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DL'in Now Looks great was the most thing i missed bout my FE install

Cheers 4 heads up Christian :good:

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Guest Alligator Devil

Thoses tiles are very nice and photoreal, but i find a problem that i don't find with the stock tiles (that's why i'm using lately Max Hi Res version of the stock tiles)

Some photoreal tiles doesn't fit together very well.

Probably this error can be solved with some fine tunning (maybe i'm wrong, i have never edited a terrain).



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Guest TomSnug

Good effort, but there seem to be a number of tiles missing in the Cambrai tileset. Most of Edward's tileset is there, but there are swathes of open countryside which show the stock FE tiles instead, and the discontinuities look odd.


Maybe Edward can be persuaded to update his tileset to the ExPack standard.

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I can't figure out how to trigger the different seasons in the terrains.What button do I push?

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Guest TomSnug

You don't - it varies depending on the date of your mission.

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Thoses tiles are very nice and photoreal, but i find a problem that i don't find with the stock tiles (that's why i'm using lately Max Hi Res version of the stock tiles)

Some photoreal tiles doesn't fit together very well.

Probably this error can be solved with some fine tunning (maybe i'm wrong, i have never edited a terrain).


These seams are there in Edward's original tile set - I merely converted them to the new terrains and made about 30 new tiles...



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Good effort, but there seem to be a number of tiles missing in the Cambrai tileset. Most of Edward's tileset is there, but there are swathes of open countryside which show the stock FE tiles instead, and the discontinuities look odd.


Maybe Edward can be persuaded to update his tileset to the ExPack standard.


You might want to check that you've installed this correctly as all the necessary tiles are in the download...with the cutting and pasting necessary to avoid duplication of tiles and keep the download down to a reasonable size, it could be easy to not copy the Cambrai seasonal tiles into the right folder. I did test this quite extensively and couldn't see any missing tiles but I could've missed them...



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Good effort, but there seem to be a number of tiles missing in the Cambrai tileset. Most of Edward's tileset is there, but there are swathes of open countryside which show the stock FE tiles instead, and the discontinuities look odd.



Check that you copy all the files in the wwiTerrain folder in the "Common Files" folder into the root wwiCambrai & wwiverdun folder in your First Eagles Terrain folder -- if you don't do this, then you will have the problem you describe (ditto if you don't copy the seasonal files into the wwicambrai & wwi verdun folders). You might also want to check that you are not replacing the whole seasonal folder in the Cambrai terrain taken from the common files folder (nearly 100 files) with just the contents of the much smaller Cambrai seasonal folders (only thirty files -- the new ones needed in the Cambrai terrain that are different to Edward's originals -- these must be added as well as the 100 files already in the folder) when you cut and paste the folders.


If that doesn't help, well, at least I tried...



Edited by Sopwith Snipe

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I don't have the problems mentioned in this thread. The terrain is simply amazing. Thank you Snipe :)



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Guest Alligator Devil
I don't have the problems mentioned in this thread. The terrain is simply amazing. Thank you Snipe :)




If you don't see the tiles that doesn't fit....


Yes, the tiles are very nice and i've been in love with them for several months, i used to play with them, but now i see thoses errors everywhere and i can't stand them.

The errors are less noticiable when you are flying at high altitude, but when you fly at low altitude you can see them everywhere.


These seams are there in Edward's original tile set - I merely converted them to the new terrains and made about 30 new tiles...



Thanks you Sopwith Snipe for your great work (i know it's a lot of work to convert all the tiles for all the seasons, many bmp and tga to convert). I know it's not your fault, the screenshot below is from Edward's original replacement tiles:




People should try Max Hi Res tiles, they look AMAZING when you are flying at low altitude.

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Guest TomSnug

Thanks, Snipe, I will give it another try and see if I can get it functioning fully.

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I stand corrected. While hunting down hunn's in my beloved Camel 110 I noticed the misalignement...


Others from that, the new terrain looks awesome.



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Sorry about the poor quality of the seams in that old tileset I did :wink: I made those over a year ago and it was my first effort at creating tiles from scratch. I have long since fixed the seams after I learned how :rolleyes: I would much rather play FE than Mod it, but the stock terrain is so piss poor (it still is) that I had do something to fix the terrain so I could enjoy the game.


Snipe never told me anything about updating the whole lot for the new Expansion set (I thought he was using Max's). He never said anything to me at all. When he recolored the tiles the bad seams showed up more. Another example of garbage in garbage out :biggrin:


Here are some screens of the fixed one I've been using. I had to go through all 100 or so tiles to fix them all, but they're all fixed:








I'll release them as soon as I have finiished the new seasonal terrains formatted for use with the new expansion.


In the meantime I think you guys should use Max's high res tiles :biggrin:




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Guest Alligator Devil

That's the fine tunning the tiles needed.

Good work !!!

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Guest TomSnug

Fantastic, Edward, looking forward to the updated tilesets!

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Sorry about the poor quality of the seams in that old tileset I did :wink: I made those over a year ago and it was my first effort at creating tiles from scratch. I have long since fixed the seams after I learned how :rolleyes: I would much rather play FE than Mod it, but the stock terrain is so piss poor (it still is) that I had do something to fix the terrain so I could enjoy the game.


Snipe never told me anything about updating the whole lot for the new Expansion set (I thought he was using Max's). He never said anything to me at all. When he recolored the tiles the bad seams showed up more. Another example of garbage in garbage out :biggrin:



I'll release them as soon as I have finiished the new seasonal terrains formatted for use with the new expansion.


In the meantime I think you guys should use Max's high res tiles :biggrin:






S! Edward! I'll pull my half-assed stop gap effort now and wait like everyone else for the real deal.



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Thanks to all who are working so hard to improve every aspect of this game I look forward to the resilts

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