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Help to rotate the default map 90º to the right

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Anyone know if is possible to rotate the default map of Paran/Dhimar and have it looking south?? So the Land is North and the Sea is South??

Anyone remember where are the Paranis? IIRC they are in the North, so If I rotate the map south the Mig drivers will be East right?? Ready for a Indo-Pak scenario :wink:


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I believe that an Indo-Pakistan terrain and campaign are WIP. Not sure how far along they are.


More interestingly, the default Desert map is actually the west coast of Southern Africa (Namibia, Botswana?) rotated 180 degrees (I think). Now if that could be 'put right' we'd have a new real world terrain to play with.

Edited by allenjb42

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More interestingly, the default Desert map is actually the west coast of Southern Africa (Namibia, Botswana?) rotated 80 degrees (I think). Now if that could be 'put right' we'd have a new real world terrain to play with.


Really, I thought the terrain was completly fictional.

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The TE has controls to rotate the displayed HFD... The stock Dhimar map is of southeastern Africa, rotated 90 degrees, so the "geo" is "real", only the "political" is fictional...

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Thank's! Any idea to add trees?? Or the TE will also work with that?

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The TE has a function to add "TOD" files... Deuces is the TOD master around these parts...

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Air drop received... Check drop zone... :)

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rotating the terrain would make the whole stock desert_targets.ini obsolete...you have to make a new one

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I believed the targets will rotate with the map :P

Anyway when I open a map on TE I see nothing, all is white, what I'm losing here??

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Don't know what more I can add here, but at least I got the continent right! :)

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