C-1," etc. It gives each a/c an individual tail number in the two hundred, or three hundred range, which would be appropriate for a six gun A-2, or A-3. If you want to use them for a basis, I can send you the .png's if you like, and you could modify them any way you like. And I've already done the decal ini's which include a decal placement for over that cranky left nose gun. You're welcome to them, Kevin. If you want them. They may at least save you some time. They work fine on my cut and paste paint scheme. :biggrin:

Edited by Heck

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I'll take anything I can get, that eases the workload!!


Wonder how I'd do 3 squadrons worth...3 sets of skins/decals? or all in one??? Same skin, just different numbers.

Sounds llike 3 seperate skins (ok, same skin used 3 time!), with the approiate decals for each.


Can you send them to my home email?




It'll be cool to see "new gun and decals by Heck, skin by The Wrench" in the readme, huh??




kevin stein

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I'll take anything I can get, that eases the workload!!


Wonder how I'd do 3 squadrons worth...3 sets of skins/decals? or all in one??? Same skin, just different numbers.

Sounds llike 3 seperate skins (ok, same skin used 3 time!), with the approiate decals for each.


Can you send them to my home email?




It'll be cool to see "new gun and decals by Heck, skin by The Wrench" in the readme, huh??




kevin stein


Just got home from working overnight. You'll have them, plus some screenshots of the a/c, so you can see which you want to use and where the decals appear on the planes, sometime tonight, or tomorrow. In the readme, just use the Horrywood, "based on the original files by Heck Mitchell" thing (I've written a couple of unproduced scripts, so it'll give me a chuckle to see it), when it comes to the decals and gun. I've gotten so much from you, and others, for free, that I'm glad I can make any small contribution to this community. Is it kosher for us to change Wolf's data.ini's and post them? I can't remember what he said in his readme. Wish he was still active, I love his planes. I made a couple of small changes; less weight, increase in profile drag of the fuselage, to simulate poorer nose entry than a Tomahawk, and wound up with an aircraft that's slightly slower than a Hurri, but turns very tight, which seems to simulate (I just wrote simpulates. I've gotta hit the rack. :biggrin: ) what I've read in British test pilot reports about the Hawk. I'll pass it along, in case you can use it. Time to crash now, my eyes just caught fire....

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Just sent you an email, Wrench. Hope it helps you somehow. Looking forward to release of your skin(s).

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