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Boeing delivers first EA-18G to the USN...

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my favorite is when you send a jet to depot now and it comes out with discrepancies...EXPLAIN THAT!

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I did alot of reading on this and it will definitely do the job. The Growler will be able to detect, jam, and kill as neccessary, while keeping pace with the fleet. I goofed around trying to mod this on a regular bug. I think this will be a pretty easy, once we get a superbug in the fleet. The only thing that I didn't find stock in the weapons pack was the ALQ-218(V)2. I simulated it with a pair of lightning pods on the wing tip sidewinder positions. I took the gun out since that space is jammed with electronics gear anyways. Nice aircraft except not enough hardpoints :dntknw: to carry alot of missles-two harms. It does still carry two AIM-120's for self defence though. There's a link at the bottom that will tell you more. :good:













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- dudes...the EF-111 was cut by Congress over budget issues when they saw it as a redundant system...the Prowler was retained for the very obvious reason that it was carrier capable and thus able to remain with the fleet...


- though I enjoyed reading the speculations...are the Lone Gunmen here?


- nothing to do with abilities, just money...why then did they not cut fighters? you should already know that answer as well...

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my favorite is when you send a jet to depot now and it comes out with discrepancies...EXPLAIN THAT!


have to agree with you there! The depot even blew up a plane I was supposed to accept the next day. bad deal all around.....

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There is a reason that the Pentagon is called the "Puzzle Palace". Neither rhyne nor reason has a place in the Pentagon and Armed Services Committee decisions. They demonstrate this quality regularly.


I think that the Hornet will fill in fairly well. Loiter time is the big issue, particularly in a deep penetration AO. What will be sacrificed during an op. Part of the ECM equipment? Missiles? Also, if you have 2 Hornets flying this op that's still 4 heads in the ECM package. I could see this though as an excellent SAM suppression platform. As for the gear itself, miniturization is what makes this capable at all. Smaller components, more efficient systems, automation...

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Here's my first impression of the superbug. downloaded it into FS04 on my friend's comp, tried to take off from a carrier and this happened.




Boeing: Turning Lemons into Lemonade since 1916.

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