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carrier easy installer?

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Only place I think you would find something like that would be an all in one campaign setup.


Maybe not even then.


You can drag and drop carriers...the harder part is actually using them.



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Only place I think you would find something like that would be an all in one campaign setup.


You can drag and drop carriers...the harder part is actually using them.



i agree with the last sentence.....



could you recommend to me a camapaign setup with ac carriers missions?

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...the harder part is actually using them.


I partly disagre with that statement....



The harder part is LANDING on them!!! If it weren't for the autopilot (it's ok...you can call me a cheater!), I'd be a red smear on the fantail!



kevin stein

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the obvious carrier campaign is WOV. Beyond that several of the add ons have carrier campaigns.


I don't see any way that an auto-installer would work. Too many details that have to be tweaked. The how-to in the library above has the detailed instructions.


I've added carriers to several other campaigns with mixed success and have been building carrier missions.


and I don't use auto to land! Obviously though I have a slight advantage....

Edited by Typhoid

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Hey, landing is easy when you don't have to flare! :) Just kidding...



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Hey, landing is easy when you don't have to flare! :) Just kidding...




that's why we call a "touch and go" a "crash and dash"



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"crash and dash"




Something you Navy guys are good at.... :biggrin:

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yup, did anyone make one?


please link



Hmmm...should be easy to create an installer that will add a carrier to the Burning Sands campaign and move the Navy squadrons onto it.

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Hmmm...should be easy to create an installer that will add a carrier to the Burning Sands campaign and move the Navy squadrons onto it.



That would be great :good::clapping:

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I've recently downloaded the Burning Sands upgrade and was overjoyed with the carrier ops aspect.


The Funny thing was though, when I was coming back from my first mission, flying an A-6A, I noticed the Intruder was landing on the carrier as if it were an axial instead of an angled deck. At the last minute I took control and waved off and tried repeatedly and unsuccessfully to land on the angled landing area. I could imagine now how difficult it is for pilots in real life in landing on one.


Landing tips anyone?

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I've recently downloaded the Burning Sands upgrade and was overjoyed with the carrier ops aspect.


The Funny thing was though, when I was coming back from my first mission, flying an A-6A, I noticed the Intruder was landing on the carrier as if it were an axial instead of an angled deck. At the last minute I took control and waved off and tried repeatedly and unsuccessfully to land on the angled landing area. I could imagine now how difficult it is for pilots in real life in landing on one.


Landing tips anyone?


the carrier also does not turn into the wind to put the wind down the angle, it turns into the axial. A shortcoming of the sim.


in real life, the Air Boss and the CAG would have the OOD's @$$


Line up on the angle and then angle into the wind a bit. If you aim for the "notch" at the forward end of the angle where it meets the deck you will be about right.

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