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VMFA-531 Mission Pack I (13-17 April 1965) for WOV

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VMFA-531 Mission Pack I (13-17 April 1965) for WOV

This is the first in a series of Mission Packs based on written accounts taken from the mission log of VMFA-531 'Ghost' Squadron for April 1965. This Pack replicates the missions undertaken by VMFA-531 for 13th April - 17th April 1965 inclusive.



I would like to thank 531_Ghost for the inspiration behind this project and Mike Wanamaker & Lee R. De Haven for writing the extracts from the original mission logs.


Also, thanks go to all those contributors that have provided an environment whereby this mission pack could be produced with a degree of realism. Without your modifications to the original WOV platform the creation of this mission pack would not be possible. I am standing on the shoulders of giants - thank you.


Update V1.10

This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.



This mission pack has a large number of pre-requisites due to the realism that I have tried to incorporate into the game. Please bear with me. This first Pack will require more pre-requisites than the subsequent Packs but you will get out what you put in, so the time invested in installing the pre-requisites will be worth it. The README details all necessary pre-requisites and installation instructions.



This Pack includes the following:

1. 11 x Missions taken from the historical accounts of VMFA-531 for the dates 13th April 1965 to 17th April 1965.

2. Detailed mission briefing pages for each mission.

3. The VMFA-531 mission log for April 1965.

4. New VMFA-531 pilot skins.

5. Static F-4B aircraft.

6. New loadout definitions for the F-4B.

7. Target definitions for each mission.


If there are any problems with the missions then please contact me directly, not the authors of the pre-requisites. Thanks.


During the course of 2008 I intend to post more mission packs that carry on where the last one left off, working through all of the missions identified in the original Mission Log write-up. That's about 60 missions in total!


As usual, feedback and comments always greatly appreciated.


Hope you like it. Regards, comrpnt.


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What...not one comment from anyone? This looks like a great add-on! I am particularly fond of Marine Phantoms in Vietnam, and can't wait to set some time aside to install and try this. I know the effort that goes into putting missions together - I have not been very sucessful in that area. Can't wait for more like it. I especially appreciate the historical perspective. Thanks again for your efforts.


Mike Druzolowski

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Uploaded everything into a seperate install of WoV last night. I tried to first mission, but after a bit of flying, the game CTD'd. The installation of the components isnt that clear as to shich require text being placed into the GroundObject.ini file (i.e; the ships). I'll go back through tonight or this weekend and see what I can find wrong.


For the 5 minutes that I did get, I enjoyed taking off with other AI jets. Thanks!



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Uploaded everything into a seperate install of WoV last night. I tried to first mission, but after a bit of flying, the game CTD'd. The installation of the components isnt that clear as to shich require text being placed into the GroundObject.ini file (i.e; the ships). I'll go back through tonight or this weekend and see what I can find wrong.


For the 5 minutes that I did get, I enjoyed taking off with other AI jets. Thanks!



Hi Storm, mmm, your problem interests me. Certainly I will make the next Pack's installation instructions clearer. Thanks for the feedback. As for the Ground Objects, the ships in the fleet should be simply dropped into the Objects/Ground Objects folder - the game will then pick them up automatically when next run. You don't need to modify the GroundObject.ini file.


An optional extra I supplied in the README allows you to immobilize the ships completely so that they don't drift while you are on your mission, making it simpler to find the fleet when you return and also for the AI to successfully land at the locations I specified in the mission files. This mod requires that you edit the _DATA.ini file for each affected ship in the fleet in their respective folders within the Ground Objects folder (tedious I know, but I couldn't find a simpler solution and I don't like wandering ships).


Glad you're enjoying the brief moments you're able to run the missions - and the others who've replied to this thread. Many thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated. Please keep the highs, lows and bug reports coming. This is an evolving project so the feedback gets put into the next Pack.


Latest news is that Pack II is now well underway and looks like it will ready by the end of January. From the mission log, read up on April 18th - 19th to see what will be included in it. There will be 10 missions, including Strike, FAC, Fast FAC (bonus mission - be a Misty for a day!), Patrol, Escort and Recon.


Cheers, regards, comrpnt.

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Guest Saganuay82

If it is the F-4B, then it would be the avionics60.dll correct so you will still have ground mapping radar? So can you see the ships once you get back to the last point?


One thing I used to do was have the 2nd last point on my departure point and my arrival point down the track of the carrier. That way I could radar search on the heading she would be sailing down. Have the last point down 10-20 miles. She couldn't have sailed that far in the amount of time you were gone.


Best start planning for your diversion field after that :)

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Going back through the install and am trying to figure out why the game is crashing after a short time.


I've read the post from Dave on not having to mod the GroundObjectData.ini anymore, but I'm still lost as the directions for each ship or vehicle still talks about editing that file. Should I simply place all of the new ground objects into the GroundObject folder and leave it at that?



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Going back through the install and am trying to figure out why the game is crashing after a short time.


I've read the post from Dave on not having to mod the GroundObjectData.ini anymore, but I'm still lost as the directions for each ship or vehicle still talks about editing that file. Should I simply place all of the new ground objects into the GroundObject folder and leave it at that?



Hi Storm, yes, simply drop the new ground objects (i.e. ships) in the GroundObjects folder and that's it. Let me know how you get on. Thanks.


Regards, comrpnt.

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Flew the first mission last night and actually made it to the target area. All of the AI Phantoms were circling the attack point at FL200-240. No targets showed up to attack though.


This was farther than the previous mission got to though, so I'm making progress. When I tried Alt-N to speed to the landing WP, the game CTD.


I'll keep trying different things though to see what might be causing this.




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Don't ALT-N on user made missions. For some reason they like to CTD the sim.

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Ahh. Ok thanks

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Your missions are amazing historically; I have two questions


-The challenge level is low; there is no opposition. I added for personal Fun some AAA to the sites defined in targets data. I guess your choice is historically correct, they where counter guerrila operations versus hidden sneaky enemy. AAA must have been up north


-Again no dounts about you historical research, but how in the hell, those blackvirgin areas, by bienhoa,, THAT close to saigon,,infested by enemies, what a cluterf*** that war must have been; really enemy at your dorrstep, and at the end of your runway


Your missions are amazing historically; I have two questions


-The challenge level is low; there is no opposition. I added for personal Fun some AAA to the sites defined in targets data. I guess your choice is historically correct, they where counter guerrila operations versus hidden sneaky enemy. AAA must have been up north


-Again no dounts about you historical research, but how in the hell, those blackvirgin areas, by bienhoa,, THAT close to saigon,,infested by enemies, what a cluterf*** that war must have been; really enemy at your dorrstep, and at the end of your runway

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Your missions are amazing historically; I have two questions


-The challenge level is low; there is no opposition. I added for personal Fun some AAA to the sites defined in targets data. I guess your choice is historically correct, they where counter guerrila operations versus hidden sneaky enemy. AAA must have been up north


-Again no dounts about you historical research, but how in the hell, those blackvirgin areas, by bienhoa,, THAT close to saigon,,infested by enemies, what a cluterf*** that war must have been; really enemy at your dorrstep, and at the end of your runway


Hi Canadair, thanks for your comments and feedback. In answer to your questions...


1. I used exclusively the mission log write-up to give me details about each mission and as, for example, AAA was not explicitly mentioned in the mission write up I didn't feel justified in adding into the original mission definitions I wrote. Adding it yourself is an ideal way to make these missions more fun and more difficult, if not historically correct. I shall leave it up to those who were there at the time that read these forums to respond with details of what it was really like w.r.t enemy defences in the South. (Anyone care to comment, please)?


2. As for the location of the target areas, the mission write-up was very detailed about the bearing and distance from key points, such as Da Nang or the Bien Hoa TACAN. To get these correct, given the inaccuracies of the WOV map/terrain for Vietnam I flew from each origin point, say Da Nang, on the bearing specified in the write-up for the distance specified. Then I looked around on the ground for somewhere decent to place my ground objects. In most cases these were placed within a reasonable distance from the specified target location. However, for the Bien Hoa TACAN, as I didn't have the exact location I had to guestimate its location and use that as my origin, then look for suitable target locations that were the correct heading and distance from that point.


I hope these responses help answer your questions. More Mission packs will be coming out as the year rolls on, so hopefully you'll enjoy those too.


Thanks again for the feedback. Regards, comrpnt. :-)

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You a follower of Occam's methods are you?


Anyway I did not mean to comment r putdown your detailed historical research.

I mean, if I had enemy gathering at the TACAN of the airport I fly for I would be really confused, scared and wondering what I am doing here

But I guess this was Vietnam reality and what made that war so peculiar.

Thanks for the historical research, that goes in the memory of those who left life and suffered there

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You a follower of Occam's methods are you?


Anyway I did not mean to comment r putdown your detailed historical research.

I mean, if I had enemy gathering at the TACAN of the airport I fly for I would be really confused, scared and wondering what I am doing here

But I guess this was Vietnam reality and what made that war so peculiar.

Thanks for the historical research, that goes in the memory of those who left life and suffered there

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i love it!! keep up the super work!!! bring on more missions!!

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