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New MF Weapons Pack or...

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why we don't add E-3 and E-4 Sparrow's... easy.. we don't have release plane who use them (for now).


redo weapons take less time than plane.. but need time.


our next step are soviet weapons.. redo basic one , and add advanced weapons (LGB, AG missiles, ARM ...)


i try to add enough fuel tank for many planes (not only mine)


but, if you want avoid problems... use only one WP.



Edited by bpao

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why we don't add E-3 and E-4 Sparrow's... easy.. we don't have release plane who use them (for now).


our next step are soviet weapons.. redo basic one , and add advanced weapons (LGB, AG missiles, ARM ...)



Oh so that is why. Okay now I get it. And Soviet weapons too? :biggrin: Mirage Factory really wants to make the TW series as detailed and pretty as possible don't ya? :good:

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BPAO, no-one's "blaming" the MF, I think we all understand the work involved and the priorities, a little editing on our parts is a little price to pay.

I mostly tried to explain why this wasn't working so they can understand how to troubleshoot such things themselves instead of whining and blaming the modders.

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From the download post......




"Now you can merge this with the last weps pack that is here but I do recommend caution. We will not be responsible for any crashing of your weps or loss of data. The weps pack features improved models and skins."

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So ?

No one's saying the MF or anyone else is responsible, just giving solutions and explaining why there is a problem (how could anyone consider the MF responsible, how could we expect them to make sure their WP doesn't break anything when everyone has his own WP, and Bunyap's contain over 2k weapons...).

Fixing the problem starts by understanding it, we're not saying that the MF must change their WP, we're just explaining what we should do to get the weapons we want to work.


Or maybe explaining how to "fix" things and why is unacceptable now ?


You should relax a little... you are becoming a tad obsessive.

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You should relax a little... you are becoming a tad obsessive.


Just now becoming obsesive? Methinks you ahve nto known USAFBLTDAN for very long! :haha:

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So ?

No one's saying the MF or anyone else is responsible, just giving solutions and explaining why there is a problem (how could anyone consider the MF responsible, how could we expect them to make sure their WP doesn't break anything when everyone has his own WP, and Bunyap's contain over 2k weapons...).

Fixing the problem starts by understanding it, we're not saying that the MF must change their WP, we're just explaining what we should do to get the weapons we want to work.


Or maybe explaining how to "fix" things and why is unacceptable now ?


You should relax a little... you are becoming a tad obsessive.


Nothing wrong with that Gunrunner, I am just reminding people to be careful on what they do.


And don't tell me to relax on my site.

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And don't tell me to relax on my site.


Lighten up Francis.

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Lighten up Francis.



You touch my stuff, I'll kill yeah.

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Oh well, I guess I'll stop trying to help people see other point of views, or helping whiners to fix things themselves, since it seems to be an offence worth suspension... j/k I understand what you meant by it.


Yet, I don't see what's wrong in suggesting you relax a bit, you are obviously taking the matter very personally, which isn't wrong at all but does tend to make the point very aggressive and harder to understand for some, and tends to make you see criticism and whining where there is none... and leads you to suspend someone until 2010... :biggrin:


You wouldn't be wrong being fed up with whiners; As you say, it's your site, if you really are fed up with some of us, suspension or ban is your prerogative; Maybe you are too tolerant of whiners.


Quite frankly, all modding communities go through such crisis, either they overcome them, or they die, either because the whiners pushed the modders away, or the modders decided to become a closed community and the community dies slowly as people lose interest, real life interferes and fresh blood is lacking.

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Yet, I don't see what's wrong in suggesting you relax a bit, you are obviously taking the matter very personally, which isn't wrong at all but does tend to make the point very aggressive and harder to understand for some, and tends to make you see criticism and whining where there is none... and leads you to suspend someone until 2010... :biggrin:


You like 2010? :biggrin: Yes I take it all personally, you spend the hundreds of hours dedicated to this site, its maintenance, upkeep, then modding on top of it, you would too. This is my hobby.


Maybe you are too tolerant of whiners.


That could be very well the case. I am too nice I am told.

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From the download post......




"Now you can merge this with the last weps pack that is here but I do recommend caution. We will not be responsible for any crashing of your weps or loss of data. The weps pack features improved models and skins."

Sorry if I may have seemed rude... it was not my intention at all. I have seen the other thread where you modders complain about rivet counters etc, and I'm very sorry if I may have been the starting cause.


I'll never be able to thank you enough for these free add-ons (these beautiful weapons in this case).


So, sorry again if I seemed rude, USAFMTL! :smile:

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You guys posted the fix for the people that are having that particular problem. Good on you for helping.

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Sorry if I may have seemed rude... it was not my intention at all. I have seen the other thread where you modders complain about rivet counters etc, and I'm very sorry if I may have been the starting cause.


I'll never be able to thank you enough for these free add-ons (these beautiful weapons in this case).


So, sorry again if I seemed rude, USAFMTL! :smile:


You weren't rude at all. Like I said I was reminding people to merge these with caution. If you don't know how to do it, I don't recommend that any does it.

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