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F-16E/F Almost Done.....

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Need to do the read me and that is about it.

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Tis possible that it could comeout tonight if the readme is it?

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Love flying the Falcon; can't wait until it's finished :clapping:

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Love flying the Falcon; can't wait until it's finished :clapping:


Uh... it already is dude. :rofl: Has been for a shade under 3 hours now :tongue:

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And does it rock!


...well does it? :tongue: I mean, after all, it is from the F-16 fam and they're a bit... you know... :wacko:

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Is anyone going to try and mod the readme?? :wink:



I can't wait to try this tonight.

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Ok we fixed the issues as much as we can, suggest using the loadouts we recommend. One point though there will come a point where it will become futile to try and make all the weapons fit, as its impossible due to model positions in max. So that is the way it is. Make sure you clean out your cookies before downloading so the old file doesn't show up.

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All of the weapons bugs should be fixed from before, including the wrong positions, and also the pylons showing up and not showing up when they shouldn't have done so. Like Dave says, due to the model positions in max, we can't get all munitions available to be perfectly positioned on the pylons, however they are as close as we can practically get them to make it look accurate. If there's any problems you have with the loadouts, give me a shout, and I'll do my best to fix it for you.

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