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OK Ok this may be old to some, but I am still trying to learn.... I modeled one in Max..animation ect.. exported it to the game, it comes out but it wont open....so what’s the secret guys ????? :dntknw:

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I don't know if that has been cracked yet, been hoping for one since the dawn of Thirdwire.


I imagine that there has to be multiple views, for a lack the proper name, in the 3D animation.


Something with this seems seriously borked, as it has been a LONG time without.


Bottom line, I dunno.


Aren't you glad I stopped by?



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i think, you must ask the makers

of the MiG-27 (3rd Partie) & MiG-25.

if i know it right, it was Wpnssgt & USAFMTL


and you may ask boopidoo, he´s done the SU-15.

all that planes have working Dragchutes...

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but the Break shut of Su-15 Just open, when you touch the ground and open the Airbrakes(not crtl+p like in the bttom selection screen) just this, havent another way on Flagon.

try to do this with your model(when are in the ground, and open the airbrakes)

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Guest capun

Adding the animation to a different key is not the problem now that TK added that feature that the modders requested.


What I see is that If I move the vertices to simulate the chute opening, 3DS Max does not accept that. If you use Scale to simulate it, 3DS Max works but the scale data is not exported into the game so it won't work.


Sorry, I can't help

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This is something I was discussing in another thread about my exhaust pipes, I used scale on vertices to make the animation and it worked for me, I am using 3ds max 5 and the animation exported no problem.

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There was only one thing I forgot to mention, when I make my animations I normally use the set key but I found that when I wanted to do my jet pipes I had to use the auto key for it to work, and also the controllers for my jet pipes were NOT set as TCB as for other animations, instead the controllers were left as 3ds max defaults, i.e position xyz, rotation euler xyz, and scale bezier.

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Guest capun
There was only one thing I forgot to mention, when I make my animations I normally use the set key but I found that when I wanted to do my jet pipes I had to use the auto key for it to work, and also the controllers for my jet pipes were NOT set as TCB as for other animations, instead the controllers were left as 3ds max defaults, i.e position xyz, rotation euler xyz, and scale bezier.


Sorry to disagree with you but I have never got any animation to work unless they were TCB and scale does not get ported.


I just tried it with Max9 and the animation does not work. I'll try the auto key and see if that is the trick




Auto Key did not do anything, the animation does not work at all unless TCB is set

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Hi Capun,


I have no problem with you disagreeing, at the end of the day you can only go with what you personally have experienced, I just hope you aren't suggesting I am lying, as I also am just saying what I know and have experienced, I can honestly state that I used scale animation and controllers set to defaults and it DID work for me.


But to be fair I am going on my jet pipes, the animation was done by simply expanding the vertices at the rim of the jet pipe using scale, perhaps a parachute is a more complicated affair and therefore a whole new ball game.


I will endeavour to research this discovery which seems to be unique to me, and I will share with all.



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Guest capun



I am not suggesting that you are lying, just stating that in most cases if you don't set the TCB controller the animation won't work.


Why it does in your set-up is a mystery, I wish it would work since it would solve a lot of my problems. I have tried your method but no luck.


Is there a chance to get your Max file for the jetpipes to see how it works and if I can merge it into a test plane and see if I can replicate it?


Maybe a step by step how you did it? Maybe there is a set-up or step that I am missing.


I don't think it works just with Max5, I'll fire up the old 5.1 demo and see if that is the case.


Geo, thanks. I forgot about that. Russ told me to do vertex scaling but If I try it with 3DS Max, it does not seem to work. The model reverts back to the original shape of the first frame. I have tried vertex scaling, vertex moving, etc without any results.

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Hi Capun,


I will try to get a max jet pipe sorted for you, as for a missing step I mentioned the auto key thing, I was having the same trouble as you were with max reverting the objects shape to the first frame, but auto key is what solved the problem for me.

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Guest capun

Ok Here's an interesting experiment.


- The Vertex Scaling will work if set to Bezier Scaling plus the other XYZ as long as:


a) The mesh does not move or rotates.


b) the Mesh is not linked to another mesh that moves or rotates.


So for a jet pipes it works, but for a drag chute since it moves it won't. And I think it has to be Vertex Scaling only, no mesh scaling.


The work-around solution could be to set the drag chute in the place it would be when open. Vertex Scaling to a very, very small scale so your eyes's won't see it (but it is there), then vertex scaling to the full size at the end of the frame, then play with the animation open/close parameters to fool the eyes.




b) is not true, I found a problem. I had a couple of vertices exported with scale in the parent mesh.

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I may be on the verge of a breakthrough, I might have found a sequence that animates the brake chute deployment with no trickery, so far the result in 3ds max looks very promising.

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Guest capun

I just made an edit to my previous comments.


I now got the drag chute to work. A parent mesh (straps) can pull the chute along. But the chute can only be done with vertex scaling using the set-up that Craig posted.

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This is embarrassing to ask but what is the ini entry for a brake chute, I would like it to deploy as an independent system as opposed to being linked like in some add on aircraft, I am having a hard time finding an aircraft with the appropriate ini entry.

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Guest capun

OK, so in my case the chute animation is #9. You set your game AnimationID9 key to something, I use CTRL9 for this


This is the manual deployment method. The problem is that the AI will not use it properly.








This version is tied to the Airbrake (Thanks Fubar for refreshing my old memory cells)













The last statement will only deploy the chute on the ground while landing.

The second method is preferred since you can actually make it into a brake and you can tune the deploy/retract time and other goodies

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AH! I was thinking that the brake chute could be deployed using the game assigned key, I assumed the feature was supported but I am getting the feeling it still isn't, does anyone know the correct system name the game uses for the chute? I've tried DRAG_CHUTE, BRAKE_CHUTE.

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The last statement will only deploy the chute on the ground while landing.

The second method is preferred since you can actually make it into a brake and you can tune the deploy/retract time and other goodies


And, I've found that the AI pilots will use the braking 'chutes as intended, especially if you "coerce" them to do so, by decreasing the effectiveness of the wheel brakes!

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Ahhh so easy a 5 year old can understand it......




Anyone have a 5 year old I can borough :dntknw::this:

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Guest Saganuay82

I have a really slow connection that doesn't load the page sometimes..............so................did you look at the SU-15? Doesn't the MiG25 also have braking chutes?


You had a model I was interested in, send me a PM on an update please.

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They do have brake chutes, but I was hoping to use the in game brake chute function, but I believe it still hasn't been implemented yet, It's kinda bugging me that there is a key assignment specifically for brake chutes but the game doesn't support it yet.

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