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I graduated...yeaaa

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So today was my last day at my college, I handed in my Phase IV project where I had (tech speak) to create 100 user's (Window's Server 2003), their respective groups, Organisational unit's (OU's), created Forest root domain, Domain controller's, child domain, implement Group's policie's, implement security measure's AND create email account's for said 100 user's. At the end of the day I swear my face was twiching, and I lost it on someone who asked me for coffee :biggrin: using some colourful language (quite unlike me) handed in my project, took my instructor (who has ten certification's all high level) a hour to mark it AND gave my Exchange Server exam, scored 84%, came out of the exam room, was handed the project and not ashamed to say that after three day's of ten hours a day of working on the project when I saw my project mark 96% I could barely hold back my tear's.


Sorry, but I had to share a year and two month's of studying ten hours a day at school and atleast three hour's a day at home, I feel so ecstatic. I'm off within the hour to go with my wife and friend's to get absolutely smashed. :yes:


EDIT:- So now I'm a NISS :diablo: Network Internet Security Specialist...god help them.

Edited by Atreides

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World is yours today :wink:


I will finish my study in June. I will be philosopher... Mmm, I hope, hh :haha:

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congrats! now go make the internet a safe place. :victory:

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Man, Ive not a clue what it was you said, lol. But I do believe congratulations are in order... :yes: :clapping::good:

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Congratulations, Atreides! :clapping:


Now to start paying back some of those student loans.....

Edited by DirtyBirdFA

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Congratulations! Great job on your high marks... :clapping:

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Congrats!!! The world is your oyster, eat it up!

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Whatever it is that you do.

If it is internet security,it sounds like the world needs a lot more of you people.




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