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Pasko's Vampire - Skin permission request

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Tally ho, chaps.


I have been enjoying Major Lee's America NW terrain with Wrench's enhancements and Doghouse's Mountain Thaw tileset so much that I have knocked together a 50's - 60's Planefest style campaign for use on that terrain, which I will upload as soon as I can knock it into shape.


However, I couldn't find an RCAF skin for Pasko's Vampire, so I knocked up a very basic re-decalling job of the Silver skin included to show a generic RCAF Vampire. I have also included authentic RCAF Vamp serial numbers on the tailplane for a flight of a dozen planes, like so:-




With Pasko's site gone, and the Vamp file here at CA absent a readme, I have no idea who to ask for permission to upload this mod of the original RAF Silver skin. Any objection to me uploading this RCAF version?


Thanks all,



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I think the consensus is that its ok to upload skins without asking for permission. Just mention the author of the original skin in your readme if you based yours heavily on someone else's.

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Hi column5,


Thanks for the response. I will happily do so, but I don't know who the original author is - Gramps maybe?


If anyone knows, could they let me know?



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I will happily do so, but I don't know who the original author is - Gramps maybe?


Possibly. Does it look like it was done with one of those fat crayons from kindergarten?

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LloydNB has a couple of nice walkway warning decals in this Egyptian AF skin (I know, cause I borrwed them for the WW2:46 version)


A good template is needed for puppy....



kevin stein

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Well, I'm no artist, just a humble .ini hack, so a definitive RCAF Vamp is going to have to wait.


I think the best thing for me to do is not release this hackjob as a separate skin, but include it in the campaign file upload, so you can fly the RCAF squadron from the start of the campaign, rather than having to wait for the Canadair Sabre to enter service.


Like I said, I banged the campaign file together as I has was having fun with the terrain, so this is intended as a "quickie" rather than a major project.


Wrench, I was going to PM you, but as you are around, may I have your permission to include an amended AmericanNW_targets.ini, based on your upgraded version? I have swapped things round a bit to remove the sticky runway bug, and have about 25 target areas in my list (all cut & paste jobs from your add-on) in order to get the strategic nodes to work properly, and to have a worthwhile ground war.


It's all running pretty smoothly, so I reckon it would be nice to post it here.


Cheers all,



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Sure thing! Go for it!! :biggrin:



kevin stein

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Thanks mate, I appreciate it :good:





Great stuff, much better than my crude .ini hack job. It would be great if you could post it :good:



Cheers all,



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Hey, Sag, got some rather dumb questions:


When was the RCAF replaced by the CF?

When did they go to camo, and did it depend on where deployed (home, Europe, arctic)?


And this one's for fun...CF-100




about 10 minutes work :haha: If I know more about the markings, I could release it as another "What If..."



kevin stein

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Guest Saganuay82

We are now the Canadian Forces or CF. We have also used the term "Canadian Armed Forces" or CAF. You would see the ARMED FORCES on either side of the roundel on some aircraft. ARMED has pretty much been dropped now, too aggressive....LOL.


1968 saw the end of 3 distinctive elements in Canada. We used to have the RCAF, RCN and the regiments of the army. We still have regiments these days, have gone back to Distinctive Element Uniforms where we have seperate colors for each service in the dress uniform. The airforce and army on a daily basis wear CADPAT though while we in the navy have a dark blue NOMEX kit. Its a good thing to be gone from the common green uniform. The country now is divided into Regional Joint Operations Centers and different Commands to handle within the country and outside of the country.


The F-100 was looked at awhile back in its day for Canadian service so your skin could have been. Same as the A-7, Tornado, F-16 and a number of others over the years. Biggest thing to look for is the style of maple leaf in the roundel and if it carried a fin flash or a flag on the tail. Plus the high vis color panels we used to paint on things same as you guys.


Our CF-104s and CF-5s when camoed when at home as well as in Germany. The Voodoos never were. Sabres were. Hercules have been in every scheme. The CF-105 never made it to a real operation scheme. Oh and your "CF-100" was already taken up as the CF-100 Canuck. Made by AVRO, served in Canada and Belgium. Just hoping some day to see it come out in game.

Edited by Saganuay82

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Oh and your "CF-100" was already taken up as the CF-100 Canuck. Made by AVRO, served in Canada and Belgium. Just hoping some day to see it come out in game.


Hear, hear ! I'll drink to see that beast flying.

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Hey Baltika


As Wrench said, if you have a look at the EAF Vampire I've posted you will find some usefull 'Keep off" decals. If you're putting a number or letter on the nose-wheel door, the location is identified in the decals.ini file.


I'm not sure what the underwing coding arrangement was for the RCAF Vampires but if you have a look at my RJAF Vampire, the decals.ini has the location of the main gear doors.


Use whatever you find useful. Anything to see more Vampires in our skys!






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The Canuck gets my vote, too - go for it, Wrench :good:


Would fill a bit of an operational gap for my RCAF Squadron in "Operation Mountain Twilight," to be uploaded as soon as I can write a "D/Ls required" Read Me.


Thanks for the info, Sag.


My research didn't get much further than this:-



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Hey Baltika


As Wrench said, if you have a look at the EAF Vampire I've posted you will find some usefull 'Keep off" decals. If you're putting a number or letter on the nose-wheel door, the location is identified in the decals.ini file.


I'm not sure what the underwing coding arrangement was for the RCAF Vampires but if you have a look at my RJAF Vampire, the decals.ini has the location of the main gear doors.


Use whatever you find useful. Anything to see more Vampires in our skys!






Thanks Lloyd, I'll take a look at it.


Cheers :biggrin:

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Both those skin's look real good. Thank's for sharing !

Edited by Atreides

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The real Avro CF-100 is sadly missing...would fill a historical gap (and be quite usefull for DBS2, at any rate)


As for the Arrow...who do I have to bribe/kindnap/kill/whatever to get one for the game??? I, personally, think that's the greatest "What If..." aircraft of all time.


Still looking for "Last Flight of the Arrow", but it's been out of print forever (and I'm out of funds anyway)


If I contiue with the Super Sabre, what could it be called, to diferentiate it from the Canuk??? CF-110? CF-1100? All the markings are stock in-game decals. So for late 50s, early 60 the natural metal would be ok? Hope so...other wise I have to plot out the mapping for the 2-tone!


Hi-viz international orange wing tips?? ...hmm...hmm...something to fiddle with for later



kevin stein

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