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Cat shots ripping the main gear off of my Crud...

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I'm talking about the 'original' F-8E Crusader - not the newest bells and whistles one, and not the WOV one... you know, the first one that was released on C5's site a long time ago. Anyway, I just recently modded my SF:P1 (SP4) Burning Sands campaign to add the USS Forrestal on Echo Station with an A-4 and F-8E squadron on board. All works well in the campaign (thanks to the well-written tutorial here on CA!), save the problem mentioned in my topic. My main gear rips off on the cat shot, 100% of the time, even with the autopilot taking off for me, or no matter what I do or don't do with the stick during takeoff. I tried looking through the .ini for the Crusader, but I didn't see anything that was obviously related to the structural strength of the landing gear. I also checked the knowledge database here, but didn't see anything, so I guess this isn't a common problem.


Any ideas?




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Delete the old E and get the new E. Problem solved.

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gee, that kinda sounds like a promo to me. :biggrin: Not that the new 'sader needs one...

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Well think about it, Pedro made the "original" E, along with C5 etc. Now a few years later C5 got the max file from Pedro and in turned gave it to bpao. Bpao improved it based on what knowledge and skills gained over the last few years. The final product is what you see today. So therefore it would make more sense to get the new and improved one. Thus why the old D and E are no longer available.

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*Agrees with USAFMTL though he has yet to replace his himself*


But just to answer your question some of the older models I'm not exactly sure why, the catapult strength on some of the carriers was too much and you had to adjust the ship's cat strength to compensate.


But like USAFMTL said, just go ahead and replace your old gear, I'm just spouting knowledge for spouting knowledge sake above:)

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  Chaser617 said:
*Agrees with USAFMTL though he has yet to replace his himself*


But just to answer your question some of the older models I'm not exactly sure why, the catapult strength on some of the carriers was too much and you had to adjust the ship's cat strength to compensate.


But like USAFMTL said, just go ahead and replace your old gear, I'm just spouting knowledge for spouting knowledge sake above:)


You disappear for months, you don't call me anymore. Then you come back and thinks every things just fine. Well it ain't Chaser. :biggrin: :biggrin: Seriously where have you been bud?

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Beleive me, disapearing has been the *last* thing on my mind, I've even been on the boards but I never post because most the time, I'm being pulled away. We had a bunch of things hit us in succession and needless to say, computer has been on the back burner. I *HOPE* I might be a bit more regular but we'll see. Only reason I posted so earlier today was because they gave us a day off for an eith an inch of snow. *shakes head*

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  Chaser617 said:
But just to answer your question some of the older models I'm not exactly sure why, the catapult strength on some of the carriers was too much and you had to adjust the ship's cat strength to compensate.



several of the carriers have the catapult set waaaaaay toooooo high. The setting is the time of the catapult stroke which should be 2 seconds or maybe even 2.5. Some of them are as short as .5 seconds which provides a "very exciting" cat shot.


I've reset that time to 2 seconds on several and the results have been much better.


I don't recall which ones but I know for certain that I reset the CV-43 one and several others.

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nice...didnt know one could reset the cat stroke...was trying out the F-14D and saw it get hurled like vomit on a "dollar draft nite"...

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  sparkomatic said:
nice...didnt know one could reset the cat stroke...was trying out the F-14D and saw it get hurled like vomit on a "dollar draft nite"...



*Shudders* Don't remind me.

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  sparkomatic said:


A few times.... :blink:

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Thanks for the helpful input guys...


Dave... Dave... Yes, I do like the latest and greatest MF Crusaders, but truth be told, my lowly laptop takes a noticeable frame rate hit when I use them, and I don't really use all the bells and whistles (opening canopy, folding wings, etc...) so that's why I stuck with the 'obsolete' version. Not to mention, I had gone through the trouble of altering the skin from the VF-111 'D' model to work with the 'E' version (so VF-111 could acually do strike missions before getting re-assigned to their F-4B's), and I didn't want to go throught the hassle again. Not to bag on the newest Cruds at all... they're gorgeous, and I have them, but it's just a personal preference thing. :biggrin:


As for my original problem, I checked in the .ini for the carrier (Forrestal), and the cat lauch times were all set to 2.0, so I'm not sure what the problem was. I fixed the issue by porting in the Coral Sea from my OTC install, and now it all works like a charm.


Thanks again for the helpful suggetions, guys!




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  USAFMTL said:
A few times.... :blink:



Does Tap Werkz still do the beers from around the world club?

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  sparkomatic said:
Does Tap Werkz still do the beers from around the world club?


Sure does but we have an Old Chicago by the base and it has 110 beers on tap or bottle. I am 88 beers into them.

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