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I've just read in the paper that there is a proposal to re-make the Dambusters film which prompted a thought ( yes my brain's in today) what about creating a Dambusters mission?


We've got the aircraft and the scenery although I guess the rivers would need to be added plus the dam structures...way beyond my ability I'm afraid...but wouldn't this be a great mission?


I remember doing it in the CFS2 Justflight add on a few years back and yes I could hit the dams nine times out of ten but my feeling is it would be so much more compeliing in say WOE.


Well guys what do you think?

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Peter Jackson's going to do it (of LOTR fame). I just wonder if the dog's name will be changed for 'political correctness'...

I'm just angry the original (Richard Todd) version is only available on DVD in the UK as PAL format ... I don't have a multi-region machine or I'd get it!!!


but back on the subject....


I don't think there's a way to create the Wallis Bouncing bomb...anything that hits the water, just drops in. I don't think there's a way to make them skip....unless you change the Min/Max spec on it (above my pay grade, that one is!)

The altitude aiming lights would pose a small problem...you could have something like 2 landing light, but change the angles to downard, and perhaps reduce the beam spread to a small spot. Getting them to align at 60 feet would be the major problem requiring LOTS of testing.


A new Lanc would be needed with the necessary bomb bay modifications.

Hell, we've got the Grand Slam and Tallboy...just use those!!! :haha:


Then, of course, we'd need the Rhur dams themselves, and have them 'destructable' That should be the easy part for a 3d modeler...

Then have the proper lakes/resivours placed on the maps....


Doable, but with a LOT of work on the part of many.


I never had the CFS version, did they have the lights and all??



kevin stein

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I just wonder if the dog's name will be changed for 'political correctness'...

What's it's name (send it on my PM if it's not for ze forumz).

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Well, given he was a black Labrador (sp?), and given the racial epithats/nicknames prelevant in the 1940s, let's just say is started with the letter "N".


The original movie uses it, mind you it was made in the late 40s/early 50s, and as it's an English film, I don't think the word had/has the same connotations as it does here in the States....


If they change W/C Gibson's dogs name to "Blackie", I won't have a problem with historical accuracy/PC with that; I personally don't believe in the whole 'political correctness' crock ... as long as they get the aircraft, mission, and all the other military details right.


I'm actually hoping they do it justice...and the inevetiable comparisons to the original will always be there. As with any remake.



kevin stein

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we had some Saudi Arabian Tornados over here recently training alongside 617 Squadron & whilst they were here squadron ops was called "Black Dog" instead on "Nxxxxx" ops :rolleyes:

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Peter Jackson's going to do it (of LOTR fame). I just wonder if the dog's name will be changed for 'political correctness'...

I'm just angry the original (Richard Todd) version is only available on DVD in the UK as PAL format ... I don't have a multi-region machine or I'd get it!!!


but back on the subject....


I don't think there's a way to create the Wallis Bouncing bomb...anything that hits the water, just drops in. I don't think there's a way to make them skip....unless you change the Min/Max spec on it (above my pay grade, that one is!)

The altitude aiming lights would pose a small problem...you could have something like 2 landing light, but change the angles to downard, and perhaps reduce the beam spread to a small spot. Getting them to align at 60 feet would be the major problem requiring LOTS of testing.


A new Lanc would be needed with the necessary bomb bay modifications.

Hell, we've got the Grand Slam and Tallboy...just use those!!! :haha:


Then, of course, we'd need the Rhur dams themselves, and have them 'destructable' That should be the easy part for a 3d modeler...

Then have the proper lakes/resivours placed on the maps....


Doable, but with a LOT of work on the part of many.


I never had the CFS version, did they have the lights and all??



kevin stein


Yes they had the low spot lights, bouncing bomb, wooden bomb aimer and all. It was the scenery that wasn't that good IMHO. The dam broke and you could see the water going thro' though.


I kept the sim for a long time just to fly that particular mission!

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Wrench a quick search of the internet thingy confirms that there is in fact a R1 official release of the original Richard Todd Dambusters movie in NTSC widely available. I actually meet him once at a Battle of Britain memorial do held at the former Tangmere airfield and he can tell some stories about the filming that would make some great extras on the DVD.

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