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Could a MACK truck really change into a giant robot?

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Awwwww.....you've missed the point!!! You see, a MAC tool truck could use it's own tools to help it transform. Don't you realize that?

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I see....interesting.


But, how would the tools know what to do?


Is that where the sentient part comes into play?

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I see....interesting.


But, how would the tools know what to do?


Is that where the sentient part comes into play?


Well, we could add a brain. This will not only give it sentiency, but it will give it an incentive to do stuff, since it has instincts.

But it has to be programmable, so that we can teach it to be obedient. Oh, and Asimov's laws. 'Cause you know what happens if the're loose cannon, and don't know right from wrong...



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Do we have to go see the wizard of Oz for that?

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So, we're talking a sentiant, silicon based lifeform, with autonomis (sp?) goal-seeking programs???


Well, shoot...we all know what happened with the 9000 series computers on the deep-space missions (even though SAL remained on earth in Indiana; 'she' was needed for Dr. Chandra's experiments in higher brain function removals ie: circuit lobotomy, and re-starts)


As for the MAC tools, even though I have some, I've still found Snap-On to be better, more durable and nicer looking. Mind you, both companies have revamped several lines to a more ergonomic look and feel, so it basically comes down to a matter of price and availablity (MAC dealers being a little harder to find, at least here in West LA -- there's only 1 of them, but at least 5-6 Snap-One trucks running around; or walking if they get tired -- another pun!!) MAC does tend to be slightly less expensive.


Like the advert says "Buy the best, and cry only once"


As for the tools 'knowing' how to create the tranmogrifiying vehicle, I assume they'd have small chips embeded, possibly nanochips, thereby creating a type of 'hive mind'. The 'goal seeking programs' would then kick in, allowing them perform their various functions.


Then that, of course, calls into question the whole Replicator problem...


And as for a Ford...fergetaboutit!!! Don't even get me started on Fords...I hate Fords....their electronic diagnostic routines (pre-OBDII) perform illeagel sex acts on farm animals (if you know what I mean). Really.. very badly thought out. 5volt reference...gotta be kidding me...in a 12v system...stooopid


The only thing a Ford can transmute into is.....



wait for it....






kevin stein

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somebody sounds like a mechanic

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You know, 40 years ago people believed we'd see intelligent computers in our lifetime, that you could hold great conversations with, that would fill a room. Instead, we have computers that fit in a briefcase that are still stupid as a pile of bricks. Or sharp as a ball of wet mice, if you prefer.


So, as for AI, forget it anytime soon.


As for transforming, of course you likely could, but what would the point be?

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I think a Ford could transform into a giant robot, if you put the Ford on top of a giant transforming robot.



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Guest USNadpc

Wrench wrote:


The only thing a Ford can transmute into is.....



wait for it....






and/or FIRE!

Edited by USNadpc

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I think a Ford could transform into a giant robot, if you put the Ford on top of a giant transforming robot.




Maybe it could wear the Ford like a backpack or something

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Do we have to go see the wizard of Oz for that?


Is it patronising in here, or is it JUST YOU. :biggrin:

It's a reference to Dr. Who, which is arguably the best-known BBC show ever.



Not the point, however. The point is that organic components have potential capabilities that mechanical components do not, such as thinking irrationaly, or making split-second decisions with no prior knowledge or programming.

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WoW Paul:

Transformers did impress you, huh?.. :biggrin:

and i do think it could.....


Best regards


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Wether it's possible to have a truck transform into a giant robot, who knows, perhaps could be possible.


Wether that truck would have any A.I. to be useful in either mode, is questionable.


Personally, I'd like to live in a world where software is still dumber than man... no matter how dumb man is... :grin:


Call me paranoid or something, but I DON'T agree with "just sending in the EDIs"... SkyNET and all of its kind, be they Vickies or whatever, have to be left in the realm of science fiction where they're 100% harmless IMHO...

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I have a question. It's kind of a two parter....


Do you think that a MACK truck could change into a giant fighting robot, and also....do you think it would be possible to have that giant fighting robot be sentient? I mean, could a robot that changes into a truck actually have feelings and think on it's own?


Mr. Nortness,


In case you thought the thread i started about whether fictional aircraft would fly and perform as wll as they did in the movies if they were bult in reality was ridiculous,


Frankly speaking: This thread you started whether a Mack truck could really change into a giant robot is EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And that I believe was the point.


I once had the boss' son at this place I used to work ask me seriously if they would ever make a lightsaber. When I said it was impossible, he wanted to know why. When I explained in the simplest terms I could think of, he then mused "I think it would be cool to have a lightsaber. I hope they make one." :rolleyes:

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And besides i don't think that closing the thread I started was very fair.... If any thread needs to be closed, it's this one...

Edited by Tomcat_ace

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Not fair?


Let me be the first to clue you in on something.... A forum is NOT a democracy...it is a dictatorship. Now, I'd like to think of ours as being a benign dictatorship :biggrin:, but, either way , the fact remains. We make and enforce the rules here.


Remember, you're the one signing on to OUR forum, and acting rude. We're simply responding.

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EXCUSE ME???!!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOUR PARDON??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN WHAT WAY WAS I RUDE????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Tomcat_ace

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Remember, you're the one signing on to OUR forum, and acting rude. We're simply responding.


EXCUSE ME???????!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOUR PARDON???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? IN WHAT WAY WAS I RUDE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'd like to know.... If you don't mind..

Edited by Tomcat_ace

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You format a post like that, and then you have the temerity to ask why I believe that you're acting rude? Are you that clueless?

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You format a post like that, and then you have the temerity to ask why I believe that you're acting rude? Are you that clueless?


I don't want to start any arguments here, But, i don't think i posted anything illegitimate........

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I believe the term you are searching for is "Tongue in cheek"...

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